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Usuário(a) Discussão:Dexisexanddsinxiscosx

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Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.
Último comentário: 10 de maio de 2023 de Dexisexanddsinxiscosx no tópico Notificação de bloqueio

Bem-vindo(a), Dexisexanddsinxiscosx!

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Eric Duff disc 13h53min de 7 de maio de 2023 (UTC)Responder

Olá, o nome da conta não é impróprio, a julgar pelas regras que você me enviou.. Nunca foi 1 problema, em nenhm dos outros idiomas wiki. Vveja os links emanexo. Obrig, Dexisexanddsinxiscosx (discussão) 14h20min de 7 de maio de 2023 (UTC)Responder
Pelas nossas regras é impróprio! Outros projetos tem regras mais "flexíveis". -- Sete de Nove msg 14h26min de 7 de maio de 2023 (UTC)Responder
FYI: Dexisexanddsinxiscosx (discussão) 14h34min de 7 de maio de 2023 (UTC)Responder

Nome impróprio

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Eric Duff disc 13h54min de 7 de maio de 2023 (UTC)Responder


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É proibido usar a Wikipédia para divulgar marcas, empresas ou pessoas, como fez em Usuário(a) Discussão:Dexisexanddsinxiscosx. A Wikipédia não é um diretório de links ou serviços e não deve ser usada para publicidade ou promoção. Se a sua edição está de acordo com as regras, argumente na página de discussão do artigo.
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Notificação de bloqueio

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Este(a) editor(a) está bloqueado(a).
Foi bloqueado(a) por Eta Carinae durante tempo indeterminado.
Motivo(s): Nome impróprio de usuário - para contribuir, siga nossas recomendações.

  1. Está autorizado(a) a usar esta página para sua defesa. Enquanto durar o bloqueio, ela será destinada exclusivamente à argumentação, a fim de mostrar qualquer incorreção de acordo com a política do projeto. Lembre-se de que deve respeitar as normas de conduta e não fazer ataques pessoais, e que a violação dessas políticas poderá levar à suspensão deste direito, bem como ao aumento do bloqueio inicial.
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Eta Carinae (discussão) 12h39min de 10 de maio de 2023 (UTC)Responder

I am sorry, but I can not agree by the way you keep attacking me after my (minor) contribution to the article (concerning the latest (april 2023) Gilberto CESC compilation album in the article's Discografia section).  FYI: this album contains a new song that was never before released on any other Gilberto-record (I included a ref to a Folha-article in my original post).
If you read out the dexisexanddsinxiscosx accountname in English you will find that it is a simple composition of 2 FUNDAMENTAL mathematical identities, read out in English:
( dexisex, d (e(x)) is (e(x)) = The derivative of the exponential function is the exponential function itself, d(e(x))/dx = (e(x)) ) ~ A FUNDAMENTAL MATHEMATICAL IDENTITY
( dsinxiscosx, d (sin(x)) is (cos(x)) = The derivative of the sine function is the cosine function, d(sin(x))/dx = (cos(x)) ) ~ A FUNDAMENTAL MATHEMATICAL IDENTITY
These identities are generally intelligible/understandable for any one with basic maths notions, anywhere in the world, including in all of the Portuguese speaking regions, from Macau to Goa, from Portugal to Angola to Brazil.. I could have spelled it out better if it were not for the alphanumeric spelling limitations imposed by wikipedia upon new users picking an accountname.
I am very well aware that some regions/cultures/languages in the world are a little more backward or intellectually challenged than other regions/cultures/languages, or that science and mathematics in some of these regions/cultures/languages are constantly threatened by flat-earthers, Record-TV creationists or some other kind of bolsonaric illiterate idiot(s); some of whom might even feel threatened by (what they think is) the 3 letter word '-sex-'.. If that is your problem with this accountname?? I am not really sure, please elaborate.. I still do not understand what your problem with my accountname really is..
Nevertheless, Wikipedia vaunts itself to be the 'FREE' 'ENCYCLOPEDIA'; so one could expect there to be some minimal standards as far as scientific facts and mathematical identities are concerned.
Most high school students in developed countries such as Portugal (an OECD-member) are being thaught basic maths (including derivatives); and indeed, in English and in computer-speak one can say: 'd e x is e x AND d sine x is cosine x' or 'd e x is e x and d sin x is cos x'.
I have provided links to (free / C-C) relevant information where a mathematical proof of these identities is given. These links were also removed (???) for some unclear reason.
I remind you that your problem is NOT with a contribution to an article, BUT with the underlying meaning of my account name.. which some of you seem to be too ignorant or too stupid or too lazy or too prude or too 'whatever' to understand, despite me providing clear background information.  Once again: this is not rocket-science, this is basic mathematics, based on facts and based on science, as confirmed by numerous articles on itself. One does not need to be an English speaker to understand the dexisexanddsinxiscosx account name.
I can understand that some of you were mistaken or confused at first, or that you have overseen certain facts and general knowledge,.. which is why I provided you with some links to general info [here is one more, with a link to a .pdf file to a free open source CALCULUS textbook:].  But for some reason you guys keep on attacking me.  I think you are mistaken and you should reconsider your actions, instead of persisting in anger.
I suggest you review your math courses from the time you were in high school or at uni, and (if necessary - quod non) that you try to falsify what I have written here and what I had provided earlier as background info to my account name. Also: if for some reason you are not intellectually able to apprehend the information provided by me, you should take it up with someone who is scientifically better inclined (e.g. someone with a basic high school education).   (pre-)Judging by your account name (ref to supermassive star Eta Carinae) and your profile picture ( I suppose that won't really be necessary though, as you are probably mathematically/scientifically/astronomically inclined.. So please have a decent (scientific) look at my account name and I am sure it won't take you too long to understand.
In the meantime I kindly urge you to unblock my account. Dexisexanddsinxiscosx (discussão) 14h45min de 10 de maio de 2023 (UTC)Responder