Setor Direito: diferenças entre revisões

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'''Pravyy Sektor''' é um partido [[Nacionalismo|nacionalista]] ucraniano que surgiu em 2013 no [[Euromaidan]].<ref>[ Kiev and Right Sector Kristallnacht Odessa] Veterans Today.</ref><ref name=higgins1>{{cite news|last=Higgins|first=Andrew|title=Among Ukraine’s Jews, the Bigger Worry Is Putin, Not Pogroms|url=|accessdate=23 April 2014|newspaper=The New York Times|date=9 April 2014|quote=Even Right Sector, a coalition of ultranationalist and in some cases neo-Nazi organizations, has made an effort to distance itself from anti-Semitism.}}</ref><ref name=welt0222>{{cite news|url=|title=The radical Ukrainian group Right Sector|newspaper=Die Welt|date=22 February 2014|quote=Right Sector (Pravy Sektor) is an informal association of radical right-wing and neofascist splinter groups.}}</ref><ref name=monde0302>{{cite news|last=Dreyfus|title=Ukraine Beyond Politics|first=Emmanuel|url=|accessdate=6 March 2014|newspaper=Le Monde Diplomatique|date=2 March 2014|quote=Pravy Sektor defines itself as “neither xenophobic nor anti-Semitic, as Kremlin propaganda claims” and above all as “nationalist, defending the values of white, Christian Europe against the loss of the nation and deregionalisation”. Like Svoboda, it rejects multiculturalism… Svoboda’s success over the past few years and the presence of neo-fascist groups such as Pravy Sektor in Independence Square are signs of a crisis in Ukrainian society. It is first and foremost a crisis of identity: in 22 years of independence, Ukraine has not managed to develop an unbiased historical narrative presenting a positive view of all its regions and citizens: even today, the Ukrainians are seen as liberators in Galicia but as fascists in Donbass.}}</ref><ref name="barricades">{{cite news |last=Shuster |first=Simon |title=Ukraine parliament’s deal leads to an uneasy peace |newspaper=[[Time (magazine)|Time]] |date=21 February 2014 |url= |quote=Troops from Pravy Sektor then went on a reconnaissance mission … looking for things to reinforce their barricades…. One … still wore a green army helmet and a policeman’s baton stuck into her backpack…. “I didn’t get into this for politics,” she said. “I’m a radical. I joined up to fight.”}}</ref><ref name="timeshuster">{{cite news |last=Shuster |first=Simon |date=4 February 2014 |title=Exclusive: Leader of far-right Ukrainian militant group talks revolution with TIME |url= |magazine=[[Time (magazine)|Time]] |quote=Pravy Sektor has amassed a lethal arsenal of weapons.… Its fighters control the barricades around the protest camp … and when riot police have tried to tear it down, they have been on the front lines beating them back…. [Its] ideology borders on fascism….}}</ref> A coalizão tornou-se um partido político em 22 de Março de 2014, altura em que foi estimado ter cerca de 10.000 membros.<ref name="mccoy">{{cite news |last=McCoy |first=Terrence |date=26 March 2014 |title=Ultranationalist’s killing underscores Ukraine’s ugly divisions |url= |newspaper=[[The Washington Post|Washington Post]] |quote=Right Sector … boasts between 5,000 and 10,000 members…}}</ref><ref name="nemtsova">{{cite news |last=Nemtsova |first=Anna |title=Yarosh: Russians, rise up against Putin! |url= |newspaper=[[Newsweek]]|date=19 March 2014 |quote=''Yarosh'': ‘I cannot give you the exact number, as our structure and divisions are constantly growing all over Ukraine, but more than 10,000 people for sure… We received some U.S. dollars from the Ukrainian diaspora.’}}</ref>
'''Pravyy Sektor''' é um partido [[Nacionalismo|nacionalista]] ucraniano terrorista<ref>[ Pravy Sektor' and 'White Al-Qaeda' – two sides of the same coin] Strategic Culture</ref> de cunho [[neonazista]]<ref>[ Pravy Sektor', el grupo nazi y 'ninja' que se esconde detrás de las calles] La Informacion</ref> que surgiu em 2013 no [[Euromaidan]].<ref>[ Kiev and Right Sector Kristallnacht Odessa] Veterans Today.</ref><ref name=higgins1>{{cite news|last=Higgins|first=Andrew|title=Among Ukraine’s Jews, the Bigger Worry Is Putin, Not Pogroms|url=|accessdate=23 April 2014|newspaper=The New York Times|date=9 April 2014|quote=Even Right Sector, a coalition of ultranationalist and in some cases neo-Nazi organizations, has made an effort to distance itself from anti-Semitism.}}</ref><ref name=welt0222>{{cite news|url=|title=The radical Ukrainian group Right Sector|newspaper=Die Welt|date=22 February 2014|quote=Right Sector (Pravy Sektor) is an informal association of radical right-wing and neofascist splinter groups.}}</ref><ref name=monde0302>{{cite news|last=Dreyfus|title=Ukraine Beyond Politics|first=Emmanuel|url=|accessdate=6 March 2014|newspaper=Le Monde Diplomatique|date=2 March 2014|quote=Pravy Sektor defines itself as “neither xenophobic nor anti-Semitic, as Kremlin propaganda claims” and above all as “nationalist, defending the values of white, Christian Europe against the loss of the nation and deregionalisation”. Like Svoboda, it rejects multiculturalism… Svoboda’s success over the past few years and the presence of neo-fascist groups such as Pravy Sektor in Independence Square are signs of a crisis in Ukrainian society. It is first and foremost a crisis of identity: in 22 years of independence, Ukraine has not managed to develop an unbiased historical narrative presenting a positive view of all its regions and citizens: even today, the Ukrainians are seen as liberators in Galicia but as fascists in Donbass.}}</ref><ref name="barricades">{{cite news |last=Shuster |first=Simon |title=Ukraine parliament’s deal leads to an uneasy peace |newspaper=[[Time (magazine)|Time]] |date=21 February 2014 |url= |quote=Troops from Pravy Sektor then went on a reconnaissance mission … looking for things to reinforce their barricades…. One … still wore a green army helmet and a policeman’s baton stuck into her backpack…. “I didn’t get into this for politics,” she said. “I’m a radical. I joined up to fight.”}}</ref><ref name="timeshuster">{{cite news |last=Shuster |first=Simon |date=4 February 2014 |title=Exclusive: Leader of far-right Ukrainian militant group talks revolution with TIME |url= |magazine=[[Time (magazine)|Time]] |quote=Pravy Sektor has amassed a lethal arsenal of weapons.… Its fighters control the barricades around the protest camp … and when riot police have tried to tear it down, they have been on the front lines beating them back…. [Its] ideology borders on fascism….}}</ref> A coalizão tornou-se um partido político em 22 de Março de 2014, altura em que foi estimado ter cerca de 10.000 membros.<ref name="mccoy">{{cite news |last=McCoy |first=Terrence |date=26 March 2014 |title=Ultranationalist’s killing underscores Ukraine’s ugly divisions |url= |newspaper=[[The Washington Post|Washington Post]] |quote=Right Sector … boasts between 5,000 and 10,000 members…}}</ref><ref name="nemtsova">{{cite news |last=Nemtsova |first=Anna |title=Yarosh: Russians, rise up against Putin! |url= |newspaper=[[Newsweek]]|date=19 March 2014 |quote=''Yarosh'': ‘I cannot give you the exact number, as our structure and divisions are constantly growing all over Ukraine, but more than 10,000 people for sure… We received some U.S. dollars from the Ukrainian diaspora.’}}</ref>

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[[Categoria:2014 na Ucrânia]]
[[Categoria:2014 na Ucrânia]]
[[Categoria:Grupos terroristas]]

Revisão das 09h09min de 5 de novembro de 2014

Pravyy Sektor
Правий сектор
Presidente Dmytro Yarosh
Fundação 22 de março de 2014
Registrado 22 de Maio de 2014
Sede Kiev, Ucrânia
Ideologia Nacionalismo e Extrema-direita
Membros 10,000
Página oficial

Pravyy Sektor é um partido nacionalista ucraniano terrorista[1] de cunho neonazista[2] que surgiu em 2013 no Euromaidan.[3][4][5][6][7][8] A coalizão tornou-se um partido político em 22 de Março de 2014, altura em que foi estimado ter cerca de 10.000 membros.[9][10]


O nome da organização é em ucraniano Правий сектор , que pode ser transliterado como Pravyy sektor e traduzido como setor direito . (Publicações General-de audiência muitas vezes transliterar como Pravy Sektor ou Pravyi Sektor .) De acordo com um site associado com os protestos Euromaidan, Maidan Press Center , nome do setor direito deriva do seu esforço para proteger o lado direito de manifestantes em um ponto durante os protestos.[carece de fontes?]



Fundado por grupos como Trident (tryzub), liderado por Dmytro Yarosh e Andriy Tarasenko; e a Assembléia Nacional Ucraniana de Auto-Defesa UNA-UNSO), uma organização política/paramilitar. [11][12] Outros grupos fundadores incluído Patriotas da Ucrânia , a Assembléia Nacional-socialista, White Hammer, e Carpathian Sich. White Hammer foi expulso março 2014.[13] Em junho 2014 um dos grupos foi atribuído pelo Ministério do Interior para vigiar Mariupol depois que ele capturou a cidade de insurgentes apoiados pelos russos.[14]

Nas eleições parlamentares ucranianas de 2014, Yarosh como candidato do setor direito ganhou um assento no parlamento, ganhando distritos uninominais número 39 localizado na Vasylkivka Raion com 29,76% dos votos.[15]


A organização vê a si mesmo dentro da tradição de partidários da Ucrânia, como o Exército Insurgente Ucraniano, que lutou na Segunda Guerra Mundial contra a União Soviética e a favor e contra o Eixo.[5][16] Yarosh, líder do setor direito, tem nacionalistas armados e treinados em exercícios militares desde o colapso da União Soviética.[17] Setor de Direito recebeu algum financiamento da diáspora ucraniana.[10]

Entrada nas manifestações

Barricadas na Ucrânia

O grupo tem sido um dos mais influentes nas manifestações do Euromaidan durante sua etapa mais violenta.[18][12] Em 19 de janeiro de 2014, a organização incentivou seus membros a trazer garrafas para os protestos, a fim de produzir coquetéis molotov e bombas.[11] O governo Yanukovich classificou-o como um movimento extremista e lançou ordens de prisão.[19] Setor Direito tem sido descrito como o mais organizado e mais eficaz das forças Euromaidan quando ele veio para confrontar a polícia.[20] Setor de Direito afirma que foi o principal organizador da resistência violenta contra ataques armados pelo Estado a Euromaidan.[21]

Depois de Yanukovych

Yarosh foi proposto como um suplente para o Conselho de Segurança Nacional e Defesa da Ucrânia.[22], mas não foi nomeado. Foi então oferecido a ele o cargo de vice-chefe do Conselho de Segurança Nacional, mas rejeitou-o por ser abaixo das pretensões dele.[23] Rússia citou ataques por setor direito de falantes de russo e judeus como o principal motivo que enviou tropas para Crimeia.[24] Em 7 de março de 2014, Tarasenko disse Interfax-Ucrânia de que há um "movimento informal" para transformar o movimento em um partido político em um congresso em 15 de Março.[25] Em 11 de março de 2014, o líder de oposição da Duma russa, Valery Rashkin pediu aos serviços especiais russos para "liquidar" com Yarosh e líder do setor direito para Ucrânia ocidental, Oleksandr Muzychko. Ele disse que Muzychko tinha lutado por separatistas chechenos contra as tropas russas e foi acusado de banditismo.[26] Segundo a polícia, ele também estava sendo detido por suspeita de ligações do crime organizado, do vandalismo e ameaçando os funcionários públicos.[27][28][29] Setor de Direito foi oficialmente registrada como partido político pelo Ministério da Justiça da Ucrânia em 22 de Maio de 2014.[30] O presidente regional disse ao Wall Street Journal que ele estava menos interessado em se candidatar a cargos políticos do que em conseguir manter as suas promessas.[31]

Operações paramilitares

Sector direito apreendeu armamento militar a partir de um arsenal do Ministério do Interior no oeste da Ucrânia, perto de Lviv, perto do final da revolução Maidan. Sector direito entregues algumas armas às autoridades ucranianas no rescaldo da revolução, e manteve outros.[32] Após o colapso do governo Yanukovych, com a polícia tendo abandonada nas ruas de Kiev, grupos de jovens, incluindo os membros do setor direito patrulhavam armados principalmente com bastões de beisebol e às vezes com armas de fogo.[20] De acordo com Yarosh, setor direito recrutou oficiais aposentados do Ministério do Interior e as agências de segurança. Ele disse a Newsweek que "como em qualquer exército", tem especialistas que são treinados para usar mísseis antiaéreos S-300.[10]

De acordo com o professor de ciência política Lucan Way, a violência política pelo setor direito, realizado em parte em resposta aos vigilantes pró-russos e ao assédio dos manifestantes, ameaçaram o desenvolvimento democrático na Ucrânia e aumentou a possibilidade de uma guerra civil.[33] Setor de Direito tem o seu próprio batalhão de voluntários que está lutando contra a Rebelião pró-russa na Ucrânia.[34] Em 19 de julho de 2014 Setor de Direito disse que estava pronto para contribuir 5.000 pessoas para lutar, se os militares, desde que seja concedido equipamentos de combate adequados.[35]

Influência ideológica

A tendência partidária chamada Patriotas da Ucrânia tem se voltado para atacar estrangeiros.[36]

Relações com outros partidos políticos

O grupo tem semelhanças com o Svoboda tratando a questão da homossexualidade e do álcool como tabu.[37][12]

Política externa

O site do Setor de Direito diz que seus membros desconfiam das "ambições imperiais" tanto da Rússia quanto do Ocidente.[38] Yarosh disse ao Spiegel Online que as organizações anti-cristãs estão em operação ativa na UE e que a Comissão Europeia (em vez de as nações-membros) tem o controle de estilos de vida, como o casamento gay.[39] O grupo participou de manifestações em apoio a Israel na cidade de Dnipropetrovsk na 28 de julho de 2014.[40]

Política interna

Setor de Direito tem a posição de que a população deve manter e portar armas, como na Suíça.[41][32]


  1. Pravy Sektor' and 'White Al-Qaeda' – two sides of the same coin Strategic Culture
  2. Pravy Sektor', el grupo nazi y 'ninja' que se esconde detrás de las calles La Informacion
  3. Kiev and Right Sector Kristallnacht Odessa Veterans Today.
  4. Higgins, Andrew (9 April 2014). «Among Ukraine's Jews, the Bigger Worry Is Putin, Not Pogroms». The New York Times. Consultado em 23 April 2014. Even Right Sector, a coalition of ultranationalist and in some cases neo-Nazi organizations, has made an effort to distance itself from anti-Semitism.  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  5. a b «The radical Ukrainian group Right Sector». Die Welt. 22 February 2014. Right Sector (Pravy Sektor) is an informal association of radical right-wing and neofascist splinter groups.  Verifique data em: |data= (ajuda) Erro de citação: Código <ref> inválido; o nome "welt0222" é definido mais de uma vez com conteúdos diferentes
  6. Dreyfus, Emmanuel (2 March 2014). «Ukraine Beyond Politics». Le Monde Diplomatique. Consultado em 6 March 2014. Pravy Sektor defines itself as “neither xenophobic nor anti-Semitic, as Kremlin propaganda claims” and above all as “nationalist, defending the values of white, Christian Europe against the loss of the nation and deregionalisation”. Like Svoboda, it rejects multiculturalism… Svoboda’s success over the past few years and the presence of neo-fascist groups such as Pravy Sektor in Independence Square are signs of a crisis in Ukrainian society. It is first and foremost a crisis of identity: in 22 years of independence, Ukraine has not managed to develop an unbiased historical narrative presenting a positive view of all its regions and citizens: even today, the Ukrainians are seen as liberators in Galicia but as fascists in Donbass.  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  7. Shuster, Simon (21 February 2014). «Ukraine parliament's deal leads to an uneasy peace». Time. Troops from Pravy Sektor then went on a reconnaissance mission … looking for things to reinforce their barricades…. One … still wore a green army helmet and a policeman’s baton stuck into her backpack…. “I didn’t get into this for politics,” she said. “I’m a radical. I joined up to fight.”  Verifique data em: |data= (ajuda)
  8. Shuster, Simon (4 February 2014). «Exclusive: Leader of far-right Ukrainian militant group talks revolution with TIME». Time. Pravy Sektor has amassed a lethal arsenal of weapons.… Its fighters control the barricades around the protest camp … and when riot police have tried to tear it down, they have been on the front lines beating them back…. [Its] ideology borders on fascism….  Verifique data em: |data= (ajuda)
  9. McCoy, Terrence (26 March 2014). «Ultranationalist's killing underscores Ukraine's ugly divisions». Washington Post. Right Sector … boasts between 5,000 and 10,000 members…  Verifique data em: |data= (ajuda)
  10. a b c Nemtsova, Anna (19 March 2014). «Yarosh: Russians, rise up against Putin!». Newsweek. Yarosh: ‘I cannot give you the exact number, as our structure and divisions are constantly growing all over Ukraine, but more than 10,000 people for sure… We received some U.S. dollars from the Ukrainian diaspora.’  Verifique data em: |data= (ajuda)
  11. a b «Groups at the sharp end of Ukraine unrest». BBC News. 1 February 2014. The Right Sector is a radical nationalist opposition group…  Verifique data em: |data= (ajuda)
  12. a b c Shynkarenko, Oleg (1 March 2014). «Can Ukraine control its far right ultranationalists?». Daily Beast. Cópia arquivada em 30 de março de 2014. Interior Minister Arsen Avakov condemned the video as ‘not an exaggerated manifestation of the hunt for justice, but sabotage against people’s faith in possible order.’ [Muzychko] may have thought he was clowning around…  Verifique data em: |data= (ajuda)
  13. Right Sector Political Council (6 March 2014). «Official statement by Right Sector». (em Ukrainian). For marginal actions that defame the Right Sector movement and for breach of discipline, [White Hammer] is removed from our organization.… Our actions must be coordinated and consistent.  Verifique data em: |data= (ajuda)
  14. Chazan, Guy (1 August 2014). «Ukrainian volunteer fighters with a luxurious seaside residence». Financial Times. London. Azov was created in March by the Social National Assembly…. Azov was granted official status as a volunteer battalion…. [It] stormed the rebels’ barricades, seizing control…. Since then, its main role has been to keep an eye on Mariupol and patrol the Azov coastline, preventing arms smuggling from Russia.  Verifique data em: |data= (ajuda)
  15. Data on vote counting at percincts within single-mandate districts Extraordinary parliamentary election on 26.10.2014, Central Election Commission of Ukraine
  16. Baranova, Maria (3 March 2014). «No one has done more for Ukrainian nationalism than Vladimir Putin». New Republic  Verifique data em: |data= (ajuda)
  17. Klußmann, Uwe (3 March 2014). «Conflict with Russia». Der Spiegel. Consultado em 6 March 2014  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  18. Radicals a wild card in Ukraine’s protests, The Washington Post (2 February 2014)
  19. Theise, Eugen (11 November 2014). «Radical 'Pravy Sektor' group shifts Kyiv protests to the right». Deutsche Welle. Only a few trusted individuals know [that the men] belong to ‘Right Sector’…. Since the government classified their movement as extremist, they could face a jail term of up to 15 years.  Verifique data em: |data= (ajuda)
  20. a b Gatehouse, Gabriel (1 March 2014). «Ukraine: Far-right armed with bats patrol Kiev» (Webcast). BBC. At a news conference in Russia, [former President Yanukovych] called his usurpers ‘young, neo-fascist thugs’.  Verifique data em: |data= (ajuda) Erro de citação: Código <ref> inválido; o nome "bbc1march" é definido mais de uma vez com conteúdos diferentes
  21. Andreas Umland; Anton Shekhovtsov (July 2014). «Ukraine's Radical Right». Journal of Democracy. 25 (3): 59–60. Consultado em 21 July 2014. Along with Svoboda, the other far-right movement that was a prominent presence on the Maidan was the more diverse, less studied, and now notorious fringe organization that calls itself Pravy Sektor (Right Sector)…. That alliance came into being in late November 2013 as a loose collection of extraparliamentary minigroups from an ultraconservative and partly neo-Nazi fringe. They had names such as the Stepan Bandera All-Ukrainian Organization “Trident” (a moniker meant to combine the memory of a controversial nationalist leader who died in 1959 with the three-pronged heraldic symbol of Ukraine), the Ukrainian National Assembly, the Social-National Assembly, and White Hammer. Their purpose in banding together was to fight Yanukovych’s regime by force.  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  22. Olearchyk, Roman (26 February 2014). «Arseniy Yatseniuk poised to become Ukraine prime minister». Financial Times. Consultado em 27 February 2014. In a bid to appease protesters demanding an end to government corruption, Mr Yatseniuk’s cabinet will have civic activists to oversee it.… Victoria Siumar, a civil society activist, and Dmytro Yarosh, head of Right Sector, a militant protest group, were proposed as [Yatseniuk’s] deputies.  Verifique data em: |acessodata=, |data= (ajuda)
  23. Shuster, Simon (1 March 2014). «Many Ukrainians want Russia to invade». Time. Shkiryak, a revolutionary lawmaker involved in the negotiations over Yarosh’s role in the government, says the right-wing militant … was offered the role of deputy head of the National Security Council, but rejected it as beneath him.  Verifique data em: |data= (ajuda)
  24. Danilova, Maria (March 14, 2014). «After Ukraine protest, radical group eyes power». Associated Press. The radical ultranationalist group … [has been] demonized by Russian state propaganda as fascists and accused of staging attacks against Russian speakers and Jews.… The AP and other international news organizations have found no evidence of hate crimes.  Verifique data em: |data= (ajuda)
  25. «'Right Sector' is becoming a party and Yarosh is going for the presidency». Українська правда. Kiev. March 7, 2014  Verifique data em: |data= (ajuda)
  26. «Russian deputy calls on special services to 'liquidate' Yarosh and White [Muzychko]». 11 March 2014. Russia’s Investigative Committee … brought a case of banditry against Muzychko in connection with the Chechen separatists.… Muzychko is a prominent member of the nationalist association UNA–UNSO….  Verifique data em: |data= (ajuda)
  27. Pemble, Adam; Leonard, Peter (25 March 2014). «Busloads of Ukrainian troops leave Crimea». Associated Press. Russian state television … has regularly aired lurid reports on Muzychko’s antics as part of what media analysts say is a sustained effort to undermine the government…  Verifique data em: |data= (ajuda)
  28. Interior Ministry: Right Sector coordinator Muzhychko killed in shootout with police Kyiv Post Retrieved on March 25, 2014
  29. «Notorious Ukrainian nationalist militant shot dead in police raid». RT. TV-Novosti. 26 March 2014. A former senior official at the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) told [Russian News & Information Agency] that the objective of the operation – carried out by SBU with the help of the Interior Ministry – was to kill Muzychko, rather than to detain him.  Verifique data em: |data= (ajuda)
  30. Right Sector registered as official party, Interfax-Ukraine (22 May 2014)
  31. Sestanovich, Stephen (25 May 2014). «A firsthand view of Ukraine's election». Wall Street Journal. Little that we heard distinguished Right Sector from garden-variety Euro-populism.… If Ukraine ever gets into the EU, these are people who will always be mad as hell at Brussels bureaucrats.  Verifique data em: |data= (ajuda)
  32. a b Kramer, Andrew (21 March 2014). «Deadline is set for militias in uprising to surrender their illegal guns». New York Times. p. A12. ‘It’s not normal to ask people to hand in their weapons in the situation we have now,’ Dmytro Yarosh, the leader of a right-wing paramilitary group, Right Sector, said in an interview….  Verifique data em: |data= (ajuda)
  33. Way, Lucan (July 2014). «Civil Society and Democratization». Journal of Democracy. 25 (3). It was only after the start of the protests that various small parties and factions of the far right joined to form Right Sector, which came to the fore in the second half of January, when protests turned violent… Democracy is most directly undermined by the numerous associations promoting violence that emerged during the protests. Such associations include the Right Sector’s paramilitary formations and the “heavenly hundreds” that arose to fight the police and the pro-Russian titushki or vigilante groups created to harass protesters. Also problematic are the “ultras,” groups of hardcore soccer fans that began providing protection for anti-Yanukovych protesters in January. By promoting vigilante violence outside state control, such groups directly threaten democratic development. They facilitate state breakdown and bloody patterns of aggression and retribution, making civil war much more likely.  Verifique data em: |data= (ajuda)
  34. «Donbas battalion loses 4 in Ilovaisk assault». Kiev. Ukrinform. 11 August 2014. The anti-terrorist operation (ATO) forces … began to storm pro-Russian militants entrenched in Ilovaisk…. The assault began with the participation of the volunteer battalions Donbas, Azov, Shakhtarsk, and the Right Sector, … in conjunction with the ATO forces.  Verifique data em: |data= (ajuda)
  35. «Right Sector ready to send 5,000 people to east». Kiev. Ukrinform. 19 July 2014. Press Secretary … Skoropadsky said … ‘We came to support actions of the President on holding the ATO [anti-terrorist operation]. But actually it is not well held. I saw that the volunteer battalions lack weapons. This is the most important requirement.’  Verifique data em: |data= (ajuda)
  36. Ishchenko, Volodymyr (2011). «Fighting Fences vs Fighting Monuments: Politics of Memory and Protest Mobilization in Ukraine». Debatte: Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe. 19 (1-2). ...rightist non-partisan groups including overtly racist “autonomous nationalists” ( and the neo-Nazi “Patriot of Ukraine” ( For the far right sector politics of memory actions comprised 29.2% of all protest actions with their participation, this was larger than the shares of social-economic, political struggle, and civic rights protest issues (Table 7)… After the notorious death of Maksym Chaika in a fight with antifascists in Odessa in April 2009, Yushchenko unambiguously supported the far right interpretation of the accident claiming the victim to be “an activist of a patriotic civic association” consciously murdered by “pro-Russia militants” ignoring Chaika’s connections with rightist football hooligans and his membership in the “SICH” (“Glory and Honor”) organization, a participant in the Social-Nationalist Assembly ( together with the neo-Nazi group “'Patriots of Ukraine.'" 
  37. Shekhovstov, Anton (2013). «17: Para-Militarism to Radical Right-Wing Populism: The Rise of the Ukrainian Far-Right Party Svoboda.». In: Wodak. Right-Wing Populism in Europe. [S.l.]: Bloomsbury Academic. Svoboda also seems to benefit from the increasing popularity of extreme-right youth movements and organizations like the Social-National Assembly (SNA), 'Patriot of Ukraine' and Autonomous Resistance, whose aim is to create 'a uniracial and uninational society'. The activities of these groups are not limited to physical or symbolic violence against ethnic and social minorities, as they also take an active part in numerous social campaigns - generally along with representatives of Svoboda - ranging from mass protests against price rises to leafleting against alcohol and drug use. Needless to say, members of these extreme-right movements are often members of Tyahnybok's party. Interestingly, 'street combat youth movements' like the SNA no longer focus on ethnic issues: in contrast to the older Ukrainian far right, the new groups are, first and foremost, racist movements. 
  38. Petro, Nicolai (March 3, 2014). «Threat of Military Confrontation Grows in Ukraine». The Nation. N.Y.C. Its members are critical of party politics and skeptical of the ‘imperial ambitions’ of both Moscow and the West.  Verifique data em: |data= (ajuda)
  39. Bidder, Benjamin; Klußmann, Uwe (16 April 2014). «Practice for a Russian invasion: Ukrainian civilians take up arms». Spiegel Online. [The EC’s power] is, he says, ‘a variety of totalitarianism’.  Verifique data em: |data= (ajuda) The authors note that Yarosh studied linguistics. See generally Webster’s Third, s.v. “totalitarianism” (“1. Centralized control by an autocratic … hierarchy regarded as infallible.”).
  40. Nikitin, Andrei (28 July 2014). «У Дніпропетровську "Правий сектор" і єврейська громада мітингували на підтримку Ізраїлю» [In Dnepropetrovsk, Right Sector and the Jewish community rallied in support of Israel]. (em ucraniano). Kiev. Activists from the Jewish community and Right Sector Dnipro … gathered to support Israel in fighting terrorism.… ‘We, like Israel, learn unity … in a war with … terrorism.’  Verifique data em: |data= (ajuda)
  41. Azar, Ilya (10 March 2014). «"Мы — не вооруженные силы": Интервью с одним из лидеров украинского "Правого сектора"» [‘We are not the armed forces’: Interview with one of the leaders of the Ukrainian ‘Right Sector’]. (em russo). Moscow. Nationalists from the fighting movement Right Sector … are depicted as neo-Nazis by Russian state TV channels.… The head of the Kiev branch explained to … how it intends to deal with the Russian army in case of military invasion.… ‘We believe that people should be armed. As in Switzerland.…’  Verifique data em: |data= (ajuda)