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Último comentário: 7 de maio de 2011 de GoEThe

Essa é provavelmente a coisa mais idiotas que alguém pode dizer sobre soluços: "Uma outra forma de resolver o soluço é simples e curiosa: basta você perguntar à pessoa que está soluçando se ela gosta de alguma coisa que seja muito boa (ex: bombom, chocolate), assim que ela responder sim, você diz que se ela soluçar mais uma vez irá ganhar uma caixa do que foi perguntado (caixa de bombom, barra de chocolate), pronto, ela vai tentar soluçar o resto do dia e não vai conseguir."

Retirei a parte acima por se tratar unicamente de crendice popular.

Soluço e tumores[editar código-fonte]

Retirei a parte que dizia que soluços podem ser causados por tumores. parece-me que não existe uma relação entre causa-efeito entre as duas.

Acho que deveria ficar. Como referência, por exemplo, seguem os artigos abaixo. --Stéfano msg 00h52min de 6 de maio de 2011 (UTC)Responder
  • J Support Oncol. 2009 Jul-Aug;7(4):122-7, 130.

Diagnosis and management of hiccups in the patient with advanced cancer. Marinella MA. Benign, self-limited hiccups are more of a nuisance, but persistent and intractable hiccups lasting more than 48 hours and 1 month, respectively, are a source of significant morbidity in the patient with advanced malignancy.The hiccup reflex is complex, but stimulation of vagal afferents followed by activation of efferent phrenic and intercostal nerve pathways results in contraction of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles, respectively.The etiology of hiccups in the cancer and palliative care population may include chemotherapy, electrolyte derangements, esophagitis, and neoplastic involvement of the central nervous system (CNS), thorax, and abdominal cavity. Prolonged hiccups can result in depression, fatigue, impaired sleep, dehydration, weight loss, malnutrition, and aspiration syndromes. Evaluation should be symptom-directed, focusing mainly upon the CNS and thoracoabdominal cavities as well as assessment of medications and serum chemistries. Most patients with ongoing hiccups require pharmacotherapy, with chlorpromazine being the only US Food and Drug Administration-approved agent. However, numerous other medications have been reported to be efficacious for treating intractable hiccups. Gabapentin has recently been shown to terminate hiccups effecitvely in cancer patients and may emerge as a therapy of choice in the palliative setting due to favorable tolerability, pain-modulating effects, minimal adverse events, and lack of drug interactions.´´

  • Support Care Cancer. 2009 Oct;17(10):1317-24. Epub 2009 Feb 8.

Upper gastrointestinal symptoms in patients with advanced cancer: relationship to nutritional and performance status. Bovio G, Montagna G, Bariani C, Baiardi P.

GOALS OF WORK: The goals of the study were to determine the relationship of upper gastrointestinal symptoms with nutritional status and to assess their association with performance status in patients with advanced cancer. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We studied 143 patients (50 F, 93 M, mean age 68 +/- 11 years, mean body mass index 22.39 +/- 4.3 kg/m(2)). Assessed symptoms were the following: anorexia, nausea, vomiting, dysphagia for solids, dysphagia for liquids, xerostomia, hypogeusia, dysgeusia, hiccup and chewing disturbances. We determined anthropometric parameters, daily energy intake and serum albumin, prealbumin and transferrin. MAIN RESULTS: The most common upper gastrointestinal symptoms were xerostomia (73%), anorexia (49%) and chewing disturbances (40%). Fifty-four percent of patients had weight loss greater than 10%. Seventy-three patients (51%) had daily energy intake lower than their resting energy expenditure. Mean serum prealbumin, albumin and transferrin were below normal range. Mean Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status scale was 3.1 +/- 0.49. Symptoms were often strongly correlated, and usually, patients experienced at least three upper gastrointestinal symptoms at the same time. Anorexia, nausea and vomiting were the symptoms mostly correlated with other symptoms. A correlation was found between vomiting and hiccup. Energy intake (EI) was the nutritional parameter mostly affected by upper gastrointestinal symptoms; moreover, EI is the most predictive factor of upper gastrointestinal symptoms, particularly xerostomia, anorexia and dysphagia for solids. CONCLUSIONS: Upper gastrointestinal symptoms are linked to nutritional parameters: In particular, energy intake represents the most predictive variable of symptom occurrence. The performance status is not affected by upper gastrointestinal symptoms. A rigorous nutritional assessment and the managing of upper gastrointestinal symptoms are crucial in patients with advanced cancer.

  • Nurs Times. 2008 Aug 26-Sep 1;104(34):24-5.

Managing persistent hiccups in advanced cancer 1: physiology. Perdue C, Lloyd Ash E. This is the first in a two-part unit on persistent hiccups in advanced cancer. It discusses the incidence, causes, physiology and adverse effects of hiccups. Persistent hiccups are a rare occurrence in patients with advanced forms of cancer. However, when they do occur, they can have a significant impact on patients' quality of life.

  • Am J Gastroenterol. 2008 Mar;103(3):801. Hiccups: an unrecognized symptom of esophageal cancer? Khorakiwala T, Arain R, Mulsow J, Walsh TN.
A informação parece interessante, mas talvez possa ser desenvolvida. Pelos textos parece que a ocorrência de soluços persistentes é raro em doentes com cancro, e dizem haver uma correlação, não uma relação causa-efeito. Não é proposto um mecanismo para estas ocorrências. GoEThe (discussão) 08h55min de 7 de maio de 2011 (UTC)Responder