Predefinição Discussão:Info/Partícula/doc
Adicionar tópicoFiz a tradução do que pude, mesmo que ainda não tenhamos verbetes em português para muitos dos parâmetros.
Deixei de traduzir as passagens seguintes:
No item Descrição:
| charm || What is the particle's charm?
| bottomness || What is the particle's bottomness?
| topness || What is the particle's topness?
| isospin || What is the particle's isospin?
| weak_isospin || What is the particle's weak isospin?
| weak_isospin_3 || What is the particle's 3rd component of weak isospin?
| hypercharge || What is the particle's hypercharge?
| weak_hypercharge || What is the particle's weak hypercharge?
| chirality || What is the particle's parity? Left or right handed?
| B-L || What is the particle's B-L?
| X_charge || What is the particle's X charge?
| parity || What is the particle's parity?
| g_parity || What is the particle's G parity?
| c_parity || What is the particle's C parity?
| r_parity || What is the particle's R parity?
| condensed_symmetries || The condensed symmetries in standard PDG format.
e no seu equivalente no item Uso:
| charm =
| bottomness =
| topness =
| isospin =
| weak_isospin =
| weak_isospin_3 =
| hypercharge =
| weak_hypercharge =
| chirality =
| B-L =
| X_charge =
| parity =
| g_parity =
| c_parity =
| r_parity =
| condensed_symmetries =
que equivalem, na predefinição, aos seguintes itens:
|Isospin projection:||
|Weak isospin:||
|Weak isospin projection:||
|Weak hypercharge:||
|B − L:||
|G parity:||
|C parity:||
|R parity:||
Espero que possam completar... Conhecer (discussão) 21h37min de 29 de abril de 2010 (UTC)