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Nashville Pussy

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Nashville Pussy

Nashville Pussy ao vivo na Sala Sol em Madrid, 2005
Informações gerais
Origem Atlanta, Geórgia
País Estados Unidos
Gênero(s) Hard rock, punk rock, southern rock, psychobilly
Período em atividade 1996 – presente
Gravadora(s) Spitfire Records
Integrantes Blaine Cartwright
Ruyter Suys
Jeremy Thompson
Bonnie Buitrago
Ex-integrantes Corey Parks
Tracy Almazon
Katielyn Campbell
Karen Cuda
Página oficial

Nashville Pussy é uma banda estadunidense de hard rock nomeada ao Grammy. A banda surgiu em Atlanta, na Geórgia. Muito de seus sons falam sobre sexo, drogas, bebedeiras, brigas e também sobre rock and roll. Suas músicas não são o que é tradicionalmente considerada "amigas da rádio", devido ao uso frequente de terminologia vulgar por parte dos integrantes. A banda já excursionou duas vezes pelo Brasil, em 2007, com a baixista Karen Cuda, e em 2013, com Bonnie Buitrago no baixo.

Let Them Eat Pussy - 1998

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  1. Snake Eyes
  2. You're Goin' Down
  3. Go Motherfucker Go
  4. I'm The Man
  5. All Fucked Up
  6. Johnny Hotrod
  7. 5 Minutes To Live
  8. Somebody Shoot Me
  9. Blowin' Smoke
  10. First I Look At The Purse
  11. Eat My Dust
  12. Fried Chicken And Coffee

High As Hell - 2000

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  1. Struttin Cock
  2. Shoot First And Run Like Hell
  3. She's Got The Drugs
  4. Wrong Side Of A Gun
  5. Piece Of Ass
  6. High As Hell
  7. You Ain't Right
  8. Go To Hell
  9. Rock 'n' Roll Outlaw
  10. Let's Ride
  11. Blowjob From A Rattlesnake
  12. Drive

Say Something Nasty - 2002

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  1. Words of Wisdom
  2. Say Something Nasty
  3. Gonna Hitchhike Down To Cincinnati And Kick The Shit Outta Your Drunk Daddy
  4. You Give Drugs A Bad Name
  5. The Bitch Just Kicked Me Out
  6. Keep On Fuckin'
  7. Jack Shack
  8. Keep Them Things Away From Me
  9. Here's To Your Destruction
  10. Let's Get The Hell Outta Here
  11. Slow Movin' Train
  12. Beat Me Senseless
  13. Can't Get Rid Of It
  14. Rock N Roll Hoochie Coo
  15. Outro

Keep On Fuckin' - Live in Paris - 2003

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  1. Nashville Pussy - Let's Ride
  2. Headbangers
  3. Shine A Light
  4. Let It Be
  5. Another One Bites the Dust'
  6. You Can't Always Get What You Want
  7. Menino Bonito
  8. Only Rock and Roll
  9. Love Of My Life
  10. Live at the O2
  11. Doom and Gloom
  12. Ninguém Te Ama Como Eu
  13. Gimme Shelter
  14. Joan Baez
  15. Love of my life
  1. Pussy Time
  2. Come On, Come On
  3. Going Down Swinging
  4. Good Night For A Heart Attack
  5. Hate and Whisky
  6. Lazy White Boy
  7. Hell Ain't What It Used To Be
  8. One Way Down
  9. Raisin' Hell Again
  10. Atlanta's Still Burnin'
  11. Nutbush City Limits
  12. Meaner Than My Mama
  13. Snowblind

From Hell to Texas - 2009

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  1. Speed Machine
  2. From Hell To Texas
  3. Drunk Driving Man
  4. Lazy Jesus
  5. I'm So High featuring Danko Jones
  6. Ain't Your Business
  7. Dead Men Can't Get Drunk
  8. Late Great USA
  9. Pray for The Devil
  10. Why Why Why
  11. Stone Cold Down
  12. Give Me A Hit Before I Go

Up The Dosage - 2014

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  1. Everybody's Fault But Mine
  2. Rub It To Death
  3. Till The Meat Falls Off The Bone
  4. The South's Too Fat To Rise Again
  5. Before The Drugs Wear Off
  6. Spent
  7. Beginning Of The End
  8. Up The Dosage
  9. Taking It Easy
  10. White And Loud
  11. Hooray For Cocaine, Hooray For Tennessee
  12. Pillbilly Blues
  13. Pussy's Not A Dirty Word
  • A banda inicialmente se chamaria "Hell's Half-Acre".
  • O vocalista Blaine Cartwright é casado com a guitarrista Ruyter Suys.
  • Uma música da banda intitulado "Snake Eyes" (em português: Olhos de Cobra) foi apresentado no jogo Rogue Trip para o Playstation.
  • Uma música da banda chamado "Come On, Come On, Come On" foi apresentado no jogo Jackass the Game.

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