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Usuário(a):LISIANE OLIVEIRA/Testes

Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.

plus55 is the first platform created to bring content about Brazil to foreign audiences. It was conceived by a group of Brazilian journalists and designers who wanted to help solve a big problem: misinformation and disinformation about our country. We feel that the international media has neglected Brazil for decades. Now, it concentrates its coverage primarily on economics. While it’s an important issue, economics alone cannot help you understand all of Brazil’s complexities. Our country is difficult to understand. One of the world’s Top 10 economies, we are home to more than 170,000 millionaires – but also to 10 million people who survive on less than $30 per month. We are seen as an exotic land of free love and liberal people, and yet Brazil is also deeply conservative. Brazilians have elected a female president, but domestic violence remains an endemic problem. As you can see, Brazil is a land of contradiction and nuance. But don’t worry. We’re here to help. plus55 is Your Bridge to Brazil.