Lista de cientistas jesuitas

Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.

Esta é uma lista de cientistas jesuitas, que contribuíram de alguma forma para a história da ciência. Membros da Companhia de Jesus tem um papel histórico e ocasionalmente controverso na história da ciência. Muitos jesuítas foram cientistas notáveis que não se envolveram de forma significativa na discussão da relação entre religião e ciência.

Jesuit Astronomers with Chinese Scholars in the 18th Century

Século XVII

Século XVIII

Século XIX

Século XX

Ficheiro:Teilhard de Chardin(1).jpg
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Século XXI

  • Luís Archer (1926-2011), Portuguese molecular biologist and editor of the journal Brotéria from 1962 to 2002.
  • Roberto Busa (1913-2011), Italian priest pioneer in the usage of computers for linguistic and literary analysis.
  • Guy Consolmagno (1952-), American astronomer at the Vatican Observatory who has primarily devoted himself to planetary science. He received his B.A. (1974) and M.A. (1975) from M.I.T. and earned a Ph.D. (1978) from the University of Arizona.
  • George V. Coyne (1933-), American astronomer whose research interests have been in polarimetric studies of various subjects including Seyfert galaxies.
  • Kevin T. FitzGerald (1955-), American molecular biologist and holds the Dr. David Lauler chair in Catholic Health Care Ethics at Georgetown University.
  • José Gabriel Funes (1963-), Argentine director of the Vatican Observatory, succeeding George Coyne.
  • Frank Haig (1928-), American physics professor.
  • Michael C. McFarland (1948-), American computer scientist and president of the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts.

Fictional Jesuits

The 'Jesuit scientist' has been used as a character of faith in several works of science fiction,[1] some examples include:


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