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Usuário(a):Marcia Britto

Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.

Márcia Britto 1962 Brazilian / Swedish

Márcia Britto has a solid experience from working with visual means of expressions. Already at age 11 she participated in a children's programme about colour and design in Brazilian TV. Her studies with the direction visual communication at Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, lead to the title Bacharel in art and design. After her exam she worked with advertisements, animation and design in Brazil. She also worked in different photograph projects in USA. At the same time being an active artist she started in the beginning of 1990 an artist group in Brazil. 2003 Marcia Britto moved to Sweden and worked there for five years. Since 2008 she lives in Switzerland for further career possibilities.

Early, through the studies of models, her thoughts in simplification started. In this limitation there were countless possibilities and the fundamental idea to the subject Expressions was born. The Face is the starting point in the theme that in performed in various materials such as glass, stone and paintings with black ink on paper, sometimes handmade paper made from her self.

In Expressions Márcia Britto works in a vigilant way to capture in context the essential. Balance, rhythm and well-judged proportions interacting the overall impression. The Works are bare and simplified. It is not the powerful and loud expression that the attention aims at. It is the subtle expression from the face that captures the sensibility with brush and ink. You encounter introvert, expectant and calm faces or faces with secretive smiles. The Extent is big but with small significant differences in the expression.

The Pictures show as much sensibility as certainty. In the works appears a plain ambition after elegance and immediacy. It is the faces that fascinates in it's simplicity. In some works appear a red drop of glass which bring your thoughts to blood and pain but it also associates further to pain as inspiration and force for creative expressions. In Márcia Brittos work sensibility and distinction brings together in a focused hand with the brush.

Inspired by her roots Márcia Britto has begun the work on a new theme, Angels, where grinding subjects such as gold, heaven and earth have their natural places. Also here she works with simplified styles of design and small gestures that cause great effect. In the glass objects heaven and the underworld unite. The Blue pigment is leading us into eternal space and in the next second to bring us down under earth. The red and brown pigment frames, enclose and protects. The Angels are made of gold. The material is loaded with associations where power, fortune and violence bring together. But those Angels unarm and convey a message of calmness and harmony. The Gold stands for the shimmer and pure. The Glass object and the paintings create a tension. In the works of glass the angels are close but at the same time unreachable. In the paintings they are more tangible and physical. Body and soul unites.

Simon Berg/Bachelor of Arts/Swedish Writer