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Carnis Fice[editar | editar código-fonte]

Once, there was a creature by the name of Carnis Fice, this creature was the same as any other mammal creature, it had arms, legs, eyes and of course, a mouth. It's name means literally "made of flesh", which funny enough, isn't much of a specific trait considering most mammals are made of flesh, if not all of them. Anyway, what's the big deal with this creature after all, you may ask? Well, as far scientists know about this creature, which by the way is pretty much nothing considering how mysterious it is, this creature seems to be a cannibal, and that is not that much of a big deal considering how many cannibal creatures are out there. But then what is so special about it? The thing is, this creature could hunt like no other apparently. It's skeletal structure shows it simply could run faster than the prey could flee, and of course, kill them faster than they could fight for their lives (RIP deceased Carnis realtive). We are really lucky that they don't exist anymore, or else we could be in a very dangerous situation, i think... Or atleast we thought it didn't exist anymore, however, several people related sightings of this specific creature in florests around Russia, more specificaly, Siberia. This creature, although lacking data about it, is known to have been estabilished in the now russian territory, however we have no resource to back that shit up since the only information we got about this creature was a stomach and a fossile, that mind you was looking really, but really old, old enough to go way back when dinossaurs were around. But we thought to ourselves that there was no way this creature could have existed so far back and then again in the modern age, simply because there was no other creature like this one back then, and if it did exist how the hell did it even survive the disaster that wiped the dinos or even live THAT long without changing anything at all? We don't know, it's very difficult to explain it's existance once we can't track it's records anywhere else, we can't explain from where they came from, or how they're back.