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Usuário(a):Quantum Universe Institute/Testes

Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.


Observe, scrutinize, understand and describe absolutely EVERYTHING in the universe, in a simple way!

Important note. Read until the end, several times if necessary...

In one of my many intellectual “provocations”, a recent one caused heated discussion among fellow physicists and astrophysicists, where I compared the complexity of a mechanical watch to the Universe itself.

The provocation was this: How is a mechanical watch similar to the Universe? Both are mechanisms! Is one of them more complex on its own? In my opinion, no! Imagine a Swiss chronograph watch (completely disassembled), you would have difficulty putting it back together, a watchmaker would quickly put it back together...

So let's go... Revisiting the subject may be useful!

Let's establish an initial, indispensable and necessary premise, imagine that: You don't know what a WATCH is, you've never seen one and you have no idea what it's for.

This is exactly how we must look at the Universe to understand it, from now on when I refer to the clock “read Universe”, it doesn’t matter if it is the smallest or largest portion of it.

An extremely experienced watchmaker (God) decided to offer you three ways to “discover” what a watch is and how it works; choose one of them!

A) The first; He gives you the watch completely disassembled, absolutely all the parts and pieces are visible, there is no doubt about their shape or nature, you can examine them one by one, see all the details, each wheel and gear, everything is exposed!

B) The second; gives you the same watch completely assembled, “stopped” (without winding it), you have the option of looking closely at its architecture, how each individual piece fits together, you can disassemble it and reassemble it several times, enumerate the pieces individuals and their possible functions together.

C) The third; He gives you the assembled watch again, this time “working”, but you CANNOT disassemble it, you can only observe!

All options can eventually lead you to the same result, knowing what a watch is and how it works, however, one of them offers a faster and simpler path...

Congratulations, if you want you can make your choice now! Or you can wait a little while we “chat”, of course, if you are already sure about the best option, don’t waste time.


There are no complex problems, “everything exists under a certain architecture”, the complexity derives from the fact that you don’t understand what you are observing!

Everything can be analyzed (described) from the perspective of “mechanism” and systemic flow, no matter if it is a personal or business relationship, a weather event, gravitational interactions or even the universe as a whole. The “micro and macro universe” may seem extremely complex when observed separately, understanding both is only possible with the correct premises..


Have you already defined which watch option you prefer to receive?

I can guarantee you, without any doubt; we only have one of the WATCHES available! It is certainly “assembled and working” (third option). But the watchmaker offered you two other options, would you choose one of them?

I reiterate that all three watches can answer the question! (What is it? And how does it really work)

You would be more successful, you would be more efficient, observing; the first, second or third? In my opinion, it is a blessing that the only option available is the best!

On one side you would have absolutely all the parts and pieces exposed, on the other you would have the entire structure assembled and you could disassemble everything and then reassemble it (the first two options together), as nothing would stop you from scrutinizing the components... However, the watch of the third option, even though it is NOT possible to disassemble it, it is by far the best choice!

Take a (working) clock and just observe, you will certainly be able to intuit its purpose! Even if you never manage to completely disassemble it, you will know much more than a collector of “parts or stopped watches”.


It is necessary to understand that the workflow of a mechanism generates effects, trying to understand them by dismantling the structure first is foolish!

In front of you there is a window, you see the world through it, “think outside the box”, you can open this window, stick your head out...

Note: If you chose the third option... Could you tell me why?

It will be a pleasure to receive your feedback...


Source: Edenilson Carletti