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{{título em itálico}}
{{título em itálico}}

Esta '''lista de obras de [[Ticiano]]''' contém retratos e obras religiosas e mitológicas representativos de uma obra de grande amplitude que se desenrolou ao longo de 70 anos (Ticiano deixou-nos relativamente poucos desenhos). Os títulos das Pinturas e as datas, que por vezes variam de acordo com as fontes, são os da página em inglês.

==Lista das obras por ordem cronológica==
{| class="sortable wikitable"
! style="background:#efefef;"| Imagem !! style="background:#efefef;" | Título !! style="background:#efefef;"| Data !! style="background:#efefef;" | Dimensões !! style="background:#efefef;" | Colecção
| [[File:Tiziano o giorgione, cristo portacroce.jpg|150px]] || ''Cristo Carregando a Cruz'' (''Christ Carrying the Cross'')|| 1505 || {{nts|68.2}} × 88.3 cm || Scuola Grande di San Rocco (Veneza). Também atribuida a [[Giorgione]].
| [[File:Tiziano, madonna exter.jpg|150px]] || ''Maria e Jesus'' (''Madonna and Child'') || {{sort|1508|c. 1508}} || {{nts|45}} × 55 cm || [[Metropolitan Museum of Art]] (Nova Iorque)
| [[File:Titian - A Man with a Quilted Sleeve - Google Art Project.jpg|150px]] || ''Retrato de um Homem'' (''Portrait of a Man/ A Man with a Quilted Sleeve'') || {{sort|1508–1510|c. 1508–1510}} || {{nts|81.2}} × 66.3 cm || [ National Gallery (Londres)]
| [[File:Titian - Portrait of a Lady ('La Schiavona') - Google Art Project.jpg|150px]] || ''Retrato de uma Senhora (A Schiavona)'' (''Portrait of a Lady (La Schiavona)'')|| {{sort|1509–1510|c. 1509–1510}}|| {{nts|117}} × 97 cm || [ National Gallery (Londres)]
| [[File:Le Concert champêtre, by Titian, from C2RMF retouched.jpg|150px]] || ''Concerto Campestre'' (''Pastoral Concert'') || {{sort|1510|c. 1510}} || {{nts|118}} × 138 cm || Louvre, Paris. Também atribuido a [[Giorgione]].
| [[File:Portrait of a Man in a Red Cap - Titian c. 1510.jpg|150px]] || ''Retrato de um Homem com Barrete Vermelho'' (''Portrait of a Man in a Red Cap'') || {{sort|1510|c. 1510}} || {{nts|82}} × 71 cm || [[Frick Collection]], Nova Iorque
| [[File:Titian - St Mark Enthroned with Saints - WGA22765.jpg|150px]] || ''S. Marcos Entronizado'' (''St. Mark Enthroned'') || 1510/11 || {{nts|218}} × 149 cm || [[Santa Maria della Salute]] (Veneza)
| [[File:Tizian 023.jpg|150px]] || ''Milagre do Marido Ciumento'' (''Miracle of the Jealous Husband'') || 1511 || {{nts|340}} × 207 cm || Scuola di Sant'Antonio, [[Pádua]]
| [[File:Tizian 024.jpg|150px]] || ''Milagre do Filho Irascível'' (''Miracle of the Irascible Son'') || 1511 || {{nts|340}} × 207 cm || Scuola di Sant'Antonio, Pádua
| [[File:Tizian 025.jpg|150px]] || ''Milagre do Recém-Nascido'' (''Miracle of the Newborn Infant'') || 1511 || {{nts|340}} × 355 cm|| Scuola di Sant'Antonio, Pádua
| [[File:Titian - Noli me Tangere - Google Art Project.jpg|150px]] || ''Não me toque'' (''Noli me tangere'') || {{sort|1511–1515|c. 1511–1515}} || {{nts|109}} × 91 cm || [ National Gallery (Londres)]
| [[File:Portrait_d'une_Femme_à_sa_Toilette,_by_Titian,_from_C2RMF_retouched.jpg|150px]] || ''Mulher com Espelho'' (''Woman with a Mirror'') || {{sort|1511–1515|c. 1511–1515}}
|| {{nts|96}} × 76 cm || [ Louvre (Paris)]
| [[File:Tizian 002.jpg|150px]] || ''[[As Três Idades do Homem (Ticiano)|As Três Idades do Homem]]'' (''The Three Ages of Man'') || {{sort|1512|c. 1512}} || {{nts|106}} × 182 cm || [ National Gallery of Scotland (Edimburgo)]
| [[File:Tiziano Vecellio,called Titian - Gipsy Madonna - Google Art Project.jpg|150px]] || ''Maria e o Filho (Maria Cigana)'' (''Madonna and Child /"The Gypsy Madonna"'') || {{sort|1512|c. 1512}} || {{nts|65.8}} × 83.8 cm || [ Kunsthistorisches Museum (Viena)]
| [[File:Titian Madonna and Child with Sts Catherine and Dominic and a Donor.jpg|150px]] || ''[[Sacra conversazione|Sagrada Conversa]] de Balbi'' ou ''Maria e o Filho com S. Catarina, S. Domingos e o Dador'' (''Balbi Holy Conversation'', ''Madonna and Child with Sts. Catherine and Dominic and a Donor'') || {{sort|1512|c. 1512-1514}} || {{nts|130}} × 185 cm || Fondazione Magnani-Rocca, [[Traversetolo]]
| [[File:TITIAN; Portrait of Jacopo Sannazaro (1514-18).JPG|150px]] || ''Retrato de Jacopo Sannazaro'' (''Portrait of Jacopo Sannazaro'') || {{sort|1514–1518|c. 1514–1518}}|| {{nts|85.7}} × 72.7 cm || [[Royal Collection]], Reino Unido
| [[File:Tiziano - Flora - Google Art Project.jpg|150px]] || ''Flora'' || {{sort|1515|c. 1515}} || {{nts|79}} × 63 cm || [[Uffizi]] ([[Florença]])
| [[File:Tizian 112.jpeg|150px]] || ''Retrato de um Homem'' (''Portrait of a Man'') || {{sort|1515|c. 1515}} || {{nts|50}} × 45 cm || [[Metropolitan Museum of Art]] (Nova Iorque)
| [[File:Tiziano salome.jpg|150px]] || ''Salomé'' (''Salome'') || {{sort|1515|c. 1515}} || {{nts|90}} × 72 cm || [[Galeria Doria Pamphilj]] ([[Roma]])
| [[File:Tizian 033.jpg|150px]] || ''Maria das Cerejas'' (''Kirschenmadonna'') || {{sort|1515|c. 1515}} || {{nts|81}} × 99.5 cm || [ Kunsthistorisches Museum (Viena)]
| [[File:Tiziano - Vanità (Alte Pinakothek München).jpg|150px]] || ''Vaidade'' (''Vanity'') || {{sort|1515|c. 1515}} || {{nts|97}} × 81 cm || [[Alte Pinakothek]] ([[Munique]])
| [[File:Tizian Violante dsc01834.jpg|150px]] || ''Violante'' (''Violante'') || {{sort|1515–1516|c. 1515–1516}}|| {{nts|64.5}} × 51 cm || Kunsthistorisches Museum (Viena)
| [[File:Tiziano, ritratto di giovane di petworth house.jpg|150px]] || ''Homem Desconhecido com Chapéu Preto com Plumas'' (''An Unknown Man in a Black Plumed Hat'') || {{sort|1515–1520|c. 1515–1520}}|| {{nts|70.5}} × 63 cm || Petworth House (Petworth)
| [[File:Tiziano - Amor Sacro y Amor Profano (Galería Borghese, Roma, 1514).jpg|150px]] || ''Amor Sagrado e Amor Profano'' (''Sacred and Profane Love'') || {{sort|1515–1516|c. 1515–1516}} || {{nts|118}} × 279 cm || [[Galleria Borghese]] ([[Roma]])
| [[File:Tizian 014.jpg|150px]] || {{sort|Tribute Money|''O Dinheiro do Tributo'' (''The Tribute Money'')}} || {{sort|1516|c. 1516}} || {{nts|75}} × 56 cm || [[Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister]], [[Dresden]]
| [[File:Tizian 041.jpg|150px]] || ''Assunção da Virgem'' (''Assumption of the Virgin'') || {{sort|1516–1518|c. 1516–1518}} || {{nts|690}} × 360 cm || [[Basílica de Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari]] ([[Veneza]])
| [[File:Bacanal de los andrios.jpg|150px]] || ''O Bacanal dos [[Andros (Grécia)|Andros]]'' (''The Bacchanal of the Andrians'') || {{sort|1518–1519|c. 1518–1519}} || {{nts|175}} × 193 cm || [ Museu do Prado (Madrid)]
| [[File:Ofrenda a Venus.jpg|150px]] || ''A Adoração de Vénus'' (''The Worship of Venus'') || 1518–1520 || {{nts|172}} × 175 cm || [ Museu do Prado (Madrid)]
| [[File:Tiziano, annunciazione malchiostro 00.jpg|150px]] || ''A Anunciação de Malchiostro'' (''Malchiostro Annunciation'') || {{sort|1520|c. 1520}} || {{nts|210}} × 176 cm || Catedral de Treviso, [[Treviso]]
| [[File:Tizian 071.jpg|150px]] || ''Retrato de Vincenzo Mosti'' (''Portrait of Vincenzo Mosti'')|| {{sort|1520|c. 1520}} || {{nts|85}} × 67 cm || Galleria Palatina, [[Florença]]
| [[File:Tiziano, pala gozzi 01.jpg|150px]] || ''Altar de Gozzi'' (''Gozzi Altarpiece'') || 1520 || {{nts|312}} × 215 cm || Pinacoteca civica Francesco Podesti, [[Ancona]]
| [[File:Polittico averoldi 01.jpg|150px]] ||''Políptico de Averoldi'' (''Averoldi Polyptych'') || {{sort|1520–1522|c. 1520–1522}} || {{nts|278}} × 292 cm || Church of Santi Nazaro e Celso ([[Bréscia]])
| [[File:Titian (Tiziano Vecellio) - Venus Rising from the Sea ('Venus Anadyomene') - Google Art Project.jpg|150px]] || ''Vénus saindo do Mar'' (''Venus Anadyomene'', ou ''Venus rising from the sea'') || {{sort|1520|c. 1520}} || {{nts|73.6}} × 58.4 cm || [ National Gallery of Scotland (Edimburgo)]
| [[File:Tizian 006.jpg|150px]] ||''Ressurreição'' (Painel central do políptico de Averoldi) (''Altarpiece of the Resurrection'' - Center panel of the Averoldi Polyptych) || {{sort|1520–1522|c. 1520–1522}} || {{nts|278}} × 122 cm || Santi Nazaro e Celso ([[Bréscia]])
| [[File:Titian Bacchus and Ariadne.jpg|150px]] || ''Baco e Ariadne'' (''Bacchus and Ariadne'') || {{sort|1522–1523|c. 1522–1523}}|| {{nts|175}} × 190 cm || [ National Gallery (Londres)]
| [[File:Tizian 079.jpg|150px]] || ''Homem com uma Luva'' (''Man with a Glove'') || {{sort|1520–1523|c. 1520–1523}} || {{nts|100}} × 89 cm || [ Louvre (Paris)]
| [[File:Tizian 028.jpg|150px]] || ''O Sepultamento'' (''The Entombment'') || {{sort|1523–1525|c. 1523–1525}} || {{nts|148}} × 225 cm || [ Louvre (Paris)]
| [[File:Tizian 039.jpg|150px]] || ''Maria de Pesaro'' (''Pesaro Madonna'') || {{sort|1519–1526|c. 1519–1526}} || {{nts|478}} × 268 cm || [[Basílica de Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari]] (Veneza)
| [[File:Tizian 063.jpg|150px]] || ''Retrato de [[Frederico II Gonzaga]]'' (''Portrait of Federico II Gonzaga'') || {{sort|1525–1528|c. 1525–1528}} || {{nts|125}} × 99 cm || [ Museo del Prado (Madrid)]
| [[File:Tizian 018.jpg|150px]] || ''A Senhora do Coelho/Maria e Jesus com Sta. Catarina e um Coelho'' (''The Madonna of the Rabbit/Madonna and Child with St. Catherine and a Rabbit'') || 1530 || {{nts|71}} × 85 cm || Louvre (Paris)
| [[File:Giacomo Dolfin (Tiziano).jpg|150px]] || ''Retrato de Giacomo Dolfin'' (''Portrait of Giacomo Dolfin'') || {{sort|1531–1532|c. 1531–1532}} || {{nts|101}} × 88 cm || [ Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA)]
| [[File:Titian - The Virgin and Child with the Infant Saint John and a Female Saint or Donor ('The Aldobrandini Madonna') - Google Art Project.jpg|150px]] || ''Maria e Jesus com S. João Baptista e Sta. Catarina'' (''A Senhora de Aldobrandini'') (''Madonna and Child with Saint John the Baptist and Saint Catherine'' - ''The Aldobrandini Madonna'') || {{sort|1532|c. 1532}} || {{nts|100.6}} × 142.2 cm || [ National Gallery (Londres)]
| [[File:Tizian 081.jpg|150px]] || ''Retrato de [[Carlos I de Espanha|Carlos V]] com um Cão'' (''Portrait of Charles V with a Dog'') || {{sort|1532–1533|c. 1532–1533}} || {{nts|192}} × 111 cm || [ Museu do Prado (Madrid)]
| [[File:Tizian 010.jpg|150px]] || ''Madalena Penitente'' (''The Penitent Magdalene'') || {{sort|1531–1533|c. 1531–1533}}|| {{nts|85}} × 68 cm || [[Palazzo Pitti]] ([[Florença]])
| [[File:Tiziano Presentazione.jpg|150px]] || ''A Apresentação da Virgem no Templo'' (''The Presentation of the Virgin at the Temple'') || {{sort|1534–1538|c. 1534–1538}} || {{nts|345}} x 775 cm || [[Gallerie dell'Accademia]] (Veneza)
| [[File:Tizian 056.jpg|150px]] || ''Retrato de [[Isabel d'Este]]'' (''Portrait of Isabella d'Este'') || {{sort|1534–1536|c. 1534–1536}}|| {{nts|102}} × 64 cm || [ Kunsthistorisches Museum (Viena)]
| [[File:Tizian 038.jpg|150px]] || ''Rapariga numa Pele'' (''Girl in a Fur'') || {{sort|1535|c. 1535}} || {{nts|95}} × 63 cm || [ Kunsthistorisches Museum (Viena)]
| [[File:Salon de Mercure-LE SOUPER A EMMAUS.jpg|150px]] || ''A Ceia em Emaus'' (''The Supper at Emmaus'') || {{sort|1535–1540|c. 1535–1540}} || {{nts|169}} × 244 cm || Louvre (Paris)
| [[File:Tizian 034.jpg|150px]] || ''A Bela'' (''La Bella'') || 1536 || {{nts|100}} × 75 cm || Palazzo Pitti (Florença)
| [[File:Tizian 074.jpg|150px]] || ''Retrato de uma Jovem com Chapéu com Pluma'' (''Portrait of a Young Woman with Feather Hat'') || {{sort|1536|c. 1536}} || {{nts|97}} × 75 cm || [[Hermitage]] ([[São Petersburgo]])
| [[File:Tizian 062.jpg|150px]] || ''Retrato de [[Francisco Maria I, Duque de Urbino]]'' (''Portrait of Francesco Maria I della Rovere, Duke of Urbino'') || {{sort|1536–1538|c. 1536–1538}} || {{nts|114.3}} × 100 cm || Uffizi (Florença)
| [[File:Tizian 070.jpg|150px]] || ''Retrato de [[Pietro Aretino]]'' (''Portrait of Pietro Aretino'') || {{sort|1537|c. 1537}} || {{nts|102}} × 86 cm || Frick Collection, Nova Iorque
| [[File:Tizian 055.jpg|150px]] || ''Retrato de [[Leonor Gonzaga, Duquesa de Urbino]]'' (''Portrait of Eleonora Gonzaga, Duchess of Urbino'') || 1538 || {{nts|114}} × 102.2 cm || Uffizi (Florença)
| [[File:Tizian 102.jpg|150px]] || ''Vénus de Urbino'' (''Venus of Urbino'') || 1538 || {{nts|119}} × 165 cm || Uffizi (Florença)
| [[File:Pietro Bembo - Titian.jpg|150px]] || ''Retrato do Cardeal [[Pietro Bembo]]'' (''Portrait of Cardinal Pietro Bembo'') || 1540 || {{nts|94.3}} × 76.5 cm || [ National Gallery of Art (Washington, D.C.)]
| [[File:Tizian 059.jpg|150px]] || ''Retrato do Doge [[Andrea Gritti]]'' (''Portrait of Doge Andrea Gritti'') || 1540 || {{nts|133.3}} × 103.2 cm || [ National Gallery of Art (Washington, D.C.)]
| [[File:The Marquis of Vasto addressing his troops.jpg|150px]] || ''Alfonso d'Avalos discursa às Tropas'' (''Alfonso d'Avalos Addressing his Troops'') || {{sort|1540–1541|c. 1540–1541}} || {{nts|223}} × 165 cm || [ Museu do Prado (Madrid)]
| [[File:Clarissa Strozzi.jpg|150px]] || ''Retrato de Clarissa [[Strozzi]]'' (''Portrait of Clarissa Strozzi'') || 1542|| {{nts|115}} × 98 cm || Gemäldegalerie, Berlim
| [[File:Titian - Christ crowned with Thorns - Louvre.jpg|150px]] || ''A Coroação com Espinhos'' (''The Crowning with Thorns'') || {{sort|1542–1544|c. 1542–1544}} || {{nts|303}} × 180 cm || Louvre (Paris)
| [[File:Tizian 076.jpg|150px]] || ''Retrato de um Jovem Inglês'' (''Portrait of a Young Englishman'') || {{sort|1540–1545|c. 1540–1545}} || {{nts|111}} × 93 cm || Palazzo Pitti (Florença)
| [[File:Titian - Ranuccio Farnese - Google Art Project.jpg|150px]] || ''Retrato de [[Ranuccio Farnese (cardeal)]]'' (''Portrait of Ranuccio Farnese (cardinal)'') || 1542 || {{nts|89.7}} × 73.6 cm || [ National Gallery of Art (Washington, D.C.)]
| [[File:Tizian 083.jpg|150px]] || ''Retrato do [[Papa Paulo III]]'' (''Portrait of Pope Paul III'' || 1543 || {{nts|108}} × 80 cm || [[Museo di Capodimonte]] (Nápoles)
| [[File:Tiziano Vecellio, called Titian - Ecce Homo - Google Art Project.jpg|150px]] || ''Ecce Homo'' || 1543 || {{nts|242}} × 361 cm || [ Kunsthistorisches Museum (Viena)]
| [[File:Titian - Cain and Abel.JPG|150px]] || ''Caim matando Abel'' (''Cain Slaying Abel'') || 1543–44 || {{nts|292.1}} × 280.0 cm || Santa Maria della Salute (Veneza)
| [[File:Tycjan David i Goliat.jpg|150px]] || ''David e Golias'' (''David and Goliath'') || 1543–44 || {{nts|292.1}} × 281.9 cm || Santa Maria della Salute (Veneza)
| [[File:Tizian 069.jpg|150px]] || ''Retrato de [[Pietro Aretino]]'' (''Portrait of Pietro Aretino'') || {{sort|1545|c. 1545}} || {{nts|98}} × 78 cm || Palazzo Pitti (Florença)
| [[File:Tizian 068.jpg|150px]] || ''Papa Paul III e os seus Netos'' (''Pope Paul III and his Grandsons'' || 1546 || {{nts|210}} × 174 cm || [[Museo di Capodimonte]] ([[Nápoles]])
| [[File:Tizian 011.jpg|150px]] || ''[[Danaë]]'' - uma de pelo menos quatro versões por Ticiano (''Danaë'' - one of at least four versions) || 1546 || {{nts|120}} × 172 cm || Museo di Capodimonte (Nápoles)
| [[File:Titian and workshop - The Vendramin Family, venerating a Relic of the True Cross - Google Art Project.jpg|150px]] || ''Retrato da Família Vendramin'' (''Portrait of the Vendramin Family'') ||1547|| {{nts|206}} × 301 cm || [ National Gallery (Londres)]
| [[File:Carlos_V_en_Mühlberg,_by_Titian,_from_Prado_in_Google_Earth.jpg|150px]] || ''Retrato Equestre de [[Carlos V]]'' (''Equestrian Portrait of Charles V'') || 1548 || {{nts|332}} × 279 cm || [ Museu do Prado (Madrid)]
| [[File:Tizian 066.jpg|150px]] || ''Retrato de Carlos V Sentado'' (''Portrait of Charles V Seated'') || 1548|| {{nts|205}} × 122 cm || Alte Pinakothek (Munique)
| [[File:Isabella of Portugal by Titian.jpg|150px]] || ''[[Retrato de Isabel de Portugal]]'' (''Portrait of Isabella of Portugal'') || 1548 || [ Museu do Prado (Madrid)]
| [[File:Venus and organist and little dog.jpg|150px]] || ''Vénus e Música'' (''Venus and Music'') || 1548 || {{nts|148}} × 217 cm || Museu do Prado (Madrid)
| [[File:Johann Friedrich (Sachsen).jpg|150px]] || ''Retrato de Johann Friedrich von Sachsen derrotado por Carlos V'' (''Portrait of Johann Friedrich von Sachsen defeated by Charles V'') || 1548 || {{nts|129}} × 93 cm || [ Museu do Prado (Madrid)]
| [[File:Tityus1.jpg|150px]] || ''A Punição de [[Tício]]'' (''The Punishment of Tythus'') || 1549 || {{nts|253}} × 217 cm || [ Museu do Prado (Madrid)]
| [[File:Punishment sisyph.jpg|150px]] || ''Sísifo'' (''Sisyphus'') || 1549 || {{nts|237}} × 216 cm || [ Museu do Prado (Madrid)]
| [[File:Saintjohnthealmoner.jpg|150px]] || ''S. João das Esmolas'' (''Saint John the Almoner'') || {{sort|1549|c. 1549}} || {{nts|229}} × 156 cm || Igreja de San Giovanni Elemosinario (Veneza)
| [[File:Tizian 091.jpg|150px]] || ''A Queda do Homem'' (''The Fall of Man'') || {{sort|1550|c. 1550}} || {{nts|240}} × 186 cm || [ Museu do Prado (Madrid)]
| [[File:Mater Dolorosa by Titian.jpg|150px]] || ''Mãe Angustiada'' (''Mater Dolorosa'') || 1550 || {{nts|68}} × 61 cm || [ Museu do Prado (Madrid)]
| [[File:Tizian 064.jpg|150px]] || ''Retrato de [[João Frederico I da Saxônia]]'' (''Portrait of Johann Friedrich von Sachsen'') || 1550|| {{nts|103.5}} × 83 cm || [ Kunsthistorisches Museum (Viena)]
| [[File:Tizian 096.jpg|150px]] || ''Vénus e o Organista'' (''Venus and the Organ Player'') || {{sort|1550|c. 1550}} || {{nts|115}} × 280 cm || Gemäldegalerie, Berlim
| [[File:Knight of Malta with watch.jpg|150px]] || ''[[Ordem Soberana e Militar de Malta|Cavaleiro de Malta]] com um relógio'' (''Knight of Malta with a watch'' || {{sort|1550|c. 1550}} || {{nts|122}} × 101 cm || [ Museu do Prado (Madrid)]
| [[File:Tizian 030.jpg|150px]] || ''S. Jerónimo em Penitência'' (''Saint Jerome in Penitence'' || 1550–1560|| {{nts|255}} × 125 cm || [[Pinacoteca di Brera]] ([[Milão]])
| [[File:Philip II.jpg|150px]] || ''Filipe II em Armadura'' (''Phillip II in Armour'') || 1551 || {{nts|193}} × 111 cm || [ Museu do Prado (Madrid)]
| [[File:Ticiano - cardealmadruzzo05.jpg|150px]] || ''Retrato do Cardeal Cristoforo Madruzzo'' (''Portrait of Cardinal Cristoforo Madruzzo'') || 1552 || {{nts|230}} x 131 cm || [ [[Museu de Arte de São Paulo]] ([[São Paulo]])]
| [[File:La Gloria (Tiziano).jpg|150px]] || ''Santíssima Trindade'' (''The Holy Trinity (La Gloria)'') || 1551–1554 || {{nts|346}} × 240 cm || [ Museu do Prado (Madrid)]
| [[File:Venus and Adonis by Titian.jpg|150px]] || ''Vénus e Adónis'' (''Venus and Adonis'')|| 1553–1554 || {{nts|186}} × 207 cm || [ Museu do Prado (Madrid)]
| [[File:Mater Dolorosa with open hands.jpg|150px]] || ''[[Mater Dolorosa]] com Mãos Abertas'' (''Mater Dolorosa with Open Hands'') || 1554 || {{nts|68}} × 53 cm || [ Museu do Prado (Madrid)]
| [[File:Tizian - Danae receiving the Golden Rain - Prado.jpg|150px]] || ''[[Danaë]] e a Chuva de Ouro'' (''Danaë and the Shower of Gold'') || 1554 || {{nts|128}} × 178 cm || [ Museu do Prado (Madrid)]
| [[File:Tizian 052.jpg|150px]] || ''Perseus e Andrómeda'' (''Perseus and Andromeda'') || {{sort|1554–1556|c. 1554–1556}} || {{nts|179}} × 197 cm || [[Coleção Wallace]] (Londres)
| [[File:Titian National Museum of Serbia.JPG|150px]] || ''Retrato de [[Cristina da Saxônia|Cristina da Dinamarca]]'' (''Portrait of Queen Christina of Denmark'') || {{sort|1555–1556|c. 1555–1556}} || {{nts|112}} × 83 cm || National Museum of Serbia (Belgrado)
| [[File:Titian - Venus with a Mirror - Google Art Project.jpg|150px]] || ''Vénus com um Espelho'' (''Venus with a Mirror'') || {{sort|1555|c. 1555}} || {{nts|124.5}} × 105.5 cm || [ National Gallery of Art (Washington, D.C.)]
| [[File:TizianoVenereAdoneNewYork.jpg|150px]] || ''Vénus e Adónis'' (''Venus and Adonis'') || {{sort|1555|c. 1555}} || {{nts|106}} × 133 cm || [[Metropolitan Museum of Art]] (Nova Iorque)
| [[File:Tizian 113.jpg|150px]] || ''Filippo Archinto, Arcebispo de Milão'' (''Filippo Archinto, Archbishop of Milan'') || {{sort|1555|c. 1555}} || {{nts|118}} × 94 cm || [[Metropolitan Museum of Art]] (Nova Iorque)
| [[File:Tiziano Vecellio - Venere e il Suonatore di liuto (Fitzwilliam Museum).jpg|150px]] || ''Vénus e o Tocador de Alaúde'' (''Venus and the Lute Player'') || {{sort|1555-1565|c. 1555–1565}} || {{nts|150}} × 196 cm || [[Fitzwilliam Museum]] (Cambridge)
| [[File:Titian - Diana and Actaeon - Google Art Project.jpg|150px]] || ''Diana e Acteon'' (''Diana and Actaeon'') || 1556–1559 || {{nts|190.3}} × 207 cm || [ National Gallery (London)]/ [ National Gallery of Scotland (Edimburgo)]
| [[File:Titian 1558 Ancona Crucifixion.jpg|150px]] || ''Crucificação'' ''Crucifixion'' || 1558 || {{nts|371}} × 197 cm || Church of San Domenico, [[Ancona]]
| [[File:Tizian 047.jpg|150px]] || ''O Martírio de S. Lourenço'' (''The Martyrdom of Saint Lawrence'') || 1559 || {{nts|500}} × 280 cm || Chiesa di Santa Maria Assunta (Veneza)
| [[File:TitianDianaCallistoEdinburgh.jpg|150px]] || ''Diana e Calisto'' (''Diana and Callisto'') || 1559 || {{nts|187}} × 205 cm || National Gallery (Londres) / [ National Gallery of Scotland (Edimburgo)]
| [[File:Entierro de Cristo (Tiziano).jpg|150px]] || ''O Sepultamento'' (''The Entombment'') || 1559 || {{nts|137}} × 175 cm || [ Museu do Prado (Madrid)]
| [[File:Titian - Rape of Europa - Google Art Project.jpg|150px]] || ''O Rapto de Europa'' (''The Rape of Europa'') || 1559–1562 || {{nts|185}} × 205 cm || Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum ([[Boston]])
| [[File:San Salvador Interno - Annunciazione del Signore Tiziano.jpg|150px]] || ''Anunciação'' (''Annunciation'') || 1559–1564 || {{nts|410}} × 240 cm || Igreja de S. Salvador (Veneza)
| [[File:Titian - The Death of Actaeon - Google Art Project.jpg|150px]] || ''A Morte de Acteon'' (''The Death of Actaeon'') || {{sort|1559–1575|c. 1559–1575}} || {{nts|178.4}} × 198.1 cm || [ National Gallery (Londres)]
| [[File:Salome with the head of John the Baptist (Titian).jpg|150px]] || ''Salomé'' (''Salome'') || {{sort|1560|c. 1560}} || {{nts|87}} × 80 cm || [ Museu do Prado (Madrid)]
| [[File:VenereAdoneRoma.jpg|150px]] || ''Vénus e Adónis'' (''Venus and Adonis'') || {{sort|1560|c. 1560}} || {{nts|187}} × 184 cm || [[Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica]] (Roma)
| [[File:Titian, Sacra Conversazione, The Madonna and Child with Saints Luke and Catherine of Alexandria.jpg|150px]] || ''Maria e Jesus com S. Lucas e S. Catarina de Alexandria'' (''Madonna and Child with Saints Luke and Catherine of Alexandria'') || {{sort|1560|c. 1560}} || {{nts|127.8}} × 169.7 cm || (Bought by a private bidder on 28 January 2011)
| [[File:Self-portrait of Titian.jpg|150px]] || ''Auto-retrato'' (''Self-portrait'') || {{sort|1560–1562|c. 1560–1562}} || {{nts|96}} × 72 cm || Gemäldegalerie, Berlim
| [[File:Titian - The Tribute Money - Google Art Project.jpg|150px]] || ''O Dinheiro do Tributo'' (''The Tribute Money'') || {{sort|1560–1568|c. 1560–1568}} || {{nts|112.2}} x 103.2 cm || [ National Gallery (Londres)]
| [[File:Tizian 009.jpg|150px]] || ''Madalena Penitente (''The Penitent Magdalene'') || {{sort|1565|c. 1565}} || {{nts|118}} × 97 cm || Hermitage Museum (S. Petersburgo)
| [[File:Titian and workshop - An Allegory of Prudence - Google Art Project.jpg|150px]] || ''Alegoria da Prudência'' (''Allegory of Prudence'') || {{sort|1565–1570|c. 1565–1570}} || {{nts|76.2}} × 68.6 cm || [ National Gallery (Londres)]
| [[File:Tizian 099.jpg|150px]] || ''Vénus e o Tocador de Alaúde'' (''Venus and the Lute Player'') || {{sort|1565-1570|c. 1565-1570}} || {{nts|165}} × 209 cm || [[Metropolitan Museum of Art]] (Nova Iorque)
| [[File:Tizian 027.jpg|150px]] || ''O Sepultamento'' (''The Entombment'') || 1566 || {{nts|130}} × 168 cm || [ Museu do Prado (Madrid)]
| [[File:Tizian 090.jpg|150px]] || ''Auto-retrato'' (''Self-portrait'') || {{sort|1567|c. 1567}} || {{nts|86}} × 65 cm || [ Museu do Prado (Madrid)]
| [[File:Tizian 067.jpg|150px]] || ''Retrato de Jacopo Strada'' (''Portrait of Jacopo Strada'') || {{sort|1567–1568|c. 1567–1568}} || {{nts|125}} × 95 cm || [ Kunsthistorisches Museum (Viena)]
| [[File:Tizian 093.jpg|150px]] || ''Tarquínio e [[Lucrécia (Roma)|Lucrécia]]'' (' Belas Artes de Bordéus]] ([[Bordéus]])
| [[File:Tizian 094.jpg|150px]] || ''Tarquínio e [[Lucrécia (Roma)|Lucrécia]]'' (1571) (''Tarquinius and Lucretia'' - 1571) || 1571 || {{nts|189}} × 145 cm || Fitzwilliam Museum (Cambridge)
| [[File:Titian - The Flaying of Marsyas.jpg|150px]] || ''O Castigo de [[Marsias]]'' (''Punishment of Marsyas'') || {{sort|1570|c. 1570-1576}} || {{nts|212}} × 207 cm || National Museum, [[Kroměříž]], República Checa
| [[File:Tiziano Vecellio, called Titian - Nymph and Shepherd - Google Art Project.jpg|150px]] || ''Ninfa e Pastor'' (''Nymph and Shepherd'') || {{sort|1570–1576|c. 1570–1576}} || {{nts|149.7}} × 187 cm || [ Kunsthistorisches Museum (Viena)]
| [[File:Tizian 053.jpg|150px]] || ''Pietà'' || {{sort|1570–1576|c. 1570–1576}} || {{nts|351}} × 389 cm || Accademia (Veneza)
| [[File:Tizian 020.jpg|150px]] || ''Cristo Coroado com Espinhos'' (''Christ Crowned with Thorns'') || {{sort|1570–1576|c. 1570–1576}} || {{nts|280}} × 181 cm || Alte Pinakothek (Munique)

== Opere ==
== Opere ==

Revisão das 22h53min de 16 de janeiro de 2016

Esta lista de obras de Ticiano contém retratos e obras religiosas e mitológicas representativos de uma obra de grande amplitude que se desenrolou ao longo de 70 anos (Ticiano deixou-nos relativamente poucos desenhos). Os títulos das Pinturas e as datas, que por vezes variam de acordo com as fontes, são os da página em inglês.

Lista das obras por ordem cronológica

Imagem Título Data Dimensões Colecção
Cristo Carregando a Cruz (Christ Carrying the Cross) 1505 &0000000000000068.20000068,2 × 88.3 cm Scuola Grande di San Rocco (Veneza). Também atribuida a Giorgione.
Maria e Jesus (Madonna and Child) c. 1508 &0000000000000045.00000045 × 55 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art (Nova Iorque)
Retrato de um Homem (Portrait of a Man/ A Man with a Quilted Sleeve) c. 1508–1510 &0000000000000081.20000081,2 × 66.3 cm National Gallery (Londres)
Retrato de uma Senhora (A Schiavona) (Portrait of a Lady (La Schiavona)) c. 1509–1510 &0000000000000117.000000117 × 97 cm National Gallery (Londres)
Concerto Campestre (Pastoral Concert) c. 1510 &0000000000000118.000000118 × 138 cm Louvre, Paris. Também atribuido a Giorgione.
Retrato de um Homem com Barrete Vermelho (Portrait of a Man in a Red Cap) c. 1510 &0000000000000082.00000082 × 71 cm Frick Collection, Nova Iorque
S. Marcos Entronizado (St. Mark Enthroned) 1510/11 &0000000000000218.000000218 × 149 cm Santa Maria della Salute (Veneza)
Milagre do Marido Ciumento (Miracle of the Jealous Husband) 1511 &0000000000000340.000000340 × 207 cm Scuola di Sant'Antonio, Pádua
Milagre do Filho Irascível (Miracle of the Irascible Son) 1511 &0000000000000340.000000340 × 207 cm Scuola di Sant'Antonio, Pádua
Milagre do Recém-Nascido (Miracle of the Newborn Infant) 1511 &0000000000000340.000000340 × 355 cm Scuola di Sant'Antonio, Pádua
Não me toque (Noli me tangere) c. 1511–1515 &0000000000000109.000000109 × 91 cm National Gallery (Londres)
Mulher com Espelho (Woman with a Mirror) c. 1511–1515 &0000000000000096.00000096 × 76 cm Louvre (Paris)
As Três Idades do Homem (The Three Ages of Man) c. 1512 &0000000000000106.000000106 × 182 cm National Gallery of Scotland (Edimburgo)
Maria e o Filho (Maria Cigana) (Madonna and Child /"The Gypsy Madonna") c. 1512 &0000000000000065.80000065,8 × 83.8 cm Kunsthistorisches Museum (Viena)
Sagrada Conversa de Balbi ou Maria e o Filho com S. Catarina, S. Domingos e o Dador (Balbi Holy Conversation, Madonna and Child with Sts. Catherine and Dominic and a Donor) c. 1512-1514 &0000000000000130.000000130 × 185 cm Fondazione Magnani-Rocca, Traversetolo
Retrato de Jacopo Sannazaro (Portrait of Jacopo Sannazaro) c. 1514–1518 &0000000000000085.70000085,7 × 72.7 cm Royal Collection, Reino Unido
Flora c. 1515 &0000000000000079.00000079 × 63 cm Uffizi (Florença)
Retrato de um Homem (Portrait of a Man) c. 1515 &0000000000000050.00000050 × 45 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art (Nova Iorque)
Salomé (Salome) c. 1515 &0000000000000090.00000090 × 72 cm Galeria Doria Pamphilj (Roma)
Maria das Cerejas (Kirschenmadonna) c. 1515 &0000000000000081.00000081 × 99.5 cm Kunsthistorisches Museum (Viena)
Vaidade (Vanity) c. 1515 &0000000000000097.00000097 × 81 cm Alte Pinakothek (Munique)
Violante (Violante) c. 1515–1516 &0000000000000064.50000064,5 × 51 cm Kunsthistorisches Museum (Viena)
Homem Desconhecido com Chapéu Preto com Plumas (An Unknown Man in a Black Plumed Hat) c. 1515–1520 &0000000000000070.50000070,5 × 63 cm Petworth House (Petworth)
Amor Sagrado e Amor Profano (Sacred and Profane Love) c. 1515–1516 &0000000000000118.000000118 × 279 cm Galleria Borghese (Roma)
O Dinheiro do Tributo (The Tribute Money) c. 1516 &0000000000000075.00000075 × 56 cm Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Dresden
Assunção da Virgem (Assumption of the Virgin) c. 1516–1518 &0000000000000690.000000690 × 360 cm Basílica de Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari (Veneza)
O Bacanal dos Andros (The Bacchanal of the Andrians) c. 1518–1519 &0000000000000175.000000175 × 193 cm Museu do Prado (Madrid)
A Adoração de Vénus (The Worship of Venus) 1518–1520 &0000000000000172.000000172 × 175 cm Museu do Prado (Madrid)
A Anunciação de Malchiostro (Malchiostro Annunciation) c. 1520 &0000000000000210.000000210 × 176 cm Catedral de Treviso, Treviso
Retrato de Vincenzo Mosti (Portrait of Vincenzo Mosti) c. 1520 &0000000000000085.00000085 × 67 cm Galleria Palatina, Florença
Altar de Gozzi (Gozzi Altarpiece) 1520 &0000000000000312.000000312 × 215 cm Pinacoteca civica Francesco Podesti, Ancona
Políptico de Averoldi (Averoldi Polyptych) c. 1520–1522 &0000000000000278.000000278 × 292 cm Church of Santi Nazaro e Celso (Bréscia)
Vénus saindo do Mar (Venus Anadyomene, ou Venus rising from the sea) c. 1520 &0000000000000073.60000073,6 × 58.4 cm National Gallery of Scotland (Edimburgo)
Ressurreição (Painel central do políptico de Averoldi) (Altarpiece of the Resurrection - Center panel of the Averoldi Polyptych) c. 1520–1522 &0000000000000278.000000278 × 122 cm Santi Nazaro e Celso (Bréscia)
Baco e Ariadne (Bacchus and Ariadne) c. 1522–1523 &0000000000000175.000000175 × 190 cm National Gallery (Londres)
Homem com uma Luva (Man with a Glove) c. 1520–1523 &0000000000000100.000000100 × 89 cm Louvre (Paris)
O Sepultamento (The Entombment) c. 1523–1525 &0000000000000148.000000148 × 225 cm Louvre (Paris)
Maria de Pesaro (Pesaro Madonna) c. 1519–1526 &0000000000000478.000000478 × 268 cm Basílica de Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari (Veneza)
Retrato de Frederico II Gonzaga (Portrait of Federico II Gonzaga) c. 1525–1528 &0000000000000125.000000125 × 99 cm Museo del Prado (Madrid)
A Senhora do Coelho/Maria e Jesus com Sta. Catarina e um Coelho (The Madonna of the Rabbit/Madonna and Child with St. Catherine and a Rabbit) 1530 &0000000000000071.00000071 × 85 cm Louvre (Paris)
Retrato de Giacomo Dolfin (Portrait of Giacomo Dolfin) c. 1531–1532 &0000000000000101.000000101 × 88 cm Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA)
Maria e Jesus com S. João Baptista e Sta. Catarina (A Senhora de Aldobrandini) (Madonna and Child with Saint John the Baptist and Saint Catherine - The Aldobrandini Madonna) c. 1532 &0000000000000100.600000100,6 × 142.2 cm National Gallery (Londres)
Retrato de Carlos V com um Cão (Portrait of Charles V with a Dog) c. 1532–1533 &0000000000000192.000000192 × 111 cm Museu do Prado (Madrid)
Madalena Penitente (The Penitent Magdalene) c. 1531–1533 &0000000000000085.00000085 × 68 cm Palazzo Pitti (Florença)
A Apresentação da Virgem no Templo (The Presentation of the Virgin at the Temple) c. 1534–1538 &0000000000000345.000000345 x 775 cm Gallerie dell'Accademia (Veneza)
Retrato de Isabel d'Este (Portrait of Isabella d'Este) c. 1534–1536 &0000000000000102.000000102 × 64 cm Kunsthistorisches Museum (Viena)
Rapariga numa Pele (Girl in a Fur) c. 1535 &0000000000000095.00000095 × 63 cm Kunsthistorisches Museum (Viena)
A Ceia em Emaus (The Supper at Emmaus) c. 1535–1540 &0000000000000169.000000169 × 244 cm Louvre (Paris)
A Bela (La Bella) 1536 &0000000000000100.000000100 × 75 cm Palazzo Pitti (Florença)
Retrato de uma Jovem com Chapéu com Pluma (Portrait of a Young Woman with Feather Hat) c. 1536 &0000000000000097.00000097 × 75 cm Hermitage (São Petersburgo)
Retrato de Francisco Maria I, Duque de Urbino (Portrait of Francesco Maria I della Rovere, Duke of Urbino) c. 1536–1538 &0000000000000114.300000114,3 × 100 cm Uffizi (Florença)
Retrato de Pietro Aretino (Portrait of Pietro Aretino) c. 1537 &0000000000000102.000000102 × 86 cm Frick Collection, Nova Iorque
Retrato de Leonor Gonzaga, Duquesa de Urbino (Portrait of Eleonora Gonzaga, Duchess of Urbino) 1538 &0000000000000114.000000114 × 102.2 cm Uffizi (Florença)
Vénus de Urbino (Venus of Urbino) 1538 &0000000000000119.000000119 × 165 cm Uffizi (Florença)
Retrato do Cardeal Pietro Bembo (Portrait of Cardinal Pietro Bembo) 1540 &0000000000000094.30000094,3 × 76.5 cm National Gallery of Art (Washington, D.C.)
Retrato do Doge Andrea Gritti (Portrait of Doge Andrea Gritti) 1540 &0000000000000133.300000133,3 × 103.2 cm National Gallery of Art (Washington, D.C.)
Alfonso d'Avalos discursa às Tropas (Alfonso d'Avalos Addressing his Troops) c. 1540–1541 &0000000000000223.000000223 × 165 cm Museu do Prado (Madrid)
Retrato de Clarissa Strozzi (Portrait of Clarissa Strozzi) 1542 &0000000000000115.000000115 × 98 cm Gemäldegalerie, Berlim
A Coroação com Espinhos (The Crowning with Thorns) c. 1542–1544 &0000000000000303.000000303 × 180 cm Louvre (Paris)
Retrato de um Jovem Inglês (Portrait of a Young Englishman) c. 1540–1545 &0000000000000111.000000111 × 93 cm Palazzo Pitti (Florença)
Retrato de Ranuccio Farnese (cardeal) (Portrait of Ranuccio Farnese (cardinal)) 1542 &0000000000000089.70000089,7 × 73.6 cm National Gallery of Art (Washington, D.C.)
Retrato do Papa Paulo III (Portrait of Pope Paul III 1543 &0000000000000108.000000108 × 80 cm Museo di Capodimonte (Nápoles)
Ecce Homo 1543 &0000000000000242.000000242 × 361 cm Kunsthistorisches Museum (Viena)
Caim matando Abel (Cain Slaying Abel) 1543–44 &0000000000000292.100000292,1 × 280.0 cm Santa Maria della Salute (Veneza)
David e Golias (David and Goliath) 1543–44 &0000000000000292.100000292,1 × 281.9 cm Santa Maria della Salute (Veneza)
Retrato de Pietro Aretino (Portrait of Pietro Aretino) c. 1545 &0000000000000098.00000098 × 78 cm Palazzo Pitti (Florença)
Papa Paul III e os seus Netos (Pope Paul III and his Grandsons 1546 &0000000000000210.000000210 × 174 cm Museo di Capodimonte (Nápoles)
Danaë - uma de pelo menos quatro versões por Ticiano (Danaë - one of at least four versions) 1546 &0000000000000120.000000120 × 172 cm Museo di Capodimonte (Nápoles)
Retrato da Família Vendramin (Portrait of the Vendramin Family) 1547 &0000000000000206.000000206 × 301 cm National Gallery (Londres)
Retrato Equestre de Carlos V (Equestrian Portrait of Charles V) 1548 &0000000000000332.000000332 × 279 cm Museu do Prado (Madrid)
Retrato de Carlos V Sentado (Portrait of Charles V Seated) 1548 &0000000000000205.000000205 × 122 cm Alte Pinakothek (Munique)
Retrato de Isabel de Portugal (Portrait of Isabella of Portugal) 1548 Museu do Prado (Madrid)
Vénus e Música (Venus and Music) 1548 &0000000000000148.000000148 × 217 cm Museu do Prado (Madrid)
Retrato de Johann Friedrich von Sachsen derrotado por Carlos V (Portrait of Johann Friedrich von Sachsen defeated by Charles V) 1548 &0000000000000129.000000129 × 93 cm Museu do Prado (Madrid)
A Punição de Tício (The Punishment of Tythus) 1549 &0000000000000253.000000253 × 217 cm Museu do Prado (Madrid)
Sísifo (Sisyphus) 1549 &0000000000000237.000000237 × 216 cm Museu do Prado (Madrid)
S. João das Esmolas (Saint John the Almoner) c. 1549 &0000000000000229.000000229 × 156 cm Igreja de San Giovanni Elemosinario (Veneza)
A Queda do Homem (The Fall of Man) c. 1550 &0000000000000240.000000240 × 186 cm Museu do Prado (Madrid)
Mãe Angustiada (Mater Dolorosa) 1550 &0000000000000068.00000068 × 61 cm Museu do Prado (Madrid)
Retrato de João Frederico I da Saxônia (Portrait of Johann Friedrich von Sachsen) 1550 &0000000000000103.500000103,5 × 83 cm Kunsthistorisches Museum (Viena)
Vénus e o Organista (Venus and the Organ Player) c. 1550 &0000000000000115.000000115 × 280 cm Gemäldegalerie, Berlim
Cavaleiro de Malta com um relógio (Knight of Malta with a watch c. 1550 &0000000000000122.000000122 × 101 cm Museu do Prado (Madrid)
S. Jerónimo em Penitência (Saint Jerome in Penitence 1550–1560 &0000000000000255.000000255 × 125 cm Pinacoteca di Brera (Milão)
Filipe II em Armadura (Phillip II in Armour) 1551 &0000000000000193.000000193 × 111 cm Museu do Prado (Madrid)
Retrato do Cardeal Cristoforo Madruzzo (Portrait of Cardinal Cristoforo Madruzzo) 1552 &0000000000000230.000000230 x 131 cm Museu de Arte de São Paulo (São Paulo)
Santíssima Trindade (The Holy Trinity (La Gloria)) 1551–1554 &0000000000000346.000000346 × 240 cm Museu do Prado (Madrid)
Vénus e Adónis (Venus and Adonis) 1553–1554 &0000000000000186.000000186 × 207 cm Museu do Prado (Madrid)
Mater Dolorosa com Mãos Abertas (Mater Dolorosa with Open Hands) 1554 &0000000000000068.00000068 × 53 cm Museu do Prado (Madrid)
Danaë e a Chuva de Ouro (Danaë and the Shower of Gold) 1554 &0000000000000128.000000128 × 178 cm Museu do Prado (Madrid)
Perseus e Andrómeda (Perseus and Andromeda) c. 1554–1556 &0000000000000179.000000179 × 197 cm Coleção Wallace (Londres)
Retrato de Cristina da Dinamarca (Portrait of Queen Christina of Denmark) c. 1555–1556 &0000000000000112.000000112 × 83 cm National Museum of Serbia (Belgrado)
Vénus com um Espelho (Venus with a Mirror) c. 1555 &0000000000000124.500000124,5 × 105.5 cm National Gallery of Art (Washington, D.C.)
Vénus e Adónis (Venus and Adonis) c. 1555 &0000000000000106.000000106 × 133 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art (Nova Iorque)
Filippo Archinto, Arcebispo de Milão (Filippo Archinto, Archbishop of Milan) c. 1555 &0000000000000118.000000118 × 94 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art (Nova Iorque)
Vénus e o Tocador de Alaúde (Venus and the Lute Player) c. 1555–1565 &0000000000000150.000000150 × 196 cm Fitzwilliam Museum (Cambridge)
Diana e Acteon (Diana and Actaeon) 1556–1559 &0000000000000190.300000190,3 × 207 cm National Gallery (London)/ National Gallery of Scotland (Edimburgo)
Crucificação Crucifixion 1558 &0000000000000371.000000371 × 197 cm Church of San Domenico, Ancona
O Martírio de S. Lourenço (The Martyrdom of Saint Lawrence) 1559 &0000000000000500.000000500 × 280 cm Chiesa di Santa Maria Assunta (Veneza)
Diana e Calisto (Diana and Callisto) 1559 &0000000000000187.000000187 × 205 cm National Gallery (Londres) / National Gallery of Scotland (Edimburgo)
O Sepultamento (The Entombment) 1559 &0000000000000137.000000137 × 175 cm Museu do Prado (Madrid)
O Rapto de Europa (The Rape of Europa) 1559–1562 &0000000000000185.000000185 × 205 cm Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum (Boston)
Anunciação (Annunciation) 1559–1564 &0000000000000410.000000410 × 240 cm Igreja de S. Salvador (Veneza)
A Morte de Acteon (The Death of Actaeon) c. 1559–1575 &0000000000000178.400000178,4 × 198.1 cm National Gallery (Londres)
Salomé (Salome) c. 1560 &0000000000000087.00000087 × 80 cm Museu do Prado (Madrid)
Ficheiro:VenereAdoneRoma.jpg Vénus e Adónis (Venus and Adonis) c. 1560 &0000000000000187.000000187 × 184 cm Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica (Roma)
Maria e Jesus com S. Lucas e S. Catarina de Alexandria (Madonna and Child with Saints Luke and Catherine of Alexandria) c. 1560 &0000000000000127.800000127,8 × 169.7 cm (Bought by a private bidder on 28 January 2011)
Auto-retrato (Self-portrait) c. 1560–1562 &0000000000000096.00000096 × 72 cm Gemäldegalerie, Berlim
O Dinheiro do Tributo (The Tribute Money) c. 1560–1568 &0000000000000112.200000112,2 x 103.2 cm National Gallery (Londres)
Madalena Penitente (The Penitent Magdalene) c. 1565 &0000000000000118.000000118 × 97 cm Hermitage Museum (S. Petersburgo)
Alegoria da Prudência (Allegory of Prudence) c. 1565–1570 &0000000000000076.20000076,2 × 68.6 cm National Gallery (Londres)
Vénus e o Tocador de Alaúde (Venus and the Lute Player) c. 1565-1570 &0000000000000165.000000165 × 209 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art (Nova Iorque)
O Sepultamento (The Entombment) 1566 &0000000000000130.000000130 × 168 cm Museu do Prado (Madrid)
Auto-retrato (Self-portrait) c. 1567 &0000000000000086.00000086 × 65 cm Museu do Prado (Madrid)
Retrato de Jacopo Strada (Portrait of Jacopo Strada) c. 1567–1568 &0000000000000125.000000125 × 95 cm Kunsthistorisches Museum (Viena)
Tarquínio e Lucrécia (' Belas Artes de Bordéus]] (Bordéus)
Tarquínio e Lucrécia (1571) (Tarquinius and Lucretia - 1571) 1571 &0000000000000189.000000189 × 145 cm Fitzwilliam Museum (Cambridge)
O Castigo de Marsias (Punishment of Marsyas) c. 1570-1576 &0000000000000212.000000212 × 207 cm National Museum, Kroměříž, República Checa
Ninfa e Pastor (Nymph and Shepherd) c. 1570–1576 &0000000000000149.700000149,7 × 187 cm Kunsthistorisches Museum (Viena)
Pietà c. 1570–1576 &0000000000000351.000000351 × 389 cm Accademia (Veneza)
Cristo Coroado com Espinhos (Christ Crowned with Thorns) c. 1570–1576 &0000000000000280.000000280 × 181 cm Alte Pinakothek (Munique)
