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Wikipédia:Conselho de WikiProjetos/Arquivo de projetos/Chat/Integração

Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.

O acesso ao canal de IRC está dependente de aplicações/sites externos, o que poderá provocar o afastamento de utilizadores mais novos ou menos adaptados às novas tecnologias.

A proposta inicial do projecto Chat era implantar o chat na própria Wikipédia, sem a necessidade de instalação de um programa externo (cliente IRC), como é feito no ou no O Nuno Tavares informou que a Wikimedia poderá [eventualmente] prover o acesso à sala de IRC através do browser dentro do domínio .wikipedia. Mas, para que isso seja possível, são necessárias alterações no software Mediawiki, através da instalação de uma extensão.

Projectos similares

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para informação mais actualizada, ver: mw:Category:Chat extensions
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Tim Starling

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Nota: Tim é um dos principais developers do mediawiki.

Excerto de m:Talk:Article_chat_box:

I guess it might help to implement a gateway to an IRC-like forum which is not only accessible from most web browsers, but is also closely integrated with MediaWiki. Perhaps a chat room could be plonked into a talk page like a template, say {{chat:vfd}} to include a java applet accessing a chat room about VFD. -- Tim Starling 15:06, Jul 19, 2004 (UTC)

Contactámo-lo por irc, eis os comentários dele:

It's a complex project. (...) If it was easy, I would have done it 2 years ago.

Quando inquirido sobre a possibilidade do uso do pjirc hack, respondeu:

I don't know what the other system administrators will think of it. (...) It might be possible though. (...) It would go a bit faster if there was some other developer interested in collaborating on MediaWiki extension development -- I have plenty of other things to do. (...) [Anyway], it would have to be properly reviewed."

Brion Vibber

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Nota: Brion é o Chief Technical Officer da Wikimedia.

[23:10] <Waldir> do you know a mediawiki extension called PJIRC hack?
[23:15] <brion> nope, don't know it
[23:15] <Waldir>
[23:15] <Waldir> it is intended to enable a java-based IRC chat within mediawiki
[23:16] <Waldir> like
[23:16] <Waldir> that would make irc more democratic for wiki users, as they wouldnt have to install a client
[23:17] <Waldir> i did some research, and there has been several people supporting this idea (even Tim Starling commented something similar back in 2004)
[23:17] *** brionj has joined #wikimedia-tech
[23:17] <brionj> neat
[23:18] <Waldir> here:
[23:18] <brionj> but looks like it's already in existence
[23:18] <Waldir> but what would be required to install it on a wikipedia?
[23:18] *** brionj has quit (Client Quit)
[23:19] <Waldir> i've been told you had to aprrove it cause it would require changes to mediawiki
[23:19] <brion> can you clarify "a wikipedia" here?
[23:19] <Waldir> for example, the portuguese wikipedia (which i'm "from")
[23:20] <brion> Waldir: since connections would go through our server, we'd have to be content with the idea of it. we might also need an agreement with freenode
[23:20] <brion> really i'd rather not, if we can just point people at an existing way
[23:20] <Waldir> precisely. so is it possible or not?
[23:21] <brion> hypothetically, but i'd rather let existing resources be used than expend ours maintaining a duplicate tool
[23:22] <Waldir> well i have been talking about this with a few people, should i tell them that we should give up the idea, then?
[23:22] <brion> if you like
[23:22] <Waldir> or if enough support was gathered you'd consider it?
[23:22] <brion> if there's already a tool up integrated with freenode, there's nothing more we need to do
[23:23] <brion> and you just linked me to it, so apparently it's done
[23:29] <Waldir> thanks again :)
  • Poder-se ia registar e incluir o subdomínio
  • Nota: A Desciclopédia implementou na sua página Especial:IRC o applet PJIRC, provavelmente através da extensão PJIRC hack da forma que foi acima referida.

Mudanças Recentes

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O canal de Mudanças Recentes (#pt.wikipedia), por ser hospedado pela Wikimedia em vez da Freenode, poderá não ser acessível através desses sites.

Isso poderia ser "remediado" com uma solução similar à dos wikipedistas finlandeses, que usam um canal da Freenode (#wikipedia-fi/rc) para as suas mudanças recentes, apesar de existir a versão correspondente hospedada pela Wikimedia (#fi.wikipedia);

Outra solução seria instalar o CGI:IRC na conta do, acedendo directamente ao canal em vez de usar os sites externos.

No entanto, decidiu-se deixar o canal sem acesso online, pois a sua utilidade prende-se mais com software como o Vandal Fighter, o GOE ou o IRCMonitor do AWB, não fazendo sentido ser acedido de forma manual como se fosse um canal regular.

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Contactos dos responsaveis pelo IRC

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