Saltar para o conteúdo


Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.

local p = {}


-- Internationalization
local i18n =
		["command-error"] = "Erro de comando",									-- Command error
		["pid-not-passed"] = "Propriedade Wikidata não fornecida",				-- Wikidata property not passed
		["qid-not-passed"] = "Item Wikidata não fornecido",						-- Wikidata item not passed 
		["text-not-passed"] = "Nenhum texto fornecido",							-- No text was passed
		["var-not-passed"] = "Argumento da frase não fornecido",				-- No argument to be substituted was passed
		["nothing-passed"] = "Nenhum parâmetro foi fornecido"					-- No parameter was passed


-- subst substitutes all ocurrences of "old" in "text" with "new"
-- string text, old, new
local function subst(text, old, new)
	local new_text = string.gsub(text, old, new)
	return new_text

-- get_value returns the Wikidata value if exists. It takes an argument _type
-- that determines which function of the Wikidata module it will be used.
-- Accepts all the usual parameters of the Wikidata module, as it calls that
-- module to get the value. Here, it is used the WikidataIB, but others could
-- be used, especially in internationalization.
-- frame object frame,
-- string _type
local function get_value(frame, _type)
	local value = ""
	if _type == 'title' then
		local qid = frame.args.qid
		frame.args[1] = qid
		-- {{#invoke:WikidataIB|getLabel|<qid>}}
		value = require("Módulo:WikidataIB").getLabel(frame)
		frame.args['fetchwikidata'] = 'ALL'
		frame.args['noicon'] = 'yes'
		frame.args['onlysourced'] = 'no'
		-- {{#invoke:WikidataIB|getPreferredValue|<pid>|fetchwikidata=ALL|noicon=yes|onlysourced=no|...|qid=<qid>}}
		value = require("Módulo:WikidataIB").getPreferredValue(frame)
	return value

-- validation verifies if the obligatory parameters were passed
-- The obligatory parameters are pid, qid, text and var
-- An extra parameter (name) is used with 'reference' requests
-- frame object frame
local function validation(frame, _type)
	local text = frame.args.text
	local var = frame.args.var
	local name =
	local msg = '<span class="error"><b><span class="scribunto-error" id="mw-scribunto-error-0">' .. i18n["errors"]["command-error"] .. ': @. </span></b></span>'

	if _type ~= 'title' then
		local pid = frame.args[1]
		local qid = frame.args.qid
		if not pid and not qid and not text and not var then
			msg = string.gsub(msg, "@", i18n["errors"]["nothing-passed"])
			return false, msg, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil
		if pid and (#pid == 0) or not pid then
			msg = string.gsub(msg, "@", i18n["errors"]["pid-not-passed"])
			return false, msg, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil
		if qid and (#qid == 0) or not qid then
			msg = string.gsub(msg, "@", i18n["errors"]["qid-not-passed"])
			return false, msg, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil
		if text and (#text == 0) or not text then
			msg = string.gsub(msg, "@", i18n["errors"]["text-not-passed"])
			return false, msg, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil
		if var and (#var == 0) or not var then
			msg = string.gsub(msg, "@", i18n["errors"]["var-not-passed"])
			return false, msg, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil
		local qid = frame.args.qid or frame.args[1]
		if not qid then
			msg = string.gsub(msg, "@", i18n["errors"]["nothing-passed"])
			return false, msg, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil
		if qid and (#qid == 0) then
			msg = string.gsub(msg, "@", i18n["errors"]["qid-not-passed"])
			return false, msg, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil
	return true, nil, pid, qid, text, var, name

-- _get executes the Mbabel functionallity by taking the arguments, verifying
-- if the information exists on Wikidata and substituting in the text (phrases,
-- titles or references) passed.
-- frame object frame,
-- string _type
local function _get(frame, _type)
	-- Do the validation to check if the obligatory parameters were passed
	local success, msg, pid, qid, text, var, name = validation(frame, _type)
	-- If the validation didn't passed, show message
	if not success then
		return msg
	-- The validation passing, it's time to check if there is any value in
	-- Wikidata to be shown
	local value = get_value(frame, _type)
	-- If there is a value, if it is a title request, return the value found,
	-- else, substitute the value into the phrase passed or, if a "name"
	-- parameter were passed, a reference and return it
	if value and (#tostring(value)~=0) then
		if _type == 'title' then
			return value
		local out = subst(text, var, value)
		if name and (#value~=0) then
			return '<ref name="' .. name .. '">' .. out .. '</ref>'
		return out
	-- In case there is no value in Wikidata (accordingly with the module and
	-- parameters of its functions), return an empty string.
	return ""


-- title gets the label of a Wikidata item
function p.title(frame)
	return _get(frame, 'title')

-- phrase gets the value of a property of a Wikidata item and substitutes into
-- a phrase passed.
function p.phrase(frame)
	return _get(frame, 'phrase')

-- reference gets the value of a property of a Wikidata item and substitutes
-- into a named reference tag.
function p.reference(frame)
	return _get(frame, 'reference')

return p