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Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.

The Pablo Escobar most knowed has EvilGeesus is a legendary god with 36 years, he was born in a agyptian pyramide his mother was a hore and his dad was a 70000k yasuo main (bassically a no life) Pablo Escobar didnt had a dad so he lived with his mother, until one day a zombie apocalipse started in a planed called "Sup Bitch" and he lived in that planet everyone died to the apocalypse except for Pablo Escobar cuz he spam clicked R and killed every motherfucking zombie that was out there, including his mother after he killed his mother he got really happy cuz he could drink Super Bock how much he wanted, then sudently 4000 years later a god called "TryingDaMere" came to his planet and only saw him, he asked:"what happend here?" and Pablo Excobar said:"I killed everyone lol ez" after he met TryingDaMere they became friends and Pablo Escobar was knowed by Evil Geesus due to unlimited reasons after he destroyed his home planet (Sup Bitch) he came to a planet called earth, there he got a wife and spanked her everyday until she died with a BWC (big white cock) in her mouth, he hidded her body and got divorced, then one day a nuclear boomb was gonna land and he lived so everyone could live (400000 QI move) after that ha started streaming, during a stream he finded another god called "Nuno" he lived in that planet and actually had a life so the EvilGeesus got angry and killed everyone in the planet except Nuno because he couldn´t beat him, then Nuno revived everyone and EvilGeesus said these words: "Are you saying the pykes passive? THANKS CAPTAIN OBDIOUS why are you a fucking mod?" and then Nuno challenged EvilGeesus for a duel, after weeks of training both of them were ready the battle started with EvilGeesus hooking Nuno and doing 3 aa's but Nuno had heal pots so nothing happend meanwhile Ukumbi appeard and gave a super SUCK to EvilGessus after EvilGeesus drunk his beer he just did a attack and the fight was over Nuno was laying in the ground ready to get finished his last words were: "Sup Bitch", and he got finished after that EvilGeesus killed averyone and destroyed the universe.


act.2: The restart After EvilGeesus destroy everything he had a lot of time to think when he realized he did shit and wanted everything to be the same so he talked with everyone in the spiriritual realm (yes he can do that hes the EvilGeesus after all) killed devil created a new planet using his creative mode and just spawned everyone there a lot of people died in the fall and other died for unknow reasons he realized he didnt know what the fuck he was doing and the only one who could do that was his old friend "Nuno" cuz he revived everyone in the earth in the other act, when he talked with Nuno he asked for a Super Bock but the EvilGeesus just had the LOSERS bock and the super SUCK he wanted something different so he made the super COCK and Nuno revived everyone then he remembered about the last fight he had with Nuno when Nuno said "Sup Bitch" he was wondering how does he know about my home planet?, so he asked to Nuno and he said:"Im the one who did the zombie apocalipse", after EvilGeesus heard that he became angry and attacked Nuno, Nuno dodjed everything and kicked EvilGeesus ass Nuno got stronger in the spiritual realm he was too strong, so EvilGeesus called his friend TryingDaMere and they made a plan to defeat Nuno the plan was: putting a bottle of super COCK in the ground next to a camuflated roup hoping the roup gets him, so the next day they tried it, the plan was a succes but Nunu easilly broke free and run when he saw TryingDaMerre because he had a lot of respect for TryingDaMere bacause of that time he gave a Sub to Nuno when he was nobody, so EvilGeesus realised that TryingDamere is the key to defeat Nuno and reveal his secrets and why he did the apocalypse, so they made another plan the plan was: while EvilGeesus fights Nuno TryingDaMere grabs Nuno and says to him not to move because of his respect he will obey (in the teory) so they tried it BUT in the moment that TryingDaMere grabed Nuno he explode (doing a KABOOM sound in the background) and then they say Nuno there in the first time EvilGeesus didnt understand what happend but he had bigger problems TryingDaMere was almost dying because of the explosion so EvilGeesus clicks W and dissapears with TryingDaMere when he realizes TryingDaMere was dead in his arm so EvilGeesus sware there that he was going to have a revenge.


act.3 soon