Waleri Iwanowitsch Grubov

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Waleri Iwanowitsch Grubov Valery Ivanovich Grubov (1917-2009) foi um botânico e taxonomista especialista e investigador da Flora da Ásia Central[1]

Trabalhos publicados


  • Plants of Central Asia - Plant Collection from China and Mongolia Vol. 11: Amaranthaceae - Caryophyllaceae by V I Grubov
  • Key to the Vascular Plants of Mongolia by V. I. Grubov (2007)
  • Plants of Central Asia - Plant Collection from China and Mongolia, Vol. 5: Verbenaceae-Scrophul... (Plants of Central Asia Series Volume 5 Plant Collections from China & Mongolia) by V I Grubov (2002)
  • Plants of Central Asia - Plant Collection from China and Mongolia, Vol. 7: Liliaceae to Orchidaceae (Plants of Central Asia Series Volume 7 Plant Collections from China and Mongolia) by V I Grubov (2003)
  • Plants of Central Asia - Plant Collection from China and Mongolia, Vol. 8a: Leguminosae (Plants of Central Asia : Plant Collections from China and Mongolia, Volume 8a) (v. 8A) by V I Grubov (2003)
  • Plants of Central Asia - Plant Collection from China and Mongolia, Vol. 8b: Legumes, Genus: Oxytropis (Plants of Cnetral Asia Series Volume 8b, Plant Collections from China and Mongolia) by V I Grubov (2003)
  • Plants of Central Asia - Plant Collection from China and Mongolia, Vol. 10: Araliaceae, Umbelliferae, Cornaceae (Plants of Central Asia Series Volume 10 Plant Collections from China & Mongolia) by V I Grubov (2005)
  • Plants of Central Asia - Plant Collection from China and Mongolia Vol. 12: Nymphaeaceae-Ceratop... Ranunculaceae-Berber... Menispermaceae by V I Grubov (2007)
  • Plants of Central Asia - Plant Collection from China and Mongolia, Vol. 3: Sedges-Rushes by V I Grubov (2000)
  • Plants of Central Asia; plant collections from China and Mongolia; v.9: Salicace by Ed. by V.I. Grubov et al.


  1. Wiley InterScience. «Valerij Ivanovi Grubov (1917-2009) und die pflanzengeographische Gliederung Zentralasiens». Consultado em 21 de julho de 2010  Parâmetro desconhecido |Língua= ignorado (|língua=) sugerido (ajuda)
  2. Amazon.com. «Books › "V. I. Grubov"». Consultado em 21 de julho de 2010 

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