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==Is that 'Yew' darling ? No it's 'Me'==
The crime network have run a film of metallic chenical on outside of cables to broadcast illegally
The Devils Offer (Developer maybe photographic or property) - By Patrick Pong Interesting to notice that when you become a 60-65 year old pensioner and you are living in Thailand life becomes like a game of roller ball. First you notice that some of your friends have changed in appearance, they’ve had an overnight faced lift, so that explains the screams of terror. Then the street drains seem to get blocked up and this sordid morticious smel exudes out of the drain covers. Then suddenly someone starts carpeting the drain covers with offcuts of hotel and airport carpet tis rather like the carpet used in the new Hong Kong Airport. Bill Whyme seems to have had a good face lift he looks 35 years younger and is back riding a motor bike again and he’s bought two yes two, not one new pickup trucks all kitted out with neon underlights and ff..lamers etc. “I guess the old banger went dawn the drain” you say to him “Ummm wwwell actually I won the lotAReee” he answers “You little devil, how many tickets did that cost you” (TICkets means poison kill European tourists spiked) “Bloody Hell I think I will buy one where did you get the tickets from?” “Errr a man called Erik…” “Erik? You mean that man Mr Winn Pope who has been calling himself Erik or was it Mr Baxter?” It is estimated circa Euros 1.5 Billion per annum have been stolen out of pension funds both state and private by the ever-Khamealien-present Mr Winn Pope who quite often thinks he’s appeared as a Police man when he’s a murdering criminal that has famous ancestory going back to The Killing Fields of Cambodia and Moses and The Bull Rushes..(The Bull was him out of his head on SPEED). The Bird Man was in there clerking about looking in ClerkenWELL.
Comment by Patrick Pong County Antrim Ireland — February 19, 2009 @ 4:05 am
Write about the Pensions Murderers of Pattaya to these addresses:
"Is that 'Yew' darling ?" "No it's 'Me "

That’s why the Pentagon had flown a CIA polygraph expert to Pattaya: to question al-Haideri and confirm, once and for all, that Saddam was secretly stockpiling weapons of mass destruction. That is why when you bought some LM or Marlboro cigarettes that were smuggled in by boat you would shake like a terrified mouse twenty minutes after smoking one. The fuel rods had been broken open on board a boat used to smuggle cigarettes into thailand. Turkish-India TI.cia Mafia people were involved with PM ABHisit from the UK now PM of Thailand. You don’t suppose someone was shipping weapons of mass destruction to Thailand secretly on a private boat from Iraq ?????? CORRECT ANSWER 13 POINTS Next Question… Yata Taplin What is a Hydrogen Bomb ? err just a bit more doing in Pattaya ???? Jomtien Boat trips Ralf Bernard from the Atlantis Club Cafe and anglers from the Pattaya International Game Fishing Friends, who were a tad seasick “”after”" the experience, said they were out fishing in Samsarn Bay just west of the island when the winds came up and the seas began to get rough. Can you imagine someone cutting open used fuel rods they kept on a boat to hide ??? for reprocessing… AAAArgh!!!! but this might have happened… ” could be direct, involving only cutting the used LWR fuel rods to CANDU length (about 50 cm), resealing and reengineering into cylindrical bundles suitable for CANDU geometry.” Just suppose some Dipheir Stiechk bloke thinking of doing this on board a boat ????? Alternatively, a dry reprocessing technology has been developed which removes only the volatile fission products from the spent LWR fuel mix. After removal of the cladding, a thermal-mechanical process is used to reduce the used LWR fuel pellet to a powder. This could have more fresh natural uranium added, before being sintered and pressed into CANDU pellets. However, as noted above, used nuclear fuel is highly radioactive and generates heat. This high activity means that the DUPIC manufacture process must be carried out remotely behind heavy shielding. While these restrictions make the diversion of fissile materials much more difficult and hence increase security, they also make the manufacture process more complex compared with that for the original PWR fuel, which is barely radioactive before use. Canada, which developed the CANDU reactor, and South Korea, which hosts four CANDU units as well as many PWRs, have initiated a bilateral joint research program to develop DUPIC and the Korean Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) has been implementing a comprehensive development program since 1992 to demonstrate the DUPIC fuel cycle concept.
Bangkok’s Independent Newspaper This really worried me a few years ago….. Bangkok’s Independent Newspaper the sacriced baby near Chiang Rai really did take place a … at the killing of the baby child six months old at the time the mother forced to watch… Comment by Erik Young UN Human Rights Ambassador — December 1, 2008 @ 8:37 pm RSS feed for comments on this post. TrackBack URL
Posted by: Erik Young Terrorised Thailand 2 baby children murdered and father 2008 | December 01, 2008 at 09:10 PM Does anyone know where a Netnapa Taenjamras is ? … i know the girl who was with me the day we left was not Netnapa Taenjamras Comment by Erik Young UN Human Rights Ambassador — November 29, 2008 @ 6:44 pm Looks as though someone of an Iraqi backgrounds related to the owner of the Blue Hawaii restaurant in Kingston-upon-Thames in Surrey has been spreading all sorts of lies about me to the family of The Sultan of Brunei. Mr Shinawatra lives in Kingston and had some crazy idea that he was going to force me back to my second wife I divorced and our marriage ended over six tears ago…….. I want nothing to do with her at all and the people interfering with my divorce for and on behalf of Mr Shinawatra in the UK arrested since it led to the deaths of two children and my father. Please will the Surrey or Metropolitan Police take the appropriate action. Where is my third wife Mr Shinawatra ?????????????????????????????????????????? and where is the daughter of The Sultan of Brunei ??????????????????????????????? Comment by Erik Young UN Diplomat — November 30, 2008 @ 3:55 pm I never received one single message about these two people for over one year my third wife was nowhere to be seen… taken away by the Shinawatra/Sophonpanich families Subsequently I met another girl who is a daughter oif the Sultan of Brunei and was very very happy with her but someone planned to fit her up as well and I wanted her away from danger.. thery talked in Thai of having her placed in a Thai Prison whilst they would make demands for money… there was three men involved Comment by Erik Young UN Diplomat — November 30, 2008 @ 4:04 pm Sophonpanich …And what about an escaped from Nuremburg prosecution German Concentration Camp Gestapo Officer and family that fled to Iraq or Thailand after WW2. They may have a Thai wife and children could be polish-thai… they may be fluent in Atrabic German Polish and French.. Maybe they spent some time on an island resembling Hawaii >>> Do you know anyone that fits this description in the UK or Thailand or Europe or Iraq/Middle East???????????? Maybe they have been in secret police or Thai Mafia or both working for their launderers Sophonpanich >????????????????????? Comment by Erik Young UN Human Rights Ambassador — December 1, 2008 @ 12:34 am CHE bEACH CLUB BAR PATTAYA … WHERE ARE THE MEN FROM ????????????? Sophonpanich …And what about an escaped from Nuremburg prosecution German Concentration Camp Gestapo Officer and family that fled to Iraq or Thailand after WW2. They may have a Thai wife and children could be polish-thai… they may be fluent in Atrabic German Polish and French.. Maybe they spent some time on an island resembling Hawaii >>> Do you know anyone that fits this description in the UK or Thailand or Europe or Iraq/Middle East???????????? Maybe they have been in secret police or Thai Mafia or both working for their launderers Sophonpanich >????????????????????? Comment by Erik Young UN Human Rights Ambassador — December 1, 2008 @ 12:34 am Comment by Erik Young UN Human Rights Ambassador — December 1, 2008 @ 1:05 am Someone from The Beach Club Bar in Pattaya have friends from saddam Husseins Secret Police used to shoot thousands during Shinawatra’s “Shoot to Kill Drugs War” ? Comment by Erik Young UN Human Rights Ambassador — December 1, 2008 @ 1:09 am THE BEACH CLUB BAR PATTAYA … WHERE ARE THE MEN/MALE STAFF FROM ????????????? IRAQ-ITALIA-POLAND- Sophonpanich …And what about an escaped from Nuremburg prosecution German Concentration Camp Gestapo Officer and family that fled to Iraq or Thailand after WW2. They may have a Thai wife and children could be polish-thai… they may be fluent in Atrabic German Polish and French.. Maybe they spent some time on an island resembling Hawaii >>> Do you know anyone that fits this description in the UK or Thailand or Europe or Iraq/Middle East???????????? Maybe they have been in secret police or Thai Mafia or both working for their launderers Sophonpanich >????????????????????? Someone from The Beach Club Bar in Pattaya have friends from saddam Husseins Secret Police used to shoot thousands during Shinawatra’s “Shoot to Kill Drugs War” ? Comment by Erik Young UN Human Rights Ambassador — December 1, 2008 @ 12:34 am Comment by Erik Young UN Human Rights Ambassador — December 1, 2008 @ 1:11 am A MESSAGE TO THE LADIES OF IRAQ This is an “With Open Arms” to the Iraqi wife and other wives and the mother of Iraqis in Thailand to come and visit their husbands who are in Pattaya and Bangkok with their Thai wives, oops I mean the maid and her son Ahmed. Please bring the mother-in-law together with the brothers-in-law and you can have a nice tete a tete at The Beach Club in Pattaya then cruise up to the nice country house they’ve built for you in Isaan. Whilst a lot of you have been struggling along in Bagdhad you husbands have been living it up in the bars of Pattaya and Bangkok. One group of Iraqi men and their Thai wives (oops i mean maids) live near The Fetish (صنم, الفتش صنم لجلب الأمان, معبود) Club which is a type of torture chamber? Is this one of the husbands online Internet businesses ??? (change f back to s to see web site) Please remember to thank your hausbands for drgging my wife out of her head then turning her into a prostitute/pole dancing naked girl, they call whores. Unfortunately I am concerned they planned to do the same thing to one of the daughter’s of The Sultan of Brunei… It was Mr Sophonpanich of Bangkok and his associates using the name Shinawatra who decided to do this to me after they relabelled members of The Danish Royal family as Paedophiles instead of Theophiles. they caused the murder of two of my children, my father and about twenty other people who were friends of the family. Erik Young - of The Danish Royal Family The United Nations - Human Rights Ambassador Comment by Erik Young - The United Nations Human Rights ambassador — December 1, 2008 @ 6:35 am Does anyone know if this form URL is correct for Aljazeera news agency who I have just been informing about our friends from THE SECRET POLICE ? Comment by Erik Young - The United Nations Human Rights ambassador — December 1, 2008 @ 7:07 am More about the “Son’s of Saddam Hussein’s Sophonpanich Secret Police” and their corrupting pof Asia through Mcdonalds and scientology and pornography (they call it sexology or scientology) and Blue Hawaii restaurant of Kingston-upon-Thames Surrey UK who SPIKE food and drinks with Heroin and other “Substances” and then say it was only a JOKE… just search through google under Erik Young shinawatra bangkok etc and you’ll see how awful these bastards have been Comment by Erik Young - The United Nations Human Rights ambassador — December 1, 2008 @ 7:39 am So Mr Iraq and associates Sophonpanich-Shinawatra how many people have you murdered and what have you done to my children you f.ucking bastards ??????????????? Comment by Erik Young UN Human Rights Ambassador — December 1, 2008 @ 8:45 am Your Iraqi / Iranian wives are on their way to find you with their brothers Comment by Erik Young UN Human Rights Ambassador — December 1, 2008 @ 8:46 am I am still terrorised by about 5000 people 24hrs non stop in Pattaya Thailand. The TV channels are part of the terrorism as well as all the local community because the Sophonpanich Thai CIA mafia now have their Baa’th Party Comrades here to terrorise me with them. Seems someone from Kingston Hill Kingston-upon-Thames is linked to these Baa’th terrorists in Thailand. My mails tampered with please send this to . These Baa’th people have a group in UK who call lawyers etc claiming to be medical professional and British Embassy officials when they are just criminals working for the Heroin cartel of Sophonpanich under the name Shinawatra..
Posted by: Erik Young Terrorised Thailand 2 baby children murdered and father 2008 | December 01, 2008 at 09:11 PM Would you like me to turn your daughters into prostitutes Mr Sophonpanich you f.ucking satanic bastard ??? Comment by Erik Young Un Human Rights Ambassador — November 29, 2008 @ 12:50 pm One man here who has my third wife or her look a like in a pole dancing bar where the girls dance naked I recognise from Iraqi friends wedding. He said he owned a restaurant 2 Richmond Road, Kingston upon Thames, KT2 5EB 0872 148 4885 So why has he put my wife in a pole dancing bar ??????? What the hell is he doing I only met him one time perhaps it is not him and just another look a like ??? Comment by Erik Young - UN Diplomat — November 29, 2008 @ 2:51 pm Problem is I do not know if it is my wife she seems so different she was much more gentle and softly spoken before and I am not sure why this person is doing this to me. Why is this man interfering with my personal life I only ever met him one time. Comment by Erik Young - UN Diplomat — November 29, 2008 @ 2:53 pm They been playing this sick psycho game with me with everyone I meet has a double like a twin and switching them around… about ten sets of people now… You bastard Comment by Erik Young - UN Diplomat — November 29, 2008 @ 2:59 pm A restaurant in Kingston called Blue Hawaii why is this man in Pattaya in a gogo bar and has my wife or her look a like working in there ????? Comment by Erik Young - UN Diplomat — November 29, 2008 @ 3:00 pm What the hell is this man doing now I have at least two murdered children my father murdered and about 20 other people I know are dead in the last three years Comment by Erik Young - UN Diplomat — November 29, 2008 @ 3:04 pm What are these people doing I think he owns the Blue Hawaii in Kingston upon Thames Surrey UK and I think I saw him working in The Beach Club bar in Walking Street Pattaya… why didn’t he say anything to me ???? I never want to see my ex-wife former 2nd wife again she has causewd me to go thrtough total hell on earth with her stories to other people. I have been robbed over 4000 times in three years attacked about ten times, falsely imprisoned and terrorised for five years. Comment by Erik Young - UN Diplomat — November 29, 2008 @ 3:11 pm You fu.cking bastard what have you been saying about me??? You hardly know me why have you done this ??????? Comment by Erik Young - UN Diplomat — November 29, 2008 @ 3:14 pm Does anyone know where a Netnapa Taenjamras is ? … i know the girl who was with me the day we left was not Netnapa Taenjamras Comment by Erik Young UN Human Rights Ambassador — November 29, 2008 @ 6:44 pm Looks as though someone of an Iraqi backgrounds related to the owner of the Blue Hawaii restaurant in Kingston-upon-Thames in Surrey has been spreading all sorts of lies about me to the family of The Sultan of Brunei. Mr Shinawatra lives in Kingston and had some crazy idea that he was going to force me back to my second wife I divorced and our marriage ended over six tears ago…….. I want nothing to do with her at all and the people interfering with my divorce for and on behalf of Mr Shinawatra in the UK arrested since it led to the deaths of two children and my father. Please will the Surrey or Metropolitan Police take the appropriate action. Where is my third wife Mr Shinawatra ?????????????????????????????????????????? and where is the daughter of The Sultan of Brunei ??????????????????????????????? Comment by Erik Young UN Diplomat — November 30, 2008 @ 3:55 pm I never received one single message about these two people for over one year my third wife was nowhere to be seen… taken away by the Shinawatra/Sophonpanich families Subsequently I met another girl who is a daughter oif the Sultan of Brunei and was very very happy with her but someone planned to fit her up as well and I wanted her away from danger.. thery talked in Thai of having her placed in a Thai Prison whilst they would make demands for money… there was three men involved Comment by Erik Young UN Diplomat — November 30, 2008 @ 4:04 pm Sophonpanich …And what about an escaped from Nuremburg prosecution German Concentration Camp Gestapo Officer and family that fled to Iraq or Thailand after WW2. They may have a Thai wife and children could be polish-thai… they may be fluent in Atrabic German Polish and French.. Maybe they spent some time on an island resembling Hawaii >>> Do you know anyone that fits this description in the UK or Thailand or Europe or Iraq/Middle East???????????? Maybe they have been in secret police or Thai Mafia or both working for their launderers Sophonpanich >????????????????????? Comment by Erik Young UN Human Rights Ambassador — December 1, 2008 @ 12:34 am tHE bEACH cLUB bAR pATTAYA … WHERE ARE THE MEN FROM ????????????? Sophonpanich …And what about an escaped from Nuremburg prosecution German Concentration Camp Gestapo Officer and family that fled to Iraq or Thailand after WW2. They may have a Thai wife and children could be polish-thai… they may be fluent in Atrabic German Polish and French.. Maybe they spent some time on an island resembling Hawaii >>> Do you know anyone that fits this description in the UK or Thailand or Europe or Iraq/Middle East???????????? Maybe they have been in secret police or Thai Mafia or both working for their launderers Sophonpanich >????????????????????? Comment by Erik Young UN Human Rights Ambassador — December 1, 2008 @ 12:34 am Comment by Erik Young UN Human Rights Ambassador — December 1, 2008 @ 1:05 am Someone from The Beach Club Bar in Pattaya have friends from saddam Husseins Secret Police used to shoot thousands during Shinawatra’s “Shoot to Kill Drugs War” ? Comment by Erik Young UN Human Rights Ambassador — December 1, 2008 @ 1:09 am THE BEACH CLUB BAR PATTAYA … WHERE ARE THE MEN/MALE STAFF FROM ????????????? IRAQ-ITALIA-POLAND- Sophonpanich …And what about an escaped from Nuremburg prosecution German Concentration Camp Gestapo Officer and family that fled to Iraq or Thailand after WW2. They may have a Thai wife and children could be polish-thai… they may be fluent in Atrabic German Polish and French.. Maybe they spent some time on an island resembling Hawaii >>> Do you know anyone that fits this description in the UK or Thailand or Europe or Iraq/Middle East???????????? Maybe they have been in secret police or Thai Mafia or both working for their launderers Sophonpanich >????????????????????? Someone from The Beach Club Bar in Pattaya have friends from saddam Husseins Secret Police used to shoot thousands during Shinawatra’s “Shoot to Kill Drugs War” ? Comment by Erik Young UN Human Rights Ambassador — December 1, 2008 @ 12:34 am Comment by Erik Young UN Human Rights Ambassador — December 1, 2008 @ 1:11 am A MESSAGE TO THE LADIES OF IRAQ This is an “With Open Arms” to the Iraqi wife and other wives and the mother of Iraqis in Thailand to come and visit their husbands who are in Pattaya and Bangkok with their Thai wives, oops I mean the maid and her son Ahmed. Please bring the mother-in-law together with the brothers-in-law and you can have a nice tete a tete at The Beach Club in Pattaya then cruise up to the nice country house they’ve built for you in Isaan. Whilst a lot of you have been struggling along in Bagdhad you husbands have been living it up in the bars of Pattaya and Bangkok. One group of Iraqi men and their Thai wives (oops i mean maids) live near The Fetish (صنم, الفتش صنم لجلب الأمان, معبود) Club which is a type of torture chamber? Is this one of the husbands online Internet businesses ??? change s back to f to see web site Please remember to thank your hausbands for drgging my wife out of her head then turning her into a prostitute/pole dancing naked girl, they call whores. Unfortunately I am concerned they planned to do the same thing to one of the daughter’s of The Sultan of Brunei… It was Mr Sophonpanich of Bangkok and his associates using the name Shinawatra who decided to do this to me after they relabelled members of The Danish Royal family as Paedophiles instead of Theophiles. they caused the murder of two of my children, my father and about twenty other people who were friends of the family. Erik Young - of The Danish Royal Family The United Nations - Human Rights Ambassador Posted by: Erik Young Terrorised Thailand 2 baby children murdered and father 2008 | December 01, 2008 at 09:12 PM Is Mr Baxter a Turkish Cypriot living in Hermitage Road Woking Surrey UK in the past ? Perhaps his name is Mr A Tabios or Mr Policapio ? He has been terrorising Thailand for several years and needs to be arrested and prosecuted. Personally i'd execute him, the law still stands in the UK for satanic Torture, yes you can be executed for this in the UK. His crimes include Rape, Torure,Deception, Robbery, Fraud, Forgery, False Pretences, he has breached most of the Articles of The Declaration of human Rights and may be connected to the death of Robert Maxwell Chairman of The Daily Mirror newspaper.
Posted by: Erik Young UN Diplomat | March 21, 2009 at 10:04 AM How pleasing it is to be threatened this evening in Pattaya Thailand by a 160 kgs man about 50 years old with an American California accent offering to put a bullet through my head. Someone is now poisoning people with DRANO acid in their drinks here or somewhere in Thailand or Weybridge Surrey UK. Give them a high alkaline solution like low/free alcohol lager or chalk white chalk found in a school class room or milk of magnesia... someone is apparently poisoning some children with acid in their drinks as far as I know either in bBngkok Pattaya Thailand or South London St Georges Hill or Weybridge Surrey UK Erik Young Pattaya Thailand I can hear someone claiming to be my children being killed everyone here can here this but many are threatened by Satanists from USA and Europe and UK Now they threaten with a veiled anti-spam password on Ladonia "DRANO". a sulphuric acid base for cleaning drains. These people have killed many with drain cleaner in their drink burning out the persons intestines.. They are SATANIC. How pleasing it is to be threatened this evening in Pattaya Thailand by a 160 kgs man about 50 years old with an American California accent offering to put a bullet through my head. No doubt he is new to Thailand and has been fueled with a series of lies and falsified comments censoring the gory truth of the Satanic evil served against my family by men using the names Winn-Pope, Crawley, Smith and Baxter who in some cases were members of the genocide killing team that massacred 3 million Cambodians many by poisoning wit Aluminium Sulphate. Do you suppose someone from the USa Embassy in Bangkok would be kind enough to call a friend in Pattaya and ask them to set the record straight since I believe this man was in the Internet shop to help block my access and is either part of or confused by The Church of Scientology and their Satanic Games. Regards Erik Young (Henry-Rasmussen-Fogh-Jellinek - Einstein-Munch-Van Gogh- Gauguin-Kennedy-Nesbitt) UN Human Rights Ambassador Pattaya Thailand
I was attacked late afternoon by a security man whoi I recognise from the UK. He is probably hiding here under a stilen ID due to some problem he has in the UK Woking Surrey area. He is about fifty years old dark complexion 5ft 5inches tall and became quite agressive for no cause of intimidation he simnply jumped at me because he works for the heroin fraud and murder ring involved in terrorism from Woking and surrounding areas. I think he is just one more of the thousands of criminals that Shinawatra attracted into Thailand some with the assistance of Mr david Crawley aka Ernest Richard Crawley formerly known under the name of Smith his brother was Garnett Smith hios son in Malaysia Stephen Wiffin. With the exclusion of Mr Crawley’s son the Shah brothers of Woking were always very pleasant people and I believe Crawley corrupted and wound up some of them with a series of lies about the family of Erik Young in return for payment from Thaksin Shinawatra aka Mr Sylvester. Comment by Erik Young UN Diplomat — March 25, 2009 @ 11:23 pm I also beliee Crawley and his accomplices forged Surrey Police documents so people would believe I was a convicxted paedophile. The word paedophile means you are a sexuak abuser of Children. People in Thailand were told I was on the national register, a register child abuser. This was a satanically evil lie by Mr crawley and his associates he is the most unethical ruthless bastard you will ever meet and corrupted Mr sylvester / Shinawatra and his piers. Comment by Erik Young UN Diplomat — March 25, 2009 @ 11:26 pm Crawley claims to be in the MONACO apartments in Pattaya South Thailand L=r otherwise cannot publish for you to read He has had thousands of people sexually abusing me and about 10 times I have been physically attacked with a group of two or three men against just me usually one of them has a 2inch thick and 4 ft long wooden pole that I have been hit with in the head and elsewhere. Mr Crawley Thaksin Shinawatra and their associates from Woking and WeYbridge including some local labour party councillor candidates have totally corrupted the truth about me and my familyu with the aim to see us all dead. The present Prime MinIster of Thailand is NOT who he claims to be he is a fraud and so too many other members of their parliament/government has stolen the IDs of Thai Political families the genuine individual and their families nowhere to be found I assume they are dead. PLEASE INVADE THAILAND POSTE HASTE AND FREE THIS COUNTRY FROM PEOPLE INVOLVED IN HEROIN TRAFFICKING AND SATANIC GAMES. MR CRAWLEY AND HIS ACCOMPLICES HAVE AIDED AND ABETTING HEROIN USE FOR PROFIT. THEY ARE TOTALLY INDECENT IMMORAL SELF ORIENTATED PEOPLE WHO ARE A DANGER TO ANY COUNTRY IF THEY GET A GRIP ON ITS POLITICAL AGENDA. Erik Young (Henry-Rasmussen-Fogh-Jellinek - Einstein-Munch-Van Gogh- Gauguin-Kennedy-Nesbitt) UN Human Rights Ambassador Pattaya Thailand Posted by: Erik Young UN Diplomat | March 26, 2009 at 08:59 AM 1. DO YOU KNOW MR YOUNG’S FAMILY PROVIDED HOMES TO THE SOPHONPANICH FAMILY 50 YEARS AGO IN WOKING SURREY UK AFTER WW2 WHEN THEY RETURNED FROM BEING PRISON OFFICERS IN PRISON CAMPS ??? WE DID NOT KNOW SOME HAD BEEN GESTAPO OFFICERS 2. HUMAN RIGHTS AND INDUSTRY ETHICS REQUESTS THE SUPPORT AND TOURIST BOARDS. GETTING RID OF THE TY-CIA (AKA THE MORONS) and H.G Wells book was based upon them and the trouble they would bring everywhere they went… but they really do exist A Martian is a Moron (aka Sophonpanich-Shinawatra-Sylvester of Walton Rd Woking) that has been fired off like a missile in the opposite direction to the planetary solar orbit. I WILL NOW PETITION THE ENTIRE INTERNET INDUSTRY TO BLOCK THE COUNTRY IP ADDRESSING FOR TURKISH-CYPRUS AND TURKEY. FOR AN EXPERIENCED ADMINISTRATOR THIS IS A 5-10 MINUITE JOB. THE SECURE PAYMENT GATEWAY WILL THEN REJECT ALL INCOMING CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS FROM THOS COUNTRIES. IN TWENTY YEARS TURKEY HAS FAILED TO EXPOSE IT’S PART IN THE LOCKERBIE PAN AM 103 BOMBING ISN’T THAT CORRECT MR SOPHONPANICH !!? Umm…YES MR YOUNG IT LOOKS AS THOUGH SOME OF THOSE INVOLVED WERE TURKISH PEOPLE CONNECTED TO THE SOPHONPANICH HEROIN CARTEL AND THEY WERE BASED IN THE WEYBRIDGE WOKING WEST BYFLEET AREA OF SURREY UK. THEY WERE LIASING WITH THEIR NETWORK OF HEROIN HANDLERS MANY OF WHOM WORKED AS BAGGAGE HANDLERS TAXI DRIVERS AND CHAUFFEURS. I HAVE JUST NICKNAMED ONE OF THEM “CLAY” HE’LL HAVE A LEAD INTRODUCTION TO MY FRIENDS OF THE SUNDAY SHOOT IN SHAMLEY GREEN SOON… I JUST SAW A FEW OF THEM HERE IN THAILAND A FEW DAYS AGO… THESE BASTARDS THINK LITTLE OF KILLING CHILDREN….. THEY SIMPLY MUSE LIKE SOME SORT OF UNINTELLIGENT BRAIN RETARDED ANIMAL…. A RABIED STREET DOG WOULD HAVE MORE COMPASSION FOR THE LIFE OF A HUMAN THAN THESE MONSTERS WHO ARE SATANIC. AND WHERE DID RABIES COME FROM MR SOPHONPANICH ? WELL… MR YOUNG….. YES I KNOW IT DID..AND WHAT ELSE DID YOU THROW UP FROM DOWN BELOW TO AG.RAVATE THE HAMPTONS ? PLEASE WILL THE INTERNET INDUSTRY DO ALL IT CAN TO ASSIST WITH FINDING ANY FURTHER EVIDENCE TO ENDURE THE CONVICTION OF THE OFFENDERS WHOP CAUSED THE BOEING 747 FLIGHT 103 PAN-AM BOMB A PLANE PACKED WITH YOUNG PEOPLE GOING HOME FOR XMAS. MR SOPHONPANICH WHO OWNED THE MATRA SIMCE BAGHEERA AT THE TIME OF THE 103 BOMB THAT WAS LEFT IN A GOLF BAG ??? Ummmmm….IT WAS “ART”… WhAT? WELL MR YOUNG YOU SEE ITS shhhh Ani ? YES MR YOUNG IT WAS MY SYLVESTER… THANK YOU NOW WE CAN FIND OUT A LITTLE BIT MORE ABOUT WHERE SOME OTHER PEOPLE HAVE VANISHED TO CAN’T WE ??? BEFORE I HAVE YOU CASTRATED !!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME COL G HAS SOME FIGHTERS THAT WILL SHOOT YOU DOWN TO EARTH IF YOU TRY TO RUN.. HE IS NOT VERY PLEASED WITH BEING FITTED UP BY SOME MORONS FROM SHEPPERTON FARMING GOATS. I HAVE BEEN TERRORISED BY THESE BASTARDS FOR 12 YEARS NOW. I REALISE THEY INTENTIONALLY ATTACKED OUT PATYMENT GATEWAY TRYING TO FORCE THE LOSS OF OUR MERCHANT FACILITY BY RUNNING THOUSANDS OF CREDIT CARD NUMBERS THROUGH OUR GATEWAY THAT WERE DEEMED FRAUDULENT. WE INCURRED FINES OF AROUND US$200,000.00 FROM VISA INTERNATIONAL IN USA TAKEN AUTOMATICALLY OFF OUR ACCOUNT. I NOW SUSPECT THESE WRE FRAUDULENT DEBITS BY SOME TURKISH PEOPLE BASED IN WOKING IN THE UK. PLEASE BLOCK THESE COUNTRIES OUT UNTIL WE HACVE DISMANTLED THEIR HEROIN-TERRORIST NETWORK WITH IMMEDIATE EFFECT AND SPREA THE WORD WORLWIDE TO ALL CREDIT CARD MERCHANTS ESPECIALLY TOURISM. THESE BASTARDS ALSO WERE KILLING EX-PAT PENSIONERS IN THAILAND THEN DUPLICATING THEIR VOICES AND CONTINUING TO CLAIM THEIR PENSIONS YEARS AFTER THEY HAD BEEN KILLED. FROM ERIK YOUNG FOUNDER OF ICANN REGITRAR EASYSPACE.COM (SOLD OUT IN 2003) Apache API Backup Bash scripts Centos Cluster High availability IP address geolocation IP country block Linux commands Load balancing Mail server MySQL PHP scripts Postfix Security Server monitoring Software Spam Storage Ubuntu Virtualization Webserver Xen more tags IP country block L=r otherwise cannot publish for you to read Comment by Erik Young UN Diplomat — April 1, 2009 @ 7:14 pm Heroin overdose Definition Heroin is an illegal street drug that is is very addictive. This article discusses overdose due to heroin. An overdose is when you take more than the normal or recommended amount of something, usually a drug. An overdose may result in serious, harmful symptoms or death. Alternative Names Acetomorphine overdose; Diacetylmorphine overdose Poisonous Ingredient Heroin Where Found Heroin is made from morphine. Morphine is a powerful drug, and it naturally occurs in the seedpods of Asian (opium) poppy plants. Street names for heroin include “junk,” “smack,” and “skag.” Comment by Erik Young UN Diplomat — April 2, 2009 @ 1:09 am RSS feed for comments on this post. TrackBack URL WHAT LIES BEHIND THE MAN WHO SMILES ? I have asked my Solicitor at Irwin Mitchell Solicitors in London UK to contact the office of His Emminence Pope Benedict XVI in Vatican City Vatican State so his representatives may be able to confirm my claims where applicable. It seems some people from the UK in the Surrey area in particular the Woking and Weybridge Surrey UK area have been involved in the abduction of teenage girls. To my surprise I have found some of these girls here in Thailand living in circumstances that are below the quality you would expect anyone to endure. I believe this is all part of a scam to damage friends of the Land Lords to whom ground rent was and still may be due. Unfortunately it seems these groups of people connected to the illicit class A Heroin trade were under the impression that “nobody will challenge a group of Heroin dealers”. Heroin is used to manipulate and exploit people, it is not a health supplement. If you do what the dealer wants you to do they’ll give you your next fix but if you don’t they’ll fit you up and hurl you into hell on earth. Did it ever occur to you one of the reasons for leaving streets dirty etc is to enable the dealer to return the user back to the reality of absolute squalor ??? The Heroin to UK route was Thailand to Tripoli to Cyprus to Woking Surrey UK. We are the POLIS… No they are NOT Police it is a city called POLIS in Cyprus full of Turkish Cypriot drug dealers calling themselves the CIA (Cost Includes Automobile) Whoever is paying ground rent in Walton Road Woking and elsewhere the funds are not arriving with Mr Young or any of the other beneficaries of the estate of King Frederick of Denmark and his intended beneficiaries. It seems someone uses the name Mr Crawley, Mr Winn-Pope and Mr Sylvester none of whom have handed over any money they have collected. Mr Sylvester is Thaksin Shinawatra, aka as Heroin pusher based in Heathside Road Woking Surrey UK. He occupied a house next door to Mrs Mamie M Young of Bishopsgarth Heathside Road Woking and during this period some documents disappeared from Bishopsgarth. Perhaps they were borrowed and not returned. it was about 40 years ago they went missing. Is Thailand seriously going to vote into power a HEROIN user/dealer who has gained a substantial portion of his wealth through corruption deception fraud forgery murder manslaughter racism torture child abuse genocide enforced disappearance of individuals sale opf children and child prostitution inhuman and degrading treatment of individuals breach of International Communications Laws Terrorism and breaches of Human Rights. Comment by Erik Young UN Diplomat — April 2, 2009 @ 11:26 am PLEASE THE THAI GOVERNMENT APPEARS TO THINK IT IS A JOKE TO TERRORISE OTHERS… THE TY.CIA IS AN ILLEGAL HEROIN LOGISTICS NETWORK AND HAVE NO LEGITIMACY IN ANY COURT OF LAW TO CALL THEMSELVES THE POLICE. NOW WHERE IS MY GIRLFRIEND THAT MR CRAWLEY AND SOPHONPANICH AND SYLVESTER AND THAT CHAUFFEUR FROM BYFLEET INTERFERRED WITH ??? LOCKD AND IMPRISONNED IN SOME PLACE IN ST GEORGES HILL OR SHAMLEY GREEN OR SURREY HILLS WHERE IS SHE ??????????????????????????????? A MASSIVE SEARCH IS REQUIRED AND THE ARREST AND DETANTION OF THOSE WHO CAUSED HER TO PART COMPANY WITH ME DUE TO THEIR UNLAWFUL LIES WITH CRIMINAL INTENTIONS. Comment by Erik Young UN Diplomat — April 2, 2009 @ 8:33 pm
Posted by: Erik Young UN Diplomat | April 02, 2009 at 03:31 PM Next » Verify your Comment Previewing your Comment Thailand. Why do you have a convicted criminal as your Prime Minister ? ABH is quite a serious crime in the UK for Actual Bodily Harm when someone is attacked for example by three men from Walton Road Woking Surrey UK claiming they are Pakistani when in fact they are Turkish Heroin Mafia and their attack is unprovoked on one white English indivual the son of a man opposing the trade of illicit Class a Heroin. If you check this crime you will find out the true name of your Prime Minister. The Prime Minister of Thailand is oneperson involved in the abduction injury and murder of the children of people who oppose the illicit Heroin trade. He is one of the people who knows my daughter was abducted under false pretences just as my car a 9.6 million baht Range Rover was stolen by him and his mates here in Bangkok after they obtained the keys through a third party under false pretences. Attn: The Board of Directors of Akzo Nobel From: Erik Young founder of ICANN REGISTRAR EASYSPACE The Sophonpanich Mafia promoted "rape" in Thailand as a game. Subsequently I applied to the Thai Government to have the law changed so GIRLS/WIVES CAN NOW PRESS CHARGES FOR CRIMINAL PROSECUTION AGAINST HUSBANDS THAT RAPE THEM. Sophonpanich Mafia-origin Catalina)(4000 yrs of killing) They stole my daughter of five years old and her mother. Then they lied to my girlfriend who was a daughter of The Sultan of Brunei. I do not know if they are live. They tried to fool me with look a likes. Regards Erik Young (Young-Henry-Rasmussen-Fogh-Jellinek-Munch-Holbock-Van Gogh-Gauguin-Da Vinci-Kennedy- Nesbitt) - who according to the Sophonpanich Mafia are the "Nothings from Nowhere". But the SOPHONPANICH TURKISH-INDIAN HEROIN MAFIA based in Thailand are quite happy to use the telephone communiucations systems of the World we helped to invent develop and finance the world's first Telecommunications Corporation "The Bell Corporation". They are quite happy to use technology that uses Electric Motors that we helped to invent abd develop. We didn't go around killing people to get what we wanted like they do but I want them executed for murdering my father and some of our friends (if I don't manage to kill them first). They have been interfering with transfers of cash to my account with Standard Chartered Bank in Bangkok, where is the money Mr Sophonpanich you murdering Heroin drug dealing bastard ?????????? Who in the Bank of Standard Chartered Sathorn Road have your illegal THAI.CIA Mafia intimidated and lied to ??????? As of May 2009 someone is still blocking my emails to the banks and Solicitors so I keep running out of cash reserves in Thailand. I suppose there is a criminal law in Spain and Ibiza that forbids the promotion of Satanism in any form including "Satanic Games". The term "Games" is interpreted as describing the killing of living animals as "Game Shooting". And that OLD Spanish Law ..doesn't it suggest all the assets of those involved in promoting Satanism and Satanic Worship/Games can be confiscated / frozen/ seized ???? How many people have vanished in Ibiza in the last five years ????? Interesting to read that one of the Brinks Matt Robbers had a 17 year old girlfriend when he was 51 years of age just two years older than Thaksin Shinawatra… and these are the same group who have worked with Mr Thaksin Shinawatra for years committing serious crimes around the world. Did the Thai people know that Thaksin Shinawatra was from SPAIN ????? Did you know Mr Thaksin Shinawatra was one of the people behind the "Brinks Matt Robbery" ? Did you know Mr Thaksin Shinawatra has been involved in crime for over 25 years and that is where he developed his interest in mobile communications the developer (devils-offer) and the crime world ? Did you know Mr Thaksin Shinawatra caused an internal fraud within The Nobel Group in France to damage the reputation of Mervyn F S Young and put him out. At the same time Shinawatra caused a fraud against the chipboard manufacturer in Austria started by Franz Aicher and put the chipboard mill out of business. Franz Aicher the Managing Director of the Austrian company Aicher died suddenly possibly from an aluminium sulphate overdose administered into his diet by people who are Satanists and enemies of Mervyn F S Young. Then there was the L/C fraud committed in Hong Kong on a deal for a ship load of plywood destined to Rotterdam where someone changed the principle in the contract to be Mervyn Young and Company Ltd so they would become liable for the value of the fraud and lose about 250,000 UK pounds this was about 35 years ago. These were all instigated crimes by Thaksin Shinawatra and the TI.cia (Turkish.Indian Mafia from Cambodia) in order to prevent for the family of Mervyn Young discovering that the TI.cia had been occupying land and selling land they had forged out of the title of Mr Young and his wife's scandinavian family descendants of the original ourchaser and still current legal title holder the former now deceased King of Denmark. In particular forging land title deeds in Spain, Gran Canaria, Ibiza and Majorca. Did you know The Shin Corporation was laundering money for the crime world for years ? Discussion 5 : 05/02/2009 at 05:38 PM5 Why are they refering to Thaksin Shinawtra as a "PRESIDENT" ??? You cannot have a King of Thailand and a President,. Presidents replace Kings. Then the Thai politics has broken international law and made a series of criminal offences. "Suthep affirms his innocence in his statement A Deputy PM Suthep Thaugsuban affirms to remain innocent in his comment on the ousted PM Thaksin Shinawatra’s incentive to return to Thailand as the first president, reasoning that his statement is merely based on the former PM’s actions perceived by the public. During the Parliamentary session today (Februay 5), Mr. Suthep Thaugsuban, a deputy Prime Minister overseeing national security affairs, made a response to questions made by Phuea Thai Party MP regarding Mr. Suthep’s statement claiming that the ousted former PM Thaksin Shinawatra would return to Thailand and become the first president. Mr. Suthep’s statement had deeply annoyed the Phuea Thai Party members as they believed this could lead to further divergences in the nation. " Anyway Thaksin Shinawtra has been arrest for a series of child abductions, murders,frauds,forgeries,thefts,treason, serious Human Rights Offences... I will be coming to Government House with a Military Team soon. Thailand "God's Given Land" Einstein is 101 a messenger from God. My Aunt said "Erik you are God" I answred "Oh no I'm not going to get blamed for all the problems Satan points at God by stealing his ID, like Satan did with the "Paedophile" scam on The Roman Catholic Church. Get out of here Satan and your servants we will burn you until you are gone in a "Lake of Fire" by God's Commandment you will perish for eternity during the next few hours. Erik Young UN The problems include third party mobile phone callers duplicating voice of intended receiver. URGENT LEGAL EVIDENCE OF MOTIVE FOR MURDER. DID YOU KNOW THE THAI PM ABHisit IS INVOLVED IN PHONE TAPPING TO DEFRAUD PEOPLE. HE STARTED THIS CRIME ABOUT TEN YEARS AGO. Please contact Herbert Smith Solicitors in London UK Regards Erik Young - Pattaya Thailand DOES THAKSIN SHINAWATRA COME FROM CATALINA IN SPAIN????? I THOUGHT MR SHINAWATRA WAS A CHINESE-THAI ????? Did Mr Thaksin Shinawatra meet Mervyn Young in Gran Canaria in 1974 about one year after a Mervyn Young had been on a business trip to South East Asia ? Has Mr Thaksin Shinawatra had any dealings with the "PLYWOOD" exports of South Korea with an Alistair Dees where someone changed the contract making Mervyn Young's company the principle in the contract when the company should have been the agent. Does Herbert Smith Solicitors in London remember this matter ??? because I think someone intentionally sabotaged the contract in an attempt to damage the success and reputation of Mervyn F S Young because they did not want him in Asia he might find out about the land they had "forged title of and defrauded" him and his beneficiaries out of ?? Isn't that the case Mr Thaksin Shinawatra? "Erik this is Bob, I thought you new that already..." "I did but I couldn't remember you told me before I returned here on The Blue Ship..." So that is why he has been trying to destroy me and our family and our friends... looks like it may be land and property and Brand frauds and murders" "Well I did tell you to deal with that L/C first and Montague Meyer were one of the major clients" "Bob how could I do that when I was only 13 years old at school day dreaming about girls, I thought you meant a girl called Elsie or the Sweet Shop ?" "Bob where is my personal life? I am not at all happy with a life of being psycho-terrorised can you put the scales of justice onto it, thank you your Lordship." My thought of compensation for damaging Mervyn Young's company and causing / arranging extreme emotional rage within people that was enough to lead to his death. I would suggest the amount would be several UK hundreds of millions of pounds. Mervyn Young's company had 23.8% of the imported chipboard market of the UK according to Dunn & Bradstreet who considered the company to be good for unlimited credit. I believe other failures in suppliers firms The Nobel Group division Resogil Chipboard Manufacturing Plant in Bordeaux France, there was some internal accounting issue although I do not know the outcome with some strange financial discrepancies and chipboard manufacturer Aicher Spanplaten in Austria which was financially damaged in a similar way, may be the result of sabotage from some people trying to keep Mervyn Young out of both Asia and the USA where land belonging tomy mother's family was being occupied without authority or agreement or legal title. These people we operating in business to destroy my father's reputation and finacial strength of business. It has been a massive orgie of illegal deals involving forged or aunauthorised title transfers or bond of title to holders without the knowledge of the beneficaries. It has involved the murder of children, the abduction of friends of my children, the murder of friends of my children and the murder of Mervyn F S Young whio was a very honest man placing others before himself in the world.. PLEASE NEVER TAKE ADVICE FROM SATAN HE KILLS THE HUMAN WITHIN OUR PHYSICAL. BAAROT (DRIVING PEOPLE CRAZY BUSINESS) PIRATE AND PARROT - USED VOICE TO PSYCH PEOPLE OUTLIKE TALKING CHICKENS THE DEVIL'S OFFER (DEVELOPER) ORIGINATES FROM CATALINA WHERE LAND USED TO BUILT STRUCTURES WAS DONE WITHOUT THE "LAND LORD'S" KNOWLEDGE AND/OR AGREEMENT. SO WHO IS SATAN...NOT MERVYN F S YOUNG OR ANY OF HIS FAMILY ANDMOST OFOUR FRIENDS ARE BELIEVERS IN ALMIGHTY GOD THE LORD. WE DON'T ABDUCT CHILDREN,WE DON'T MURDER CHILDREN AND WE DO NOT EAT CHILDREN EITHER BUTI HAVE EVIDENCE OF ALL THREE AT SOME SATANIC POINTS IN BANGKOK Kenneth James Noye (born 24 May 1947) is a British criminal who was convicted of the 1996 murder of Stephen Cameron. Noye was involved in laundering the proceeds of the Brinks Mat robbery in 1983. While he was being investigated for his part in the robbery, he stabbed to death a police officer (John Fordham) who was observing Noye from the grounds of his home. Noye was acquitted of murder on the grounds of self-defence, but was sentenced to 14 years in prison in 1986 for handling stolen gold. He was released from prison in 1994, having served 8 years of his sentence. Two years later, in 1996, Noye became involved in an altercation with 21-year-old motorist Stephen Cameron on the M25 motorway during what was described at the time as a road rage incident, but has also been suggested to have been dispute over a drug deal, Cameron being a small-time drug dealer who owed Noye money. It however suited the purposes of both the prosecution and the defence to not mention this during the trial.[1] During the fight, Noye stabbed and killed Cameron with a knife. Noye immediately fled the country, sparking a massive police hunt. In 1998 he was tracked down in Spain, and Cameron’s 17-year old girlfriend Danielle Cable, who had witnessed the killing, was secretly flown out to positively identify him. Another eyewitness, Alan Decabral, declined protection and was shot dead in his car in Ashford, Kent on 5 October 2000. However, police sources stated that he was himself involved in drug and gun-smuggling, and that his death was detrimental to Noye’s forthcoming appeal, which would have concentrated on discrediting him.[2] Noye was a police informant for many years,[3] and he was also a freemason, a member of the Hammersmith Lodge in London. I was contacted by the late mao Tse-Tung who has told me where Mr Shinawatra hid the Gold Bullion. Please forward this message to The Sultan of Brunei from Mr Erik Young in Bangkok Thailand. Erik Young (Young-Henry-Rasmussen-Fogh-Jellinek-Holbock-Van Gogh-Gauguin-Da Vinci-Kennedy-Nesbitt) who is | name = Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev ?
== 2009 until end 2010 Global Community Public Embargo on all Indian products and services ==
The 11th Commandment ammended.
Tsunami was not an earthquake it was a Nuclear Atomic Explosion.
It seems that India has become well known for exporting its Heroin Class A Illicit drug network across the World. These criminals work in the drugs and Information technology industry and are part of the Scientology network a part of the TY. CIA (Turkey's Heroin Mafia).
The TY.CIA has ravaged Thailand by placing people in its' network in Banks and other financial institutions and robbing the International banking System using other people's names just as it does to launder money.
The United Nations member states need to take control of India's Nuclear Industry both their Power Industry and Weapons Industry. Unless this is done there will be an embargo on ALL India's products and services. Shipping companies will refuse to ship to India or out of India and the same applies with the aerospace industry. Plane manufacturers will refuse to supply india with any further aircraft.
A notice to ICANN: The Internet industry will lock India out of the global Internet network until it is convinced that India is co-operating with the demands set down in this notice.
These directives are effective as of the 1st May 2009. A copy of this notice will be served upon The United Nations by its' presence in The Public Domain. Officers of The United Nations will be prosecuted by Private Prosecution if they fail to conform and co-operate with this Notice. The United Nations should conduct a hair test on all their senior Officials. This is to protect the officials against the risk of being tricked into Heroin use by the TY.CIA Network many of whom hide behind the identity of The Church of Scientology.
A ten percent penalty will be charged upon ALL of India's overseas investments. This may be returned after ten years provided within this time period India has erradicated child labour/abuse and respects and upholds the 'Human Rights of Children'. India is also expected to follow the Articles set down under The United Nations Declaration of Human Rights.
In the event that Tsunami was caused due to the negligence of India's Nuclear industry and National Security then India will be liable for ALL the costs incurred by Tsunami.
I believe Tsunami was the work of the TY.CIA and their manipulation of Government Ministers and some Senior Officials in the Nuclear Industry.
Land and property and other assets that belong to the beneficiaries of Prince Consort Albert husband of Queen Victoria, and also The King of Denmark's beneficiaries are to be acknowledged and all ground rent owing is to be negotiated for settlement. These were private investments and quite detached from the issue of India separating itself away from The British Empire in favour of independence.
It is unlikely Tsunami would have happened if India was still managed by the influences of Europe. Ghandi understood the value of honesty something the Britsh exported to many parts of the Globe.
Erik Young (Henry-Rasmussen-Fogh-Jellinek -Einstein-Steinway--Munch-Van Gogh- Gauguin-Da Vinci-Kennedy-Nesbitt)Friends of The Vatican UN Human Rights Ambassador Bangkok Thailand

'''Schwerin''' é uma [[cidade]] da [[Alemanha]], capital do [[Estados da Alemanha|Estado]] (''Bundesland'') de [[Mecklemburgo-Pomerânia Ocidental]]. Com 96 542 habitantes ([[30 de Junho]] de [[2006]]), a cidade é a menor das capitais estaduais; sua área é de 130,46 km² e a densidade demográfica, de 740 habitantes por quilômetro quadrado.
'''Schwerin''' é uma [[cidade]] da [[Alemanha]], capital do [[Estados da Alemanha|Estado]] (''Bundesland'') de [[Mecklemburgo-Pomerânia Ocidental]]. Com 96 542 habitantes ([[30 de Junho]] de [[2006]]), a cidade é a menor das capitais estaduais; sua área é de 130,46 km² e a densidade demográfica, de 740 habitantes por quilômetro quadrado.

Revisão das 14h40min de 14 de maio de 2009


Is that 'Yew' darling ? No it's 'Me'

The crime network have run a film of metallic chenical on outside of cables to broadcast illegally

The Devils Offer (Developer maybe photographic or property) - By Patrick Pong Interesting to notice that when you become a 60-65 year old pensioner and you are living in Thailand life becomes like a game of roller ball. First you notice that some of your friends have changed in appearance, they’ve had an overnight faced lift, so that explains the screams of terror. Then the street drains seem to get blocked up and this sordid morticious smel exudes out of the drain covers. Then suddenly someone starts carpeting the drain covers with offcuts of hotel and airport carpet tis rather like the carpet used in the new Hong Kong Airport. Bill Whyme seems to have had a good face lift he looks 35 years younger and is back riding a motor bike again and he’s bought two yes two, not one new pickup trucks all kitted out with neon underlights and ff..lamers etc. “I guess the old banger went dawn the drain” you say to him “Ummm wwwell actually I won the lotAReee” he answers “You little devil, how many tickets did that cost you” (TICkets means poison kill European tourists spiked) “Bloody Hell I think I will buy one where did you get the tickets from?” “Errr a man called Erik…” “Erik? You mean that man Mr Winn Pope who has been calling himself Erik or was it Mr Baxter?” It is estimated circa Euros 1.5 Billion per annum have been stolen out of pension funds both state and private by the ever-Khamealien-present Mr Winn Pope who quite often thinks he’s appeared as a Police man when he’s a murdering criminal that has famous ancestory going back to The Killing Fields of Cambodia and Moses and The Bull Rushes..(The Bull was him out of his head on SPEED). The Bird Man was in there clerking about looking in ClerkenWELL.

Comment by Patrick Pong County Antrim Ireland — February 19, 2009 @ 4:05 am Write about the Pensions Murderers of Pattaya to these addresses: "Is that 'Yew' darling ?" "No it's 'Me "

AND THE SMOKE OF THE INCENSE AND THE PRAYERS OF THE SAINTS ASCENDED BEFORE GOD FROM THE ANGEL'S HAND [modifier] That’s why the Pentagon had flown a CIA polygraph expert to Pattaya: to question al-Haideri and confirm, once and for all, that Saddam was secretly stockpiling weapons of mass destruction. That is why when you bought some LM or Marlboro cigarettes that were smuggled in by boat you would shake like a terrified mouse twenty minutes after smoking one. The fuel rods had been broken open on board a boat used to smuggle cigarettes into thailand. Turkish-India TI.cia Mafia people were involved with PM ABHisit from the UK now PM of Thailand. You don’t suppose someone was shipping weapons of mass destruction to Thailand secretly on a private boat from Iraq ?????? CORRECT ANSWER 13 POINTS Next Question… Yata Taplin What is a Hydrogen Bomb ? err just a bit more doing in Pattaya ???? Jomtien Boat trips Ralf Bernard from the Atlantis Club Cafe and anglers from the Pattaya International Game Fishing Friends, who were a tad seasick “”after”" the experience, said they were out fishing in Samsarn Bay just west of the island when the winds came up and the seas began to get rough. Can you imagine someone cutting open used fuel rods they kept on a boat to hide ??? for reprocessing… AAAArgh!!!! but this might have happened… ” could be direct, involving only cutting the used LWR fuel rods to CANDU length (about 50 cm), resealing and reengineering into cylindrical bundles suitable for CANDU geometry.” Just suppose some Dipheir Stiechk bloke thinking of doing this on board a boat ????? Alternatively, a dry reprocessing technology has been developed which removes only the volatile fission products from the spent LWR fuel mix. After removal of the cladding, a thermal-mechanical process is used to reduce the used LWR fuel pellet to a powder. This could have more fresh natural uranium added, before being sintered and pressed into CANDU pellets. However, as noted above, used nuclear fuel is highly radioactive and generates heat. This high activity means that the DUPIC manufacture process must be carried out remotely behind heavy shielding. While these restrictions make the diversion of fissile materials much more difficult and hence increase security, they also make the manufacture process more complex compared with that for the original PWR fuel, which is barely radioactive before use. Canada, which developed the CANDU reactor, and South Korea, which hosts four CANDU units as well as many PWRs, have initiated a bilateral joint research program to develop DUPIC and the Korean Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) has been implementing a comprehensive development program since 1992 to demonstrate the DUPIC fuel cycle concept. Bangkok’s Independent Newspaper This really worried me a few years ago….. Bangkok’s Independent Newspaper the sacriced baby near Chiang Rai really did take place a … at the killing of the baby child six months old at the time the mother forced to watch… Comment by Erik Young UN Human Rights Ambassador — December 1, 2008 @ 8:37 pm RSS feed for comments on this post. TrackBack URL Posted by: Erik Young Terrorised Thailand 2 baby children murdered and father 2008 | December 01, 2008 at 09:10 PM Does anyone know where a Netnapa Taenjamras is ? … i know the girl who was with me the day we left was not Netnapa Taenjamras Comment by Erik Young UN Human Rights Ambassador — November 29, 2008 @ 6:44 pm Looks as though someone of an Iraqi backgrounds related to the owner of the Blue Hawaii restaurant in Kingston-upon-Thames in Surrey has been spreading all sorts of lies about me to the family of The Sultan of Brunei. Mr Shinawatra lives in Kingston and had some crazy idea that he was going to force me back to my second wife I divorced and our marriage ended over six tears ago…….. I want nothing to do with her at all and the people interfering with my divorce for and on behalf of Mr Shinawatra in the UK arrested since it led to the deaths of two children and my father. Please will the Surrey or Metropolitan Police take the appropriate action. Where is my third wife Mr Shinawatra ?????????????????????????????????????????? and where is the daughter of The Sultan of Brunei ??????????????????????????????? Comment by Erik Young UN Diplomat — November 30, 2008 @ 3:55 pm I never received one single message about these two people for over one year my third wife was nowhere to be seen… taken away by the Shinawatra/Sophonpanich families Subsequently I met another girl who is a daughter oif the Sultan of Brunei and was very very happy with her but someone planned to fit her up as well and I wanted her away from danger.. thery talked in Thai of having her placed in a Thai Prison whilst they would make demands for money… there was three men involved Comment by Erik Young UN Diplomat — November 30, 2008 @ 4:04 pm Sophonpanich …And what about an escaped from Nuremburg prosecution German Concentration Camp Gestapo Officer and family that fled to Iraq or Thailand after WW2. They may have a Thai wife and children could be polish-thai… they may be fluent in Atrabic German Polish and French.. Maybe they spent some time on an island resembling Hawaii >>> Do you know anyone that fits this description in the UK or Thailand or Europe or Iraq/Middle East???????????? Maybe they have been in secret police or Thai Mafia or both working for their launderers Sophonpanich >????????????????????? Comment by Erik Young UN Human Rights Ambassador — December 1, 2008 @ 12:34 am CHE bEACH CLUB BAR PATTAYA … WHERE ARE THE MEN FROM ????????????? Sophonpanich …And what about an escaped from Nuremburg prosecution German Concentration Camp Gestapo Officer and family that fled to Iraq or Thailand after WW2. They may have a Thai wife and children could be polish-thai… they may be fluent in Atrabic German Polish and French.. Maybe they spent some time on an island resembling Hawaii >>> Do you know anyone that fits this description in the UK or Thailand or Europe or Iraq/Middle East???????????? Maybe they have been in secret police or Thai Mafia or both working for their launderers Sophonpanich >????????????????????? Comment by Erik Young UN Human Rights Ambassador — December 1, 2008 @ 12:34 am Comment by Erik Young UN Human Rights Ambassador — December 1, 2008 @ 1:05 am Someone from The Beach Club Bar in Pattaya have friends from saddam Husseins Secret Police used to shoot thousands during Shinawatra’s “Shoot to Kill Drugs War” ? Comment by Erik Young UN Human Rights Ambassador — December 1, 2008 @ 1:09 am THE BEACH CLUB BAR PATTAYA … WHERE ARE THE MEN/MALE STAFF FROM ????????????? IRAQ-ITALIA-POLAND- Sophonpanich …And what about an escaped from Nuremburg prosecution German Concentration Camp Gestapo Officer and family that fled to Iraq or Thailand after WW2. They may have a Thai wife and children could be polish-thai… they may be fluent in Atrabic German Polish and French.. Maybe they spent some time on an island resembling Hawaii >>> Do you know anyone that fits this description in the UK or Thailand or Europe or Iraq/Middle East???????????? Maybe they have been in secret police or Thai Mafia or both working for their launderers Sophonpanich >????????????????????? Someone from The Beach Club Bar in Pattaya have friends from saddam Husseins Secret Police used to shoot thousands during Shinawatra’s “Shoot to Kill Drugs War” ? Comment by Erik Young UN Human Rights Ambassador — December 1, 2008 @ 12:34 am Comment by Erik Young UN Human Rights Ambassador — December 1, 2008 @ 1:11 am A MESSAGE TO THE LADIES OF IRAQ This is an “With Open Arms” to the Iraqi wife and other wives and the mother of Iraqis in Thailand to come and visit their husbands who are in Pattaya and Bangkok with their Thai wives, oops I mean the maid and her son Ahmed. Please bring the mother-in-law together with the brothers-in-law and you can have a nice tete a tete at The Beach Club in Pattaya then cruise up to the nice country house they’ve built for you in Isaan. Whilst a lot of you have been struggling along in Bagdhad you husbands have been living it up in the bars of Pattaya and Bangkok. One group of Iraqi men and their Thai wives (oops i mean maids) live near The Fetish (صنم, الفتش صنم لجلب الأمان, معبود) Club which is a type of torture chamber? Is this one of the husbands online Internet businesses ??? (change f back to s to see web site) Please remember to thank your hausbands for drgging my wife out of her head then turning her into a prostitute/pole dancing naked girl, they call whores. Unfortunately I am concerned they planned to do the same thing to one of the daughter’s of The Sultan of Brunei… It was Mr Sophonpanich of Bangkok and his associates using the name Shinawatra who decided to do this to me after they relabelled members of The Danish Royal family as Paedophiles instead of Theophiles. they caused the murder of two of my children, my father and about twenty other people who were friends of the family. Erik Young - of The Danish Royal Family The United Nations - Human Rights Ambassador Comment by Erik Young - The United Nations Human Rights ambassador — December 1, 2008 @ 6:35 am Does anyone know if this form URL is correct for Aljazeera news agency who I have just been informing about our friends from THE SECRET POLICE ? Comment by Erik Young - The United Nations Human Rights ambassador — December 1, 2008 @ 7:07 am More about the “Son’s of Saddam Hussein’s Sophonpanich Secret Police” and their corrupting pof Asia through Mcdonalds and scientology and pornography (they call it sexology or scientology) and Blue Hawaii restaurant of Kingston-upon-Thames Surrey UK who SPIKE food and drinks with Heroin and other “Substances” and then say it was only a JOKE… just search through google under Erik Young shinawatra bangkok etc and you’ll see how awful these bastards have been Comment by Erik Young - The United Nations Human Rights ambassador — December 1, 2008 @ 7:39 am So Mr Iraq and associates Sophonpanich-Shinawatra how many people have you murdered and what have you done to my children you f.ucking bastards ??????????????? Comment by Erik Young UN Human Rights Ambassador — December 1, 2008 @ 8:45 am Your Iraqi / Iranian wives are on their way to find you with their brothers Comment by Erik Young UN Human Rights Ambassador — December 1, 2008 @ 8:46 am I am still terrorised by about 5000 people 24hrs non stop in Pattaya Thailand. The TV channels are part of the terrorism as well as all the local community because the Sophonpanich Thai CIA mafia now have their Baa’th Party Comrades here to terrorise me with them. Seems someone from Kingston Hill Kingston-upon-Thames is linked to these Baa’th terrorists in Thailand. My mails tampered with please send this to . These Baa’th people have a group in UK who call lawyers etc claiming to be medical professional and British Embassy officials when they are just criminals working for the Heroin cartel of Sophonpanich under the name Shinawatra.. Posted by: Erik Young Terrorised Thailand 2 baby children murdered and father 2008 | December 01, 2008 at 09:11 PM Would you like me to turn your daughters into prostitutes Mr Sophonpanich you f.ucking satanic bastard ??? Comment by Erik Young Un Human Rights Ambassador — November 29, 2008 @ 12:50 pm One man here who has my third wife or her look a like in a pole dancing bar where the girls dance naked I recognise from Iraqi friends wedding. He said he owned a restaurant 2 Richmond Road, Kingston upon Thames, KT2 5EB 0872 148 4885 So why has he put my wife in a pole dancing bar ??????? What the hell is he doing I only met him one time perhaps it is not him and just another look a like ??? Comment by Erik Young - UN Diplomat — November 29, 2008 @ 2:51 pm Problem is I do not know if it is my wife she seems so different she was much more gentle and softly spoken before and I am not sure why this person is doing this to me. Why is this man interfering with my personal life I only ever met him one time. Comment by Erik Young - UN Diplomat — November 29, 2008 @ 2:53 pm They been playing this sick psycho game with me with everyone I meet has a double like a twin and switching them around… about ten sets of people now… You bastard Comment by Erik Young - UN Diplomat — November 29, 2008 @ 2:59 pm A restaurant in Kingston called Blue Hawaii why is this man in Pattaya in a gogo bar and has my wife or her look a like working in there ????? Comment by Erik Young - UN Diplomat — November 29, 2008 @ 3:00 pm What the hell is this man doing now I have at least two murdered children my father murdered and about 20 other people I know are dead in the last three years Comment by Erik Young - UN Diplomat — November 29, 2008 @ 3:04 pm What are these people doing I think he owns the Blue Hawaii in Kingston upon Thames Surrey UK and I think I saw him working in The Beach Club bar in Walking Street Pattaya… why didn’t he say anything to me ???? I never want to see my ex-wife former 2nd wife again she has causewd me to go thrtough total hell on earth with her stories to other people. I have been robbed over 4000 times in three years attacked about ten times, falsely imprisoned and terrorised for five years. Comment by Erik Young - UN Diplomat — November 29, 2008 @ 3:11 pm You fu.cking bastard what have you been saying about me??? You hardly know me why have you done this ??????? Comment by Erik Young - UN Diplomat — November 29, 2008 @ 3:14 pm Does anyone know where a Netnapa Taenjamras is ? … i know the girl who was with me the day we left was not Netnapa Taenjamras Comment by Erik Young UN Human Rights Ambassador — November 29, 2008 @ 6:44 pm Looks as though someone of an Iraqi backgrounds related to the owner of the Blue Hawaii restaurant in Kingston-upon-Thames in Surrey has been spreading all sorts of lies about me to the family of The Sultan of Brunei. Mr Shinawatra lives in Kingston and had some crazy idea that he was going to force me back to my second wife I divorced and our marriage ended over six tears ago…….. I want nothing to do with her at all and the people interfering with my divorce for and on behalf of Mr Shinawatra in the UK arrested since it led to the deaths of two children and my father. Please will the Surrey or Metropolitan Police take the appropriate action. Where is my third wife Mr Shinawatra ?????????????????????????????????????????? and where is the daughter of The Sultan of Brunei ??????????????????????????????? Comment by Erik Young UN Diplomat — November 30, 2008 @ 3:55 pm I never received one single message about these two people for over one year my third wife was nowhere to be seen… taken away by the Shinawatra/Sophonpanich families Subsequently I met another girl who is a daughter oif the Sultan of Brunei and was very very happy with her but someone planned to fit her up as well and I wanted her away from danger.. thery talked in Thai of having her placed in a Thai Prison whilst they would make demands for money… there was three men involved Comment by Erik Young UN Diplomat — November 30, 2008 @ 4:04 pm Sophonpanich …And what about an escaped from Nuremburg prosecution German Concentration Camp Gestapo Officer and family that fled to Iraq or Thailand after WW2. They may have a Thai wife and children could be polish-thai… they may be fluent in Atrabic German Polish and French.. Maybe they spent some time on an island resembling Hawaii >>> Do you know anyone that fits this description in the UK or Thailand or Europe or Iraq/Middle East???????????? Maybe they have been in secret police or Thai Mafia or both working for their launderers Sophonpanich >????????????????????? Comment by Erik Young UN Human Rights Ambassador — December 1, 2008 @ 12:34 am tHE bEACH cLUB bAR pATTAYA … WHERE ARE THE MEN FROM ????????????? Sophonpanich …And what about an escaped from Nuremburg prosecution German Concentration Camp Gestapo Officer and family that fled to Iraq or Thailand after WW2. They may have a Thai wife and children could be polish-thai… they may be fluent in Atrabic German Polish and French.. Maybe they spent some time on an island resembling Hawaii >>> Do you know anyone that fits this description in the UK or Thailand or Europe or Iraq/Middle East???????????? Maybe they have been in secret police or Thai Mafia or both working for their launderers Sophonpanich >????????????????????? Comment by Erik Young UN Human Rights Ambassador — December 1, 2008 @ 12:34 am Comment by Erik Young UN Human Rights Ambassador — December 1, 2008 @ 1:05 am Someone from The Beach Club Bar in Pattaya have friends from saddam Husseins Secret Police used to shoot thousands during Shinawatra’s “Shoot to Kill Drugs War” ? Comment by Erik Young UN Human Rights Ambassador — December 1, 2008 @ 1:09 am THE BEACH CLUB BAR PATTAYA … WHERE ARE THE MEN/MALE STAFF FROM ????????????? IRAQ-ITALIA-POLAND- Sophonpanich …And what about an escaped from Nuremburg prosecution German Concentration Camp Gestapo Officer and family that fled to Iraq or Thailand after WW2. They may have a Thai wife and children could be polish-thai… they may be fluent in Atrabic German Polish and French.. Maybe they spent some time on an island resembling Hawaii >>> Do you know anyone that fits this description in the UK or Thailand or Europe or Iraq/Middle East???????????? Maybe they have been in secret police or Thai Mafia or both working for their launderers Sophonpanich >????????????????????? Someone from The Beach Club Bar in Pattaya have friends from saddam Husseins Secret Police used to shoot thousands during Shinawatra’s “Shoot to Kill Drugs War” ? Comment by Erik Young UN Human Rights Ambassador — December 1, 2008 @ 12:34 am Comment by Erik Young UN Human Rights Ambassador — December 1, 2008 @ 1:11 am A MESSAGE TO THE LADIES OF IRAQ This is an “With Open Arms” to the Iraqi wife and other wives and the mother of Iraqis in Thailand to come and visit their husbands who are in Pattaya and Bangkok with their Thai wives, oops I mean the maid and her son Ahmed. Please bring the mother-in-law together with the brothers-in-law and you can have a nice tete a tete at The Beach Club in Pattaya then cruise up to the nice country house they’ve built for you in Isaan. Whilst a lot of you have been struggling along in Bagdhad you husbands have been living it up in the bars of Pattaya and Bangkok. One group of Iraqi men and their Thai wives (oops i mean maids) live near The Fetish (صنم, الفتش صنم لجلب الأمان, معبود) Club which is a type of torture chamber? Is this one of the husbands online Internet businesses ??? change s back to f to see web site Please remember to thank your hausbands for drgging my wife out of her head then turning her into a prostitute/pole dancing naked girl, they call whores. Unfortunately I am concerned they planned to do the same thing to one of the daughter’s of The Sultan of Brunei… It was Mr Sophonpanich of Bangkok and his associates using the name Shinawatra who decided to do this to me after they relabelled members of The Danish Royal family as Paedophiles instead of Theophiles. they caused the murder of two of my children, my father and about twenty other people who were friends of the family. Erik Young - of The Danish Royal Family The United Nations - Human Rights Ambassador Posted by: Erik Young Terrorised Thailand 2 baby children murdered and father 2008 | December 01, 2008 at 09:12 PM Is Mr Baxter a Turkish Cypriot living in Hermitage Road Woking Surrey UK in the past ? Perhaps his name is Mr A Tabios or Mr Policapio ? He has been terrorising Thailand for several years and needs to be arrested and prosecuted. Personally i'd execute him, the law still stands in the UK for satanic Torture, yes you can be executed for this in the UK. His crimes include Rape, Torure,Deception, Robbery, Fraud, Forgery, False Pretences, he has breached most of the Articles of The Declaration of human Rights and may be connected to the death of Robert Maxwell Chairman of The Daily Mirror newspaper. Posted by: Erik Young UN Diplomat | March 21, 2009 at 10:04 AM How pleasing it is to be threatened this evening in Pattaya Thailand by a 160 kgs man about 50 years old with an American California accent offering to put a bullet through my head. Someone is now poisoning people with DRANO acid in their drinks here or somewhere in Thailand or Weybridge Surrey UK. Give them a high alkaline solution like low/free alcohol lager or chalk white chalk found in a school class room or milk of magnesia... someone is apparently poisoning some children with acid in their drinks as far as I know either in bBngkok Pattaya Thailand or South London St Georges Hill or Weybridge Surrey UK Erik Young Pattaya Thailand I can hear someone claiming to be my children being killed everyone here can here this but many are threatened by Satanists from USA and Europe and UK Now they threaten with a veiled anti-spam password on Ladonia "DRANO". a sulphuric acid base for cleaning drains. These people have killed many with drain cleaner in their drink burning out the persons intestines.. They are SATANIC. How pleasing it is to be threatened this evening in Pattaya Thailand by a 160 kgs man about 50 years old with an American California accent offering to put a bullet through my head. No doubt he is new to Thailand and has been fueled with a series of lies and falsified comments censoring the gory truth of the Satanic evil served against my family by men using the names Winn-Pope, Crawley, Smith and Baxter who in some cases were members of the genocide killing team that massacred 3 million Cambodians many by poisoning wit Aluminium Sulphate. Do you suppose someone from the USa Embassy in Bangkok would be kind enough to call a friend in Pattaya and ask them to set the record straight since I believe this man was in the Internet shop to help block my access and is either part of or confused by The Church of Scientology and their Satanic Games. Regards Erik Young (Henry-Rasmussen-Fogh-Jellinek - Einstein-Munch-Van Gogh- Gauguin-Kennedy-Nesbitt) UN Human Rights Ambassador Pattaya Thailand I was attacked late afternoon by a security man whoi I recognise from the UK. He is probably hiding here under a stilen ID due to some problem he has in the UK Woking Surrey area. He is about fifty years old dark complexion 5ft 5inches tall and became quite agressive for no cause of intimidation he simnply jumped at me because he works for the heroin fraud and murder ring involved in terrorism from Woking and surrounding areas. I think he is just one more of the thousands of criminals that Shinawatra attracted into Thailand some with the assistance of Mr david Crawley aka Ernest Richard Crawley formerly known under the name of Smith his brother was Garnett Smith hios son in Malaysia Stephen Wiffin. With the exclusion of Mr Crawley’s son the Shah brothers of Woking were always very pleasant people and I believe Crawley corrupted and wound up some of them with a series of lies about the family of Erik Young in return for payment from Thaksin Shinawatra aka Mr Sylvester. Comment by Erik Young UN Diplomat — March 25, 2009 @ 11:23 pm I also beliee Crawley and his accomplices forged Surrey Police documents so people would believe I was a convicxted paedophile. The word paedophile means you are a sexuak abuser of Children. People in Thailand were told I was on the national register, a register child abuser. This was a satanically evil lie by Mr crawley and his associates he is the most unethical ruthless bastard you will ever meet and corrupted Mr sylvester / Shinawatra and his piers. Comment by Erik Young UN Diplomat — March 25, 2009 @ 11:26 pm Crawley claims to be in the MONACO apartments in Pattaya South Thailand L=r otherwise cannot publish for you to read He has had thousands of people sexually abusing me and about 10 times I have been physically attacked with a group of two or three men against just me usually one of them has a 2inch thick and 4 ft long wooden pole that I have been hit with in the head and elsewhere. Mr Crawley Thaksin Shinawatra and their associates from Woking and WeYbridge including some local labour party councillor candidates have totally corrupted the truth about me and my familyu with the aim to see us all dead. The present Prime MinIster of Thailand is NOT who he claims to be he is a fraud and so too many other members of their parliament/government has stolen the IDs of Thai Political families the genuine individual and their families nowhere to be found I assume they are dead. PLEASE INVADE THAILAND POSTE HASTE AND FREE THIS COUNTRY FROM PEOPLE INVOLVED IN HEROIN TRAFFICKING AND SATANIC GAMES. MR CRAWLEY AND HIS ACCOMPLICES HAVE AIDED AND ABETTING HEROIN USE FOR PROFIT. THEY ARE TOTALLY INDECENT IMMORAL SELF ORIENTATED PEOPLE WHO ARE A DANGER TO ANY COUNTRY IF THEY GET A GRIP ON ITS POLITICAL AGENDA. Erik Young (Henry-Rasmussen-Fogh-Jellinek - Einstein-Munch-Van Gogh- Gauguin-Kennedy-Nesbitt) UN Human Rights Ambassador Pattaya Thailand Posted by: Erik Young UN Diplomat | March 26, 2009 at 08:59 AM 1. DO YOU KNOW MR YOUNG’S FAMILY PROVIDED HOMES TO THE SOPHONPANICH FAMILY 50 YEARS AGO IN WOKING SURREY UK AFTER WW2 WHEN THEY RETURNED FROM BEING PRISON OFFICERS IN PRISON CAMPS ??? WE DID NOT KNOW SOME HAD BEEN GESTAPO OFFICERS 2. HUMAN RIGHTS AND INDUSTRY ETHICS REQUESTS THE SUPPORT AND TOURIST BOARDS. GETTING RID OF THE TY-CIA (AKA THE MORONS) and H.G Wells book was based upon them and the trouble they would bring everywhere they went… but they really do exist A Martian is a Moron (aka Sophonpanich-Shinawatra-Sylvester of Walton Rd Woking) that has been fired off like a missile in the opposite direction to the planetary solar orbit. I WILL NOW PETITION THE ENTIRE INTERNET INDUSTRY TO BLOCK THE COUNTRY IP ADDRESSING FOR TURKISH-CYPRUS AND TURKEY. FOR AN EXPERIENCED ADMINISTRATOR THIS IS A 5-10 MINUITE JOB. THE SECURE PAYMENT GATEWAY WILL THEN REJECT ALL INCOMING CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS FROM THOS COUNTRIES. IN TWENTY YEARS TURKEY HAS FAILED TO EXPOSE IT’S PART IN THE LOCKERBIE PAN AM 103 BOMBING ISN’T THAT CORRECT MR SOPHONPANICH !!? Umm…YES MR YOUNG IT LOOKS AS THOUGH SOME OF THOSE INVOLVED WERE TURKISH PEOPLE CONNECTED TO THE SOPHONPANICH HEROIN CARTEL AND THEY WERE BASED IN THE WEYBRIDGE WOKING WEST BYFLEET AREA OF SURREY UK. THEY WERE LIASING WITH THEIR NETWORK OF HEROIN HANDLERS MANY OF WHOM WORKED AS BAGGAGE HANDLERS TAXI DRIVERS AND CHAUFFEURS. I HAVE JUST NICKNAMED ONE OF THEM “CLAY” HE’LL HAVE A LEAD INTRODUCTION TO MY FRIENDS OF THE SUNDAY SHOOT IN SHAMLEY GREEN SOON… I JUST SAW A FEW OF THEM HERE IN THAILAND A FEW DAYS AGO… THESE BASTARDS THINK LITTLE OF KILLING CHILDREN….. THEY SIMPLY MUSE LIKE SOME SORT OF UNINTELLIGENT BRAIN RETARDED ANIMAL…. A RABIED STREET DOG WOULD HAVE MORE COMPASSION FOR THE LIFE OF A HUMAN THAN THESE MONSTERS WHO ARE SATANIC. AND WHERE DID RABIES COME FROM MR SOPHONPANICH ? WELL… MR YOUNG….. YES I KNOW IT DID..AND WHAT ELSE DID YOU THROW UP FROM DOWN BELOW TO AG.RAVATE THE HAMPTONS ? PLEASE WILL THE INTERNET INDUSTRY DO ALL IT CAN TO ASSIST WITH FINDING ANY FURTHER EVIDENCE TO ENDURE THE CONVICTION OF THE OFFENDERS WHOP CAUSED THE BOEING 747 FLIGHT 103 PAN-AM BOMB A PLANE PACKED WITH YOUNG PEOPLE GOING HOME FOR XMAS. MR SOPHONPANICH WHO OWNED THE MATRA SIMCE BAGHEERA AT THE TIME OF THE 103 BOMB THAT WAS LEFT IN A GOLF BAG ??? Ummmmm….IT WAS “ART”… WhAT? WELL MR YOUNG YOU SEE ITS shhhh Ani ? YES MR YOUNG IT WAS MY SYLVESTER… THANK YOU NOW WE CAN FIND OUT A LITTLE BIT MORE ABOUT WHERE SOME OTHER PEOPLE HAVE VANISHED TO CAN’T WE ??? BEFORE I HAVE YOU CASTRATED !!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME COL G HAS SOME FIGHTERS THAT WILL SHOOT YOU DOWN TO EARTH IF YOU TRY TO RUN.. HE IS NOT VERY PLEASED WITH BEING FITTED UP BY SOME MORONS FROM SHEPPERTON FARMING GOATS. I HAVE BEEN TERRORISED BY THESE BASTARDS FOR 12 YEARS NOW. I REALISE THEY INTENTIONALLY ATTACKED OUT PATYMENT GATEWAY TRYING TO FORCE THE LOSS OF OUR MERCHANT FACILITY BY RUNNING THOUSANDS OF CREDIT CARD NUMBERS THROUGH OUR GATEWAY THAT WERE DEEMED FRAUDULENT. WE INCURRED FINES OF AROUND US$200,000.00 FROM VISA INTERNATIONAL IN USA TAKEN AUTOMATICALLY OFF OUR ACCOUNT. I NOW SUSPECT THESE WRE FRAUDULENT DEBITS BY SOME TURKISH PEOPLE BASED IN WOKING IN THE UK. PLEASE BLOCK THESE COUNTRIES OUT UNTIL WE HACVE DISMANTLED THEIR HEROIN-TERRORIST NETWORK WITH IMMEDIATE EFFECT AND SPREA THE WORD WORLWIDE TO ALL CREDIT CARD MERCHANTS ESPECIALLY TOURISM. THESE BASTARDS ALSO WERE KILLING EX-PAT PENSIONERS IN THAILAND THEN DUPLICATING THEIR VOICES AND CONTINUING TO CLAIM THEIR PENSIONS YEARS AFTER THEY HAD BEEN KILLED. FROM ERIK YOUNG FOUNDER OF ICANN REGITRAR EASYSPACE.COM (SOLD OUT IN 2003) Apache API Backup Bash scripts Centos Cluster High availability IP address geolocation IP country block Linux commands Load balancing Mail server MySQL PHP scripts Postfix Security Server monitoring Software Spam Storage Ubuntu Virtualization Webserver Xen more tags IP country block L=r otherwise cannot publish for you to read Comment by Erik Young UN Diplomat — April 1, 2009 @ 7:14 pm Heroin overdose Definition Heroin is an illegal street drug that is is very addictive. This article discusses overdose due to heroin. An overdose is when you take more than the normal or recommended amount of something, usually a drug. An overdose may result in serious, harmful symptoms or death. Alternative Names Acetomorphine overdose; Diacetylmorphine overdose Poisonous Ingredient Heroin Where Found Heroin is made from morphine. Morphine is a powerful drug, and it naturally occurs in the seedpods of Asian (opium) poppy plants. Street names for heroin include “junk,” “smack,” and “skag.” Comment by Erik Young UN Diplomat — April 2, 2009 @ 1:09 am RSS feed for comments on this post. TrackBack URL WHAT LIES BEHIND THE MAN WHO SMILES ? I have asked my Solicitor at Irwin Mitchell Solicitors in London UK to contact the office of His Emminence Pope Benedict XVI in Vatican City Vatican State so his representatives may be able to confirm my claims where applicable. It seems some people from the UK in the Surrey area in particular the Woking and Weybridge Surrey UK area have been involved in the abduction of teenage girls. To my surprise I have found some of these girls here in Thailand living in circumstances that are below the quality you would expect anyone to endure. I believe this is all part of a scam to damage friends of the Land Lords to whom ground rent was and still may be due. Unfortunately it seems these groups of people connected to the illicit class A Heroin trade were under the impression that “nobody will challenge a group of Heroin dealers”. Heroin is used to manipulate and exploit people, it is not a health supplement. If you do what the dealer wants you to do they’ll give you your next fix but if you don’t they’ll fit you up and hurl you into hell on earth. Did it ever occur to you one of the reasons for leaving streets dirty etc is to enable the dealer to return the user back to the reality of absolute squalor ??? The Heroin to UK route was Thailand to Tripoli to Cyprus to Woking Surrey UK. We are the POLIS… No they are NOT Police it is a city called POLIS in Cyprus full of Turkish Cypriot drug dealers calling themselves the CIA (Cost Includes Automobile) Whoever is paying ground rent in Walton Road Woking and elsewhere the funds are not arriving with Mr Young or any of the other beneficaries of the estate of King Frederick of Denmark and his intended beneficiaries. It seems someone uses the name Mr Crawley, Mr Winn-Pope and Mr Sylvester none of whom have handed over any money they have collected. Mr Sylvester is Thaksin Shinawatra, aka as Heroin pusher based in Heathside Road Woking Surrey UK. He occupied a house next door to Mrs Mamie M Young of Bishopsgarth Heathside Road Woking and during this period some documents disappeared from Bishopsgarth. Perhaps they were borrowed and not returned. it was about 40 years ago they went missing. Is Thailand seriously going to vote into power a HEROIN user/dealer who has gained a substantial portion of his wealth through corruption deception fraud forgery murder manslaughter racism torture child abuse genocide enforced disappearance of individuals sale opf children and child prostitution inhuman and degrading treatment of individuals breach of International Communications Laws Terrorism and breaches of Human Rights. Comment by Erik Young UN Diplomat — April 2, 2009 @ 11:26 am PLEASE THE THAI GOVERNMENT APPEARS TO THINK IT IS A JOKE TO TERRORISE OTHERS… THE TY.CIA IS AN ILLEGAL HEROIN LOGISTICS NETWORK AND HAVE NO LEGITIMACY IN ANY COURT OF LAW TO CALL THEMSELVES THE POLICE. NOW WHERE IS MY GIRLFRIEND THAT MR CRAWLEY AND SOPHONPANICH AND SYLVESTER AND THAT CHAUFFEUR FROM BYFLEET INTERFERRED WITH ??? LOCKD AND IMPRISONNED IN SOME PLACE IN ST GEORGES HILL OR SHAMLEY GREEN OR SURREY HILLS WHERE IS SHE ??????????????????????????????? A MASSIVE SEARCH IS REQUIRED AND THE ARREST AND DETANTION OF THOSE WHO CAUSED HER TO PART COMPANY WITH ME DUE TO THEIR UNLAWFUL LIES WITH CRIMINAL INTENTIONS. Comment by Erik Young UN Diplomat — April 2, 2009 @ 8:33 pm Posted by: Erik Young UN Diplomat | April 02, 2009 at 03:31 PM Next » Verify your Comment Previewing your Comment Thailand. Why do you have a convicted criminal as your Prime Minister ? ABH is quite a serious crime in the UK for Actual Bodily Harm when someone is attacked for example by three men from Walton Road Woking Surrey UK claiming they are Pakistani when in fact they are Turkish Heroin Mafia and their attack is unprovoked on one white English indivual the son of a man opposing the trade of illicit Class a Heroin. If you check this crime you will find out the true name of your Prime Minister. The Prime Minister of Thailand is oneperson involved in the abduction injury and murder of the children of people who oppose the illicit Heroin trade. He is one of the people who knows my daughter was abducted under false pretences just as my car a 9.6 million baht Range Rover was stolen by him and his mates here in Bangkok after they obtained the keys through a third party under false pretences. Attn: The Board of Directors of Akzo Nobel From: Erik Young founder of ICANN REGISTRAR EASYSPACE The Sophonpanich Mafia promoted "rape" in Thailand as a game. Subsequently I applied to the Thai Government to have the law changed so GIRLS/WIVES CAN NOW PRESS CHARGES FOR CRIMINAL PROSECUTION AGAINST HUSBANDS THAT RAPE THEM. Sophonpanich Mafia-origin Catalina)(4000 yrs of killing) They stole my daughter of five years old and her mother. Then they lied to my girlfriend who was a daughter of The Sultan of Brunei. I do not know if they are live. They tried to fool me with look a likes. Regards Erik Young (Young-Henry-Rasmussen-Fogh-Jellinek-Munch-Holbock-Van Gogh-Gauguin-Da Vinci-Kennedy- Nesbitt) - who according to the Sophonpanich Mafia are the "Nothings from Nowhere". But the SOPHONPANICH TURKISH-INDIAN HEROIN MAFIA based in Thailand are quite happy to use the telephone communiucations systems of the World we helped to invent develop and finance the world's first Telecommunications Corporation "The Bell Corporation". They are quite happy to use technology that uses Electric Motors that we helped to invent abd develop. We didn't go around killing people to get what we wanted like they do but I want them executed for murdering my father and some of our friends (if I don't manage to kill them first). They have been interfering with transfers of cash to my account with Standard Chartered Bank in Bangkok, where is the money Mr Sophonpanich you murdering Heroin drug dealing bastard ?????????? Who in the Bank of Standard Chartered Sathorn Road have your illegal THAI.CIA Mafia intimidated and lied to ??????? As of May 2009 someone is still blocking my emails to the banks and Solicitors so I keep running out of cash reserves in Thailand. I suppose there is a criminal law in Spain and Ibiza that forbids the promotion of Satanism in any form including "Satanic Games". The term "Games" is interpreted as describing the killing of living animals as "Game Shooting". And that OLD Spanish Law ..doesn't it suggest all the assets of those involved in promoting Satanism and Satanic Worship/Games can be confiscated / frozen/ seized ???? How many people have vanished in Ibiza in the last five years ????? Interesting to read that one of the Brinks Matt Robbers had a 17 year old girlfriend when he was 51 years of age just two years older than Thaksin Shinawatra… and these are the same group who have worked with Mr Thaksin Shinawatra for years committing serious crimes around the world. Did the Thai people know that Thaksin Shinawatra was from SPAIN ????? Did you know Mr Thaksin Shinawatra was one of the people behind the "Brinks Matt Robbery" ? Did you know Mr Thaksin Shinawatra has been involved in crime for over 25 years and that is where he developed his interest in mobile communications the developer (devils-offer) and the crime world ? Did you know Mr Thaksin Shinawatra caused an internal fraud within The Nobel Group in France to damage the reputation of Mervyn F S Young and put him out. At the same time Shinawatra caused a fraud against the chipboard manufacturer in Austria started by Franz Aicher and put the chipboard mill out of business. Franz Aicher the Managing Director of the Austrian company Aicher died suddenly possibly from an aluminium sulphate overdose administered into his diet by people who are Satanists and enemies of Mervyn F S Young. Then there was the L/C fraud committed in Hong Kong on a deal for a ship load of plywood destined to Rotterdam where someone changed the principle in the contract to be Mervyn Young and Company Ltd so they would become liable for the value of the fraud and lose about 250,000 UK pounds this was about 35 years ago. These were all instigated crimes by Thaksin Shinawatra and the TI.cia (Turkish.Indian Mafia from Cambodia) in order to prevent for the family of Mervyn Young discovering that the TI.cia had been occupying land and selling land they had forged out of the title of Mr Young and his wife's scandinavian family descendants of the original ourchaser and still current legal title holder the former now deceased King of Denmark. In particular forging land title deeds in Spain, Gran Canaria, Ibiza and Majorca. Did you know The Shin Corporation was laundering money for the crime world for years ? Discussion 5 : 05/02/2009 at 05:38 PM5 Why are they refering to Thaksin Shinawtra as a "PRESIDENT" ??? You cannot have a King of Thailand and a President,. Presidents replace Kings. Then the Thai politics has broken international law and made a series of criminal offences. "Suthep affirms his innocence in his statement A Deputy PM Suthep Thaugsuban affirms to remain innocent in his comment on the ousted PM Thaksin Shinawatra’s incentive to return to Thailand as the first president, reasoning that his statement is merely based on the former PM’s actions perceived by the public. During the Parliamentary session today (Februay 5), Mr. Suthep Thaugsuban, a deputy Prime Minister overseeing national security affairs, made a response to questions made by Phuea Thai Party MP regarding Mr. Suthep’s statement claiming that the ousted former PM Thaksin Shinawatra would return to Thailand and become the first president. Mr. Suthep’s statement had deeply annoyed the Phuea Thai Party members as they believed this could lead to further divergences in the nation. " Anyway Thaksin Shinawtra has been arrest for a series of child abductions, murders,frauds,forgeries,thefts,treason, serious Human Rights Offences... I will be coming to Government House with a Military Team soon. Thailand "God's Given Land" Einstein is 101 a messenger from God. My Aunt said "Erik you are God" I answred "Oh no I'm not going to get blamed for all the problems Satan points at God by stealing his ID, like Satan did with the "Paedophile" scam on The Roman Catholic Church. Get out of here Satan and your servants we will burn you until you are gone in a "Lake of Fire" by God's Commandment you will perish for eternity during the next few hours. Erik Young UN The problems include third party mobile phone callers duplicating voice of intended receiver. URGENT LEGAL EVIDENCE OF MOTIVE FOR MURDER. DID YOU KNOW THE THAI PM ABHisit IS INVOLVED IN PHONE TAPPING TO DEFRAUD PEOPLE. HE STARTED THIS CRIME ABOUT TEN YEARS AGO. Please contact Herbert Smith Solicitors in London UK Regards Erik Young - Pattaya Thailand DOES THAKSIN SHINAWATRA COME FROM CATALINA IN SPAIN????? I THOUGHT MR SHINAWATRA WAS A CHINESE-THAI ????? Did Mr Thaksin Shinawatra meet Mervyn Young in Gran Canaria in 1974 about one year after a Mervyn Young had been on a business trip to South East Asia ? Has Mr Thaksin Shinawatra had any dealings with the "PLYWOOD" exports of South Korea with an Alistair Dees where someone changed the contract making Mervyn Young's company the principle in the contract when the company should have been the agent. Does Herbert Smith Solicitors in London remember this matter ??? because I think someone intentionally sabotaged the contract in an attempt to damage the success and reputation of Mervyn F S Young because they did not want him in Asia he might find out about the land they had "forged title of and defrauded" him and his beneficiaries out of ?? Isn't that the case Mr Thaksin Shinawatra? "Erik this is Bob, I thought you new that already..." "I did but I couldn't remember you told me before I returned here on The Blue Ship..." So that is why he has been trying to destroy me and our family and our friends... looks like it may be land and property and Brand frauds and murders" "Well I did tell you to deal with that L/C first and Montague Meyer were one of the major clients" "Bob how could I do that when I was only 13 years old at school day dreaming about girls, I thought you meant a girl called Elsie or the Sweet Shop ?" "Bob where is my personal life? I am not at all happy with a life of being psycho-terrorised can you put the scales of justice onto it, thank you your Lordship." My thought of compensation for damaging Mervyn Young's company and causing / arranging extreme emotional rage within people that was enough to lead to his death. I would suggest the amount would be several UK hundreds of millions of pounds. Mervyn Young's company had 23.8% of the imported chipboard market of the UK according to Dunn & Bradstreet who considered the company to be good for unlimited credit. I believe other failures in suppliers firms The Nobel Group division Resogil Chipboard Manufacturing Plant in Bordeaux France, there was some internal accounting issue although I do not know the outcome with some strange financial discrepancies and chipboard manufacturer Aicher Spanplaten in Austria which was financially damaged in a similar way, may be the result of sabotage from some people trying to keep Mervyn Young out of both Asia and the USA where land belonging tomy mother's family was being occupied without authority or agreement or legal title. These people we operating in business to destroy my father's reputation and finacial strength of business. It has been a massive orgie of illegal deals involving forged or aunauthorised title transfers or bond of title to holders without the knowledge of the beneficaries. It has involved the murder of children, the abduction of friends of my children, the murder of friends of my children and the murder of Mervyn F S Young whio was a very honest man placing others before himself in the world.. PLEASE NEVER TAKE ADVICE FROM SATAN HE KILLS THE HUMAN WITHIN OUR PHYSICAL. BAAROT (DRIVING PEOPLE CRAZY BUSINESS) PIRATE AND PARROT - USED VOICE TO PSYCH PEOPLE OUTLIKE TALKING CHICKENS THE DEVIL'S OFFER (DEVELOPER) ORIGINATES FROM CATALINA WHERE LAND USED TO BUILT STRUCTURES WAS DONE WITHOUT THE "LAND LORD'S" KNOWLEDGE AND/OR AGREEMENT. SO WHO IS SATAN...NOT MERVYN F S YOUNG OR ANY OF HIS FAMILY ANDMOST OFOUR FRIENDS ARE BELIEVERS IN ALMIGHTY GOD THE LORD. WE DON'T ABDUCT CHILDREN,WE DON'T MURDER CHILDREN AND WE DO NOT EAT CHILDREN EITHER BUTI HAVE EVIDENCE OF ALL THREE AT SOME SATANIC POINTS IN BANGKOK Kenneth James Noye (born 24 May 1947) is a British criminal who was convicted of the 1996 murder of Stephen Cameron. Noye was involved in laundering the proceeds of the Brinks Mat robbery in 1983. While he was being investigated for his part in the robbery, he stabbed to death a police officer (John Fordham) who was observing Noye from the grounds of his home. Noye was acquitted of murder on the grounds of self-defence, but was sentenced to 14 years in prison in 1986 for handling stolen gold. He was released from prison in 1994, having served 8 years of his sentence. Two years later, in 1996, Noye became involved in an altercation with 21-year-old motorist Stephen Cameron on the M25 motorway during what was described at the time as a road rage incident, but has also been suggested to have been dispute over a drug deal, Cameron being a small-time drug dealer who owed Noye money. It however suited the purposes of both the prosecution and the defence to not mention this during the trial.[1] During the fight, Noye stabbed and killed Cameron with a knife. Noye immediately fled the country, sparking a massive police hunt. In 1998 he was tracked down in Spain, and Cameron’s 17-year old girlfriend Danielle Cable, who had witnessed the killing, was secretly flown out to positively identify him. Another eyewitness, Alan Decabral, declined protection and was shot dead in his car in Ashford, Kent on 5 October 2000. However, police sources stated that he was himself involved in drug and gun-smuggling, and that his death was detrimental to Noye’s forthcoming appeal, which would have concentrated on discrediting him.[2] Noye was a police informant for many years,[3] and he was also a freemason, a member of the Hammersmith Lodge in London. I was contacted by the late mao Tse-Tung who has told me where Mr Shinawatra hid the Gold Bullion. Please forward this message to The Sultan of Brunei from Mr Erik Young in Bangkok Thailand. Erik Young (Young-Henry-Rasmussen-Fogh-Jellinek-Holbock-Van Gogh-Gauguin-Da Vinci-Kennedy-Nesbitt) who is | name = Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev ?

2009 until end 2010 Global Community Public Embargo on all Indian products and services

The 11th Commandment ammended. Tsunami was not an earthquake it was a Nuclear Atomic Explosion. It seems that India has become well known for exporting its Heroin Class A Illicit drug network across the World. These criminals work in the drugs and Information technology industry and are part of the Scientology network a part of the TY. CIA (Turkey's Heroin Mafia). The TY.CIA has ravaged Thailand by placing people in its' network in Banks and other financial institutions and robbing the International banking System using other people's names just as it does to launder money. The United Nations member states need to take control of India's Nuclear Industry both their Power Industry and Weapons Industry. Unless this is done there will be an embargo on ALL India's products and services. Shipping companies will refuse to ship to India or out of India and the same applies with the aerospace industry. Plane manufacturers will refuse to supply india with any further aircraft. A notice to ICANN: The Internet industry will lock India out of the global Internet network until it is convinced that India is co-operating with the demands set down in this notice. These directives are effective as of the 1st May 2009. A copy of this notice will be served upon The United Nations by its' presence in The Public Domain. Officers of The United Nations will be prosecuted by Private Prosecution if they fail to conform and co-operate with this Notice. The United Nations should conduct a hair test on all their senior Officials. This is to protect the officials against the risk of being tricked into Heroin use by the TY.CIA Network many of whom hide behind the identity of The Church of Scientology. A ten percent penalty will be charged upon ALL of India's overseas investments. This may be returned after ten years provided within this time period India has erradicated child labour/abuse and respects and upholds the 'Human Rights of Children'. India is also expected to follow the Articles set down under The United Nations Declaration of Human Rights. In the event that Tsunami was caused due to the negligence of India's Nuclear industry and National Security then India will be liable for ALL the costs incurred by Tsunami. I believe Tsunami was the work of the TY.CIA and their manipulation of Government Ministers and some Senior Officials in the Nuclear Industry. Land and property and other assets that belong to the beneficiaries of Prince Consort Albert husband of Queen Victoria, and also The King of Denmark's beneficiaries are to be acknowledged and all ground rent owing is to be negotiated for settlement. These were private investments and quite detached from the issue of India separating itself away from The British Empire in favour of independence. It is unlikely Tsunami would have happened if India was still managed by the influences of Europe. Ghandi understood the value of honesty something the Britsh exported to many parts of the Globe. Erik Young (Henry-Rasmussen-Fogh-Jellinek -Einstein-Steinway--Munch-Van Gogh- Gauguin-Da Vinci-Kennedy-Nesbitt)Friends of The Vatican UN Human Rights Ambassador Bangkok Thailand

Schwerin é uma cidade da Alemanha, capital do Estado (Bundesland) de Mecklemburgo-Pomerânia Ocidental. Com 96 542 habitantes (30 de Junho de 2006), a cidade é a menor das capitais estaduais; sua área é de 130,46 km² e a densidade demográfica, de 740 habitantes por quilômetro quadrado.

Schwerin é a sede da orquestra alemã Mecklenburgische Staatskapelle.

Schwerin é uma cidade independente (Kreisfreie Städte) ou distrito urbano (Stadtkreis), ou seja, possui estatuto de distrito (kreis).

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