Módulo:Automated taxobox
Este módulo está na categoria sujeitos a proteção de página. Ele é um módulo de alta visibilidade em uso por um grande número de páginas, ou é transcluído muito frequentemente. Por causa do vandalismo ou erros que podem afectar muitas páginas, e mesmo edições triviais podem causar cargas substanciais nos servidores, ele está protegido de editar. |
Este módulo é usado em muitas páginas e as alterações em seu conteúdo serão amplamente notadas. Por favor, teste as alterações na subpágina de testes deste módulo, na subpágina de testes de módulos ou na subpágina de testes em seu espaço usuário. Considere discutir mudanças na página de discussão antes de implementá-las. |
Este módulo depende dos seguintes outros módulos: |
Este módulo serve de suporte para o sistema automatizado de infocaixas de taxonomia.
Ele pode ser chamado através de uma predefinição, m.q. {{Automatic taxobox |...}}
, ou diretamente, nesse caso informando o parâmetro |direct=yes
, m.q. {{#invoke:Automated taxobox|automaticTaxobox |direct=yes |...}}
Ver também
-- nome automated taxobox,
local TaxonItalics = require('Module:TaxonItalics')
local Autotaxobox = require('Module:Autotaxobox')
local ItalicTitle = require('Module:Título em itálico')
local p = {} -- functions made public
local l = {} -- nonpublic internal functions and variables global to the module
l.system = '' -- '' for normal scientific classification (default)
-- 'ichnos' for trace fossil classification
-- 'veterovata' for egg fossil classification
-- =============================================================================
-- ichnobox implements Template:Ichnobox; see the documentation of that
-- template for details.
-- The only difference from Template:Automatic taxobox is in the taxobox colour
-- and classification link and the parameters for type species and genera.
-- =============================================================================
function p.ichnobox(frame)
l.system = 'ichnos'
return p.automaticTaxobox(frame)
-- =============================================================================
-- oobox implements Template:Oobox; see the documentation of that
-- template for details.
-- The only difference from Template:Automatic taxobox is in the taxobox colour
-- and classification link and the parameters for type species and genera.
-- =============================================================================
function p.oobox(frame)
l.system = 'veterovata'
return p.automaticTaxobox(frame)
-- =============================================================================
-- automaticTaxobox implements Template:Automatic taxobox; see the documentation
-- of that template for details.
-- It also implements Template:Ichnobox and Template:Oobox. The small
-- differences are signalled by the module-wide variable l.system.
-- The following parameters present in the old template code version of
-- Template:Automatic taxobox were not used and have not been implemented:
-- image_caption_align
-- image2_caption_align
-- binomial2
-- binomial2_authority
-- binomial3
-- binomial3_authority
-- binomial4
-- binomial4_authority
-- =============================================================================
function p.automaticTaxobox(frame)
local args
if frame.args['direct'] == 'yes' then args = frame.args
else args = frame:getParent().args end
local res = ''
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- pick up taxobox parameters from the caller that need to be processed;
-- most will be passed on unchanged
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
local pagename = args['pagename'] or '' -- for testing and debugging only
local italicTitle = args['italic_title'] or args['italic title'] or args['itálico'] or ''
local ichnos = ''
if l.system == 'ichnos' then ichnos = 'true' end
local veterovata = ''
if l.system == 'veterovata' then veterovata = 'true' end
local fossilRange = args['fossil_range'] or args['fossil range'] or args['temporal_range'] or args['temporal range'] or args['período_fóssil'] or ''
local oldestFossil = args['oldest_fossil'] or args['oldest fossil'] or ''
local youngestFossil = args['youngest_fossil'] or args['youngest fossil'] or ''
local name = args['name'] or args['nome'] or ''
local colourAs = args['color_as'] or args['color as'] or args['colour_as'] or args['colour as'] or ''
local taxon = args['taxon'] or args['táxon'] or ''
local authority = args['authority'] or args['autoridade'] or ''
local parentAuthority = args['parent_authority'] or args['parent authority'] or ''
local subdivision = args['subdivision'] or args['subdivisão'] or ''
local subdivisionRef = args['subdivision_ref'] or args['subdivision ref'] or args['subdivisão_ref'] or ''
local subdivisionRanks = args['subdivision_ranks'] or args['subdivision ranks'] or args['subdivisão_nome'] or ''
local manualFlag = 'text' -- marks manually specified ranks
local binomial = args['binomial'] or args['binomial_'..manualFlag] or args['binomial '..manualFlag] or ''
local binomialAuthority = args['binomial_authority'] or args['binomial_authority'] or args['binomial_autoridade'] or ''
local genusManual = args['genus_'..manualFlag] or args['genus '..manualFlag] or args['género'..manualFlag] or ''
local speciesManual = args['species_'..manualFlag] or args['species '..manualFlag] or args['espécies'..manualFlag] or ''
-- ------------------------------------------------------
-- set the taxobox parameters determined by this function
-- ------------------------------------------------------
fossilRange = l.setfossilRange(frame, fossilRange, oldestFossil, youngestFossil)
-- use the base page name as the taxon if the taxon parameter is missing
local currentPagename = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()
if pagename == '' then pagename = currentPagename.text end -- pagename para only used in testing and
local basePagename = pagename
if italicTitle ~= 'taxon' then basePagename = mw.ustring.gsub(basePagename, '%s+%b()$', '', 1) end
local taxonParaMissingError = false
if taxon == '' then
taxonParaMissingError = true
taxon = basePagename
-- decide if the page name and taxobox name need to be italicized;
-- if italic_title is not set, then if the names are the taxon, use its rank to decide
local ok, taxonRank = Autotaxobox.getTaxonInfoItem(frame, taxon, 'rank') -- taxonRank needed later if not here
if italicTitle == '' then
if not (ok and taxonRank ~= '' and
frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Is italic taxon', args = {taxonRank} } == 'yes') then
italicTitle = 'no'
-- remove any " (DISAMBIG)" or "/MODIFIER" from the taxon's name;
-- if the base page name is the same as the base taxon name, then italicization can be applied
local baseTaxon = taxon
if italicTitle ~= 'taxon' then baseTaxon = mw.ustring.gsub(baseTaxon, '%s+%b()$', '', 1) end
baseTaxon = mw.ustring.gsub(baseTaxon, '/.*$', '', 1)
if italicTitle == '' and basePagename == baseTaxon then
italicTitle = 'yes'
-- italicize the page name (page title) if required
if currentPagename.namespace == 0 and (italicTitle == 'yes' or italicTitle == 'taxon') then
if italicTitle == 'taxon' or TaxonItalics.hasConnectingTerm(baseTaxon) then
res = res .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Italic taxon title', args = {} }
italicTitle = 'yes'
else ItalicTitle._main({})
-- set the taxobox name if not supplied, italicizing it if appropriate.
if name == '' then
name = basePagename
if italicTitle == 'yes' then
name = TaxonItalics.italicizeTaxonName(name, false, false)
-- name = name .. '/' .. baseTaxon .. '/' .. nameRank
-- determine taxobox colour
local colour = ''
if colourAs ~= '' then
colour = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Taxonomia/cor', args = {colourAs} }
elseif l.system == 'ichnos' then
colour = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Taxonomia/cor', args = {'Ichnos'} }
elseif l.system == 'veterovata' then
colour = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Taxonomia/cor', args = {'Veterovata'} }
colour = Autotaxobox.getTaxoboxColour(frame, taxon)
-- fill in a missing subdivision_ranks parameter
if subdivision ~= '' and subdivisionRanks == '' and ok and taxonRank ~= '' then
subdivisionRanks = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Nível taxonômico', args = {taxonRank} }
-- set binomial parameters if the target taxon is (unusually) a species
local genusAuthority = ''
if binomial == '' then
if ok and taxonRank == 'species' or taxonRank == "espécies" then
binomial = TaxonItalics.italicizeTaxonName(taxon, false, false)
binomialAuthority = authority
-- handle any manually set ranks
local boldFirst = ''
local offset = 0
if speciesManual ~= '' then
offset = offset + 1
binomialAuthority = authority
if binomial == '' then binomial = '<span class="error">Erro: valor do parâmetro binomial em falta</span>' end
if genusManual ~= '' then
boldFirst = 'link'
offset = offset + 1
if offset == 1 then
genusAuthority = authority
genusAuthority = parentAuthority
-- process type genus and type species if present; italicize if they seem not to have an authority attached
local typeGenus = ''
local typeGenusAuthority = ''
local typeSpecies = ''
local typeSpeciesAuthority = ''
local typeIchnogenus = ''
local typeIchnogenusAuthority = ''
local typeIchnospecies = ''
local typeIchnospeciesAuthority = ''
local typeOogenus = ''
local typeOogenusAuthority = ''
local typeOospecies = ''
local typeOospeciesAuthority = ''
if l.system == '' then
typeGenus = l.italicizeTypeName(args['type_genus'] or args['type genus'] or args['género_tipo'] or '')
typeGenusAuthority = args['type_genus_authority'] or args['type genus authority'] or args['género_tipo_autoridade'] or ''
typeSpecies = l.italicizeTypeName(args['type_species'] or args['type species'] or args['espécies_tipo'] or '')
typeSpeciesAuthority = args['type_species_authority'] or args['type species authority'] or args['espécies_tipo_autoridade'] or ''
elseif l.system == 'ichnos' then
typeIchnogenus = l.italicizeTypeName(args['type_ichnogenus'] or args['type ichnogenus'] or '')
typeIchnogenusAuthority = args['type_ichnogenus_authority'] or args['type ichnogenus authority'] or ''
typeIchnospecies = l.italicizeTypeName(args['type_ichnospecies'] or args['type ichnospecies'] or '')
typeIchnospeciesAuthority = args['type_ichnospecies_authority'] or args['type ichnospecies authority'] or ''
elseif l.system == 'veterovata' then
typeOogenus = l.italicizeTypeName(args['type_oogenus'] or args['type oogenus'] or '')
typeOogenusAuthority = args['type_oogenus_authority'] or args['type oogenus authority'] or ''
typeOospecies = l.italicizeTypeName(args['type_oospecies'] or args['type oospecies'] or '')
typeOospeciesAuthority = args['type_oospecies_authority'] or args['type oospecies authority'] or ''
-- ------------------------------------------------
-- now call Taxobox/core with all of its parameters
-- ------------------------------------------------
res = res .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Info/Taxonomia/core', args =
{ ichnos = ichnos,
veterovata = veterovata,
['edit link'] = 'e',
temporal_range = fossilRange,
display_taxa = args['display_parents'] or args['display parents'] or '1',
parent = taxon,
authority = authority,
parent_authority = parentAuthority,
grandparent_authority = args['grandparent_authority'] or args['grandparent authority'] or '',
greatgrandparent_authority = args['greatgrandparent_authority'] or args['greatgrandparent authority'] or '',
greatgreatgrandparent_authority = args['greatgreatgrandparent_authority'] or args['greatgreatgrandparent authority'] or '',
name = name,
colour = colour,
status = args['status'] or args['estado'] or '',
status_system = args['status_system'] or args['status system'] or args['sistema_estado'] or '',
status_ref = args['status_ref'] or args['status ref'] or args['estado_ref'] or '',
status2 = args['status2'] or '',
status2_system = args['status2_system'] or args['status2 system'] or '',
status2_ref = args['status2_ref'] or args['status2 ref'] or '',
trend = args['trend'] or '',
extinct = args['extinct'] or args['extinto'] or '',
image = args['image'] or args['imagem'] or '',
upright = args['image_upright'] or args['image upright'] or '',
image_alt = args['image_alt'] or args['image alt'] or '',
image_caption = args['image_caption'] or args['image caption'] or args['imagem_legenda'] or '',
image2 = args['image2'] or args['imagem2'] or '',
upright2 = args['image2_upright'] or args['image2 upright'] or '',
image2_alt = args['image2_alt'] or args['image2 alt'] or '',
image2_caption = args['image2_caption'] or args['image2 caption'] or args['imagem2_legenda'] or '',
classification_status = args['classification_status'] or args['classification status'] or '',
diversity = args['diversity'] or args['diversidade'] or '',
diversity_ref = args['diversity_ref'] or args['diversity ref'] or '',
diversity_link = args['diversity_link'] or args['diversity link'] or args['diversidade_link'] or '',
bold_first = boldFirst,
offset = offset,
genus = genusManual,
genus_authority = genusAuthority,
species = speciesManual,
binomial = binomial,
binomial_authority = binomialAuthority,
trinomial = args['trinomial'] or '',
trinomial_authority = args['trinomial_authority'] or args['trinomial authority'] or args['trinomial_autoridade'] or '',
type_genus = typeGenus,
type_genus_authority = typeGenusAuthority,
type_species = typeSpecies,
type_species_authority = typeSpeciesAuthority,
type_ichnogenus = typeIchnogenus,
type_ichnogenus_authority = typeIchnogenusAuthority,
type_ichnospecies = typeIchnospecies,
type_ichnospecies_authority = typeIchnospeciesAuthority,
type_oogenus = typeOogenus,
type_oogenus_authority = typeOogenusAuthority,
type_oospecies = typeOospecies,
type_oospecies_authority = typeOospeciesAuthority,
subdivision = subdivision,
subdivision_ref = subdivisionRef,
subdivision_ranks = subdivisionRanks,
type_strain = args['type_strain'] or args['type strain'] or '',
range_map = args['range_map'] or args['range map'] or args['mapa'] or '',
range_map_upright = args['range_map_upright'] or args['range map upright'] or '',
range_map_alt = args['range_map_alt'] or args['range map alt'] or '',
range_map_caption = args['range_map_caption'] or args['range map caption'] or args['mapa_legenda'] or '',
range_map2 = args['range_map2'] or args['range map2'] or args['mapa2'] or '',
range_map2_upright = args['range_map2_upright'] or args['range map2 upright'] or '',
range_map2_alt = args['range_map2_alt'] or args['range map2 alt'] or '',
range_map2_caption = args['range_map2_caption'] or args['range map2 caption'] or args['mapa2_legenda'] or '',
range_map3 = args['range_map3'] or args['range map3'] or args['mapa3'] or '',
range_map3_upright = args['range_map3_upright'] or args['range map3 upright'] or '',
range_map3_alt = args['range_map3_alt'] or args['range map3 alt'] or '',
range_map3_caption = args['range_map3_caption'] or args['range map3 caption'] or args['mapa3_legenda'] or '',
range_map4 = args['range_map4'] or args['range map4'] or args['mapa4'] or '',
range_map4_upright = args['range_map4_upright'] or args['range map4 upright'] or '',
range_map4_alt = args['range_map4_alt'] or args['range map4 alt'] or '',
range_map4_caption = args['range_map4_caption'] or args['range map4 caption'] or args['mapa4_legenda'] or '',
synonyms_ref = args['synonyms_ref'] or args['synonyms ref'] or args['sinónimos_ref'] or args['sinônimos_ref'] or '',
synonyms = args['synonyms'] or args['sinónimos'] or args['sinônimos'] or ''
} }
-- put page in error-tracking categories if required
local errCat1 = ''
if genusManual ~= '' or speciesManual ~= '' or binomial ~= '' then errCat1 = '[[Categoria:!Caixas de espécies com parâmetros manuais]]' end
local errCat2 = ''
if taxonParaMissingError then errCat2 = '[[Categoria:!Caixas de espécies contando com título da página]]' end
res = res .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Artigos e outros', args = {errCat1..errCat2} }
return res
-- =============================================================================
-- l.setfossilRange(frame, fossilRange, oldestFossil, youngestFossil) checks
-- the parameters that determine the fossil range, returning an appropriate
-- range.
-- =============================================================================
-- temporary public function for debugging
function p.chkFossilRange(frame)
local args = frame.args
local fossilRange = args['temporal_range'] or args['temporal range'] or args['fossil_range'] or args['fossil range'] or args['período_fóssil'] or ''
local oldestFossil = args['oldest_fossil'] or args['oldest fossil'] or ''
local youngestFossil = args['youngest_fossil'] or args['youngest fossil'] or ''
local fossilRange = l.setfossilRange(frame, fossilRange, oldestFossil, youngestFossil)
return fossilRange
function l.setfossilRange(frame, fossilRange, oldestFossil, youngestFossil)
local res = ''
if fossilRange ~= '' then
if mw.ustring.find(frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Período começo', args = { fossilRange } }, '[Ee]rror') then
res = fossilRange
res = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Período fóssil', args = { fossilRange } }
elseif oldestFossil ~= '' then
if youngestFossil == '' then youngestFossil = 'Recente' end
if mw.ustring.find(frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Período começo', args = { oldestFossil } }, '[Ee]rror') or
mw.ustring.find(frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Período começo', args = { youngestFossil } }, '[Ee]rror') then
res = oldestFossil..'–'..youngestFossil
res = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Período fóssil', args = { oldestFossil, youngestFossil } }
return res
-- =============================================================================
-- l.italicizeTypeName(typeName) checks whether the name of a type genus or
-- species should be italicized, because it appears to be a bare name.
-- =============================================================================
function l.italicizeTypeName(typeName)
if typeName and not (string.find(typeName, "<", 1, true) or string.find(typeName, ">", 1, true)) then
typeName = TaxonItalics.italicizeTaxonName(typeName, false, false)
return typeName
-- **************************** Speciesbox support *****************************
-- =============================================================================
-- l.genusOf(str) extracts the genus from a string. Normally this will be the
-- first word of the string (e.g. given 'Bellis perennis' it returns 'Bellis').
-- It also handles a string containing a nothogenus with a spaced × (e.g. given
-- '× Heucherella tiarelloides' it returns '× Heucherella').
-- =============================================================================
function l.genusOf(str)
local res = mw.ustring.match(str, '^[^%s]*', 1)
if res == mw.ustring.char(215) then
res = res .. ' ' .. mw.ustring.match(str, '^[^%s]*', 3)
return res
-- =============================================================================
-- l.doSpeciesboxName(name, taxon, genus, species, basePageTitle, italicTitle)
-- returns a name for a taxobox created by Template:Speciesbox. The name will be
-- italicized if appropriate. It also generates code to italicize the page title
-- if appropropriate. In both cases the test for italicization is that the base
-- taxon name (stripped of any disambiguation or qualifier) is the same as the
-- base page title.
-- =============================================================================
function p.speciesboxName(frame)
local name = frame.args[1] or ''
local taxon = frame.args[2] or ''
local genus = frame.args[3] or ''
local species = frame.args[4] or ''
local basePageTitle = frame.args[5] or ''
local italicTitle = frame.args[6] or ''
return l.doSpeciesboxName(name, taxon, genus, species, basePageTitle, italicTitle)
function l.doSpeciesboxName(name, taxon, genus, species, basePageTitle, italicTitle)
if taxon ~= '' then
genus = mw.ustring.gsub(l.genusOf(taxon), '/.*$', '', 1) -- strip any qualifier
genus = mw.ustring.gsub(mw.ustring.gsub(genus, '%s+%b()$', '', 1), '/.*$', '', 1) -- strip any disambig and qualifier
if species == '' then taxon = genus
else taxon = genus .. ' ' .. species
local italicizeP = italicTitle ~= 'no' and (basePageTitle == taxon or basePageTitle == genus) -- use basePageTitle to match taxon/genus
-- deal with taxobox name (i.e. its caption)
if name == '' then
name = basePageTitle
if italicizeP then name = TaxonItalics.italicizeTaxonName(name, false, false) end
-- deal with page title
if italicizeP then
local pageTitle = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text -- formatting the page title with DISPLAYTITLE needs the full page title
if italicTitle ~= 'test' then
pageTitle = TaxonItalics.italicizeTaxonName(pageTitle, false, false, true) -- format pageTitle, not italicizing any parenthesized term
local nsText = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText -- for drafts and other pages not in mainspace
if nsText ~= '' then
pageTitle = nsText .. ':' .. pageTitle
mw.getCurrentFrame():callParserFunction('DISPLAYTITLE', pageTitle)
name = name .. ' \\Italic title\\ ' .. pageTitle -- for testing and debugging
return name
-- =============================================================================
-- =============================================================================
function p.infraspeciesboxName(frame)
local name = frame.args[1] or ''
local genus = frame.args[2] or ''
local species = frame.args[3] or ''
local ct = frame.args[4] or ''
local infraspecies = frame.args[5] or ''
local basePageTitle = frame.args[6] or ''
local italicTitle = frame.args[7] or ''
return l.doinfraspeciesboxName(name, genus, species, ct, infraspecies, basePageTitle, italicTitle)
function l.doinfraspeciesboxName(name, genus, species, ct, infraspecies, basePageTitle, italicTitle)
genus = mw.ustring.gsub(mw.ustring.gsub(genus, '%s+%b()$', '', 1), '/.*$', '', 1) -- strip any disambig and qualifier
local taxon = genus .. ' ' .. species
if ct == '' then taxon = taxon .. ' ' .. infraspecies
else taxon = taxon .. ' ' .. ct .. ' ' .. infraspecies
local italicizeP = italicTitle ~= 'no' and (basePageTitle == taxon) -- use basePageTitle to match taxon
-- deal with taxobox name (i.e. its caption)
if name == '' then
name = basePageTitle
if italicizeP then name = TaxonItalics.italicizeTaxonName(name, false, false) end
-- deal with page title
if italicizeP then
local pageTitle = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text -- formatting the page title with DISPLAYTITLE needs the full page title
pageTitle = TaxonItalics.italicizeTaxonName(pageTitle, false, false, true) -- format pageTitle, not italicizing any parenthesized term
if italicTitle ~= 'test' then
mw.getCurrentFrame():callParserFunction('DISPLAYTITLE', pageTitle)
name = name .. ' \\Italic title\\ ' .. pageTitle -- for testing and debugging
return name
return p