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Legalidade da pornografia infantil: diferenças entre revisões

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GMota931 (discussão | contribs)
GMota931 (discussão | contribs)
Linha 47: Linha 47:
! style="width:120px font-size: 87%;" | Legality !! Description
! style="width:120px font-size: 87%;" | Legality !! Description
| {{no|Illegal}}
| || {{Não3|Ilegal}}
| '''Real child pornography:''' This tag assumes the sale, production, and distribution of child pornography is illegal (''[[de jure]]'') by default unless stated otherwise. <br />
| '''Real child pornography:''' This tag assumes the sale, production, and distribution of child pornography is illegal (''[[de jure]]'') by default unless stated otherwise. <br />
'''Fictional child pornography:''' This tag assumes the sale, production, and distribution of fictional child pornography is illegal (''de jure'') by default unless stated otherwise. <br />
'''Fictional child pornography:''' This tag assumes the sale, production, and distribution of fictional child pornography is illegal (''de jure'') by default unless stated otherwise. <br />
'''Possession:''' Possessing (including simple possession) is illegal (''de jure'') for both fictional and real child pornography by default unless stated otherwise.
'''Possession:''' Possessing (including simple possession) is illegal (''de jure'') for both fictional and real child pornography by default unless stated otherwise.
| {{partial|Situational}}
|| {{partial|Situacional}}
| '''Real child pornography:''' This may cover a partially legal situation, or one where the law is not enforced. Details can be found in the "short summary" section. <br />
|'''Real child pornography:''' This may cover a partially legal situation, or one where the law is not enforced. Details can be found in the "short summary" section. <br />
'''Fictional child pornography:''' This is used when fictional child pornography is not clearly defined by law, or for countries which define what parts are legal/Illegal. <br />
'''Fictional child pornography:''' This is used when fictional child pornography is not clearly defined by law, or for countries which define what parts are legal/Illegal. <br />
'''Possession:''' If '''only''' fictional child pornography is legal, then by default possession of it is legal as well. This also covers partly legal and unenforced situations.
'''Possession:''' If '''only''' fictional child pornography is legal, then by default possession of it is legal as well. This also covers partly legal and unenforced situations.
| {{yes|Legal}}
| || {{Sim3|Legal}}
| '''Real or fictional child pornography:''' No restrictions are in place. <br />
| '''Real or fictional child pornography:''' No restrictions are in place. <br />
'''Possession:''' No restrictions are in place.
'''Possession:''' No restrictions are in place.

Revisão das 03h38min de 18 de novembro de 2023


A pornografia infantil é ilegal na maioria dos países, mas há variações substanciais nas legislações que regem o assunto, e suas definições e penalidades. As diferenças incluem a interpretação da faixa de idade considerada como "infância", que pode variar inclusive de acordo com a idade de consentimento; também há questões no nível de realidade envolvendo a produção material e quais ações são criminosas (como, produção, distribuição, posse download e visualização). Outra grande fonte de variação são as leis que cercam a pornografia infantil fictícia; alguns mantêm distinções de legalidade entre pornografia real e fictícia, enquanto outras jurisdições regulamentam o material fictício sob leis gerais contra a pornografia infantil.

Várias organizações e tratados estabeleceram diretrizes para os países seguirem. Porém, os países não são obrigados a seguirem.

Posição internacional


Centro Internacional para Crianças Desaparecidas e Exploradas (ICMEC)

A ICMEC é uma organização que visa combater a exploração sexual infantil, a pornografia infantil e o rapto de crianças. Para a pornografia infantil, a organização criou uma “legislação modelo” que define o que é pornografia infantil e as sentenças e sanções recomendadas para tal. Segundo pesquisa realizada em 2018; a pornografia infantil é ilegal em 118 dos 196 estados membros da Interpol - este número, entretanto, representa os países que possuem legislações suficientes para cumprir ao menos quatro, dos cinco, critério definido pelo ICMEC.

ECPAT Internacional (ECPAT)

A ECPAT é uma organização que visa combater a exploração sexual de menores na internet, ao tráfico de crianças para fins sexuais e ao turismo sexual infantil. Esta organização acompanha e investiga os países que implementaram normas definidas na Convenção sobre o Cibercrime e a Convenção de Lanzarote.[1]


Pelo menos dois tratados importantes estão em vigor com um “protocolo opcional” para combater a pornografia infantil em todo o mundo. Estas são consideradas obrigações internacionais para aprovar leis específicas contra a pornografia infantil que deveriam ser "puníveis com penas apropriadas tendo em conta a sua gravidade". O primeiro destes tratados tem a ver com a Convenção do Conselho da Europa sobre o Cibercrime, a Convenção do Conselho da Europa sobre a Protecção das Crianças contra a Exploração Sexual e o Abuso Sexual e a Decisão-Quadro da União Europeia que entrou em vigor em 2006. Tais acordos exigiam que os Estados signatários e seus membros criminalizassem todos os aspectos da pornografia infantil. A segunda envolve as Nações Unidas, estabelecendo o Artigo 34 da Convenção das Nações Unidas sobre os Direitos da Criança (UNCRC): todos os signatários deveriam tomar medidas apropriadas para prevenir o uso exploratório de crianças em apresentações e materiais pornográficos. Foi também adicionado um protocolo opcional que exige que os signatários proíbam a “produção, distribuição, divulgação, importação, exportação, oferta, venda ou posse de pornografia infantil".[2] Algumas das negociações e revisões do processo ocorreram no Congresso Mundial contra a Exploração Sexual Comercial de Crianças, realizado em 1996 e 2001.[3]


Embora existam leis que criminalizem o abuso sexual infantil em todos os países do mundo, existe certa divergência nas leis e n opinião pública em questões como:

  • A idade mínima exata das pessoas retratadas na pornografia;
  • Se a mera posse de pornografia infantil deveria ser um crime; ou
  • Até que ponto o direito penal deve distinguir posse, aquisição, distribuição e produção.

As condenações também são motivo de debate, mas normalmente incluem prisão, na maioria dos países, mas essas sentenças são frequentemente convertidas em liberdade condicional ou multas para réus primários e/ou em casos de mera posse.

Em 1999, um caso conhecido como R. contra. Sharpe, da justiça canadense, fez com que o mais alto tribunal da Colúmbia Britânica derrubasse uma lei contra a posse de pornografia infantil, considerando-a inconstitucional.[4] O juiz Duncan Shaw, argumentou: "Não há evidências que demonstrem um aumento significativo no perigo sofrido por crianças em razão da pornografia", e "uma pessoa propensa a agir de acordo com suas fantasias provavelmente o fará independentemente da disponibilidade de material pornográfico." [5] A oposição no Parlamento canadense considerou invocar a cláusula de não obstante, que suspenderia os direitos presentes na Carta Canadense dos Direitos e das Liberdades, parte da Constituição do Canadá, para anular a decisão do tribunal.[6] No entanto, tal invocação não foi necessária pois o Supremo Tribunal canadense anulou a decisão com várias conclusões, incluindo:[7]

  • A visualização de tal material aumenta a probabilidade de abuso sexual de menores por parte do espectador;
  • Que a existência de tais materiais prejudica ainda mais as vítimas, pois elas sabem da sua existência; e
  • A procura, inclusive comercial, por tais imagens encoraja a produção que, por fim, acarreta no abuso.

Nos Estados Unidos, alguns juízes federais argumentaram que as penas recomendadas pelas Diretrizes de Penas dos EUA, para os possuidores de pornografia infantil, são demasiadas severas.[8] O juiz Jack B. Weinstein, de Nova Iorque, critica a pena para a posse de pornografia infantil como sendo frequentemente mais elevada do que a para quem comete abuso infantil. Além disso, os processos envolvendo pornografia infantil levam dezenas aos suicídios, inclusive por muitos serem acusados inocentemente.[9]

Existem também críticas, por parte de juízes e pesquisadores e professores universitários, à exigência de que as pessoas condenadas por posse paguem restituições. Isto tem sido particularmente controverso em casos envolvendo milhões de dólares, como nos relativos ao Caso Misty, onde a vítima foi exposta online por seu tio e exige que, todos aqueles que assistiram aos conteúdos, a indenizem.[10] Mesmo com as críticas, em 2010, foi decidido, nos Estados Unidos, que a restituição financeira era uma pena apropriada aos menores vitimados.[11]

Em 2008, durante o lançamento de candidaturas da Convenção Nacional Libertária, a anarcocapitalista e candidata à presidência dos EUA, Mary Ruwart, foi criticada por seu livro de 1998, Respostas curtas às perguntas difíceis, no qual ela declarou sua oposição não apenas às leis contra a posse da pornografia infantil, mas também aquelas contra a produção, afirmando que "acreditava que tais leis encorajam comportamento abusivo e aumentava o preço das produções envolvendo menores".[12] Shane Cory, então diretor executivo do minarquista Partido Libertário dos Estados Unidos, emitiu uma resposta dizendo: "Temos a obrigação de proteger as crianças da exploração e abuso sexual, e podemos fazer isso aumentando a comunicação entre o Estado e o agências federais que combatem esta indústria repulsiva. Embora os direitos de privacidade devam sempre ser respeitados na perseguição de pornógrafos infantis, é necessário fazer mais para localizar e processar os indivíduos que exploram crianças inocentes." Cory, mais tarde, renunciou depois que o partido se recusou a votar uma resolução pedindo aos estados que aplicassem com mais força as leis relativas à pornografia infantil.[13]

Situação por país

Table legend
Legality Description
Ilegal Real child pornography: This tag assumes the sale, production, and distribution of child pornography is illegal (de jure) by default unless stated otherwise.

Fictional child pornography: This tag assumes the sale, production, and distribution of fictional child pornography is illegal (de jure) by default unless stated otherwise.
Possession: Possessing (including simple possession) is illegal (de jure) for both fictional and real child pornography by default unless stated otherwise.

style="background:#FFB;vertical-align:middle;text-align:center; " class="table-partial"|Situacional Real child pornography: This may cover a partially legal situation, or one where the law is not enforced. Details can be found in the "short summary" section.

Fictional child pornography: This is used when fictional child pornography is not clearly defined by law, or for countries which define what parts are legal/Illegal.
Possession: If only fictional child pornography is legal, then by default possession of it is legal as well. This also covers partly legal and unenforced situations.

Legal Real or fictional child pornography: No restrictions are in place.

Possession: No restrictions are in place.

Predefinição:Uncertain The status of the law is unknown, this may change with additional sourcing.


Country[Note 1] Real Fictional Possession Short summary
Algeria Ilegal Ilegal Ilegal Child pornography is illegal in Algeria by any means per Article 333 bis 1 of their penal code.[14] Punishments include prison sentences of up to 5 to 10 years with a fine of 500,000 DA to 1,000,000 DA.[15]
Angola Ilegal Predefinição:Uncertain Legal Article 184 of the Angolan penal code prohibits the production, transport and sale of sexually explicit material involving a child.[16] The law does not include simple possession or mention fictional material.[17]
Benin Ilegal Ilegal Ilegal The "Child Code" of Benin prohibits child pornography including possession and simulated images. Persons convicted of child pornography face sentences of two to five years' imprisonment and fines ranging from two to five million CFA francs ($3,610 to $9,025).
Botswana Illegal Illegal: electronic forms Illegal Possession of child pornography is illegal in Botswana, and punishable with between 5 and 15 years' imprisonment.[18] Electronic forms of an apparent child are also illegal, but define a "child" as under the age of 14.[19]
Burkina Faso Illegal; not defined Legal Legal Child pornography is illegal in Burkina Faso, but not clearly defined. Mere possession, simulated representations, or realistic images of a non-existent child are not criminalized.[20][21]
Burundi Illegal Predefinição:Uncertain Legal Child pornography is illegal in Burundi and punishable by fines and between 3 and 5 years in prison.[22] Possession of child pornography is not criminalized.[23]
Cameroon Illegal Illegal Illegal Producing, possessing, or distributing child pornography is illegal in Cameroon with punishments of 5 to 10 years of imprisonment and fines from 5 million CFA francs to 10 million CFA francs.[14][24] Virtual child pornography (“realistic” images) and a person “appearing” to be a child are also punishable conducts.[25]
Cape Verde Illegal Predefinição:Uncertain Illegal Cape Verdean law prohibits the use of children under age 18 in pornography, with penalties for conviction of up to three years' imprisonment.[26]
Central African Republic Legal Legal Legal No laws in the Central African Republic prohibit child pornography.[27]
Chad Illegal Predefinição:Uncertain Illegal Article 362 of the Penal Code 2017 of Chad criminalizes the production, distribution, importation, exportation, supply, making available, sale, obtaining or handing over to others, possession of any material.
Comoros Illegal Predefinição:Uncertain Predefinição:Uncertain Conviction of child pornography is punishable in Comoros by fines or imprisonment.[28] There is no information available regarding fictional forms or mere possession.
Democratic Republic of the Congo Illegal Illegal Illegal The Democratic Republic of the Congo's penal code prohibits child pornography by any means whatsoever. Those convicted face 10 to 20 years imprisonment.[29][30] Mere possession by any means is not addressed in the law.
Republic of Congo Illegal Predefinição:Uncertain Illegal Child pornography (including possession) in the Republic of the Congo is punishable by Article 66 of the Law on the Protection of the Child of the Republic of Congo (Law No. 4-2010).
Djibouti Illegal Illegal Illegal All forms of pornography are prohibited.[31]
Egypt Illegal; not defined Illegal Illegal While all forms of pornography are prohibited, Egyptian laws do not specifically define or prohibit child pornography.[32][33]
Equatorial Guinea Legal Legal Legal No laws in Equatorial Guinea prohibit child pornography.[34]
Eritrea Illegal Predefinição:Uncertain Predefinição:Uncertain Child pornography is illegal in Eritrea, however this law does not mention possession or anything fictional.[35]
Eswatini Illegal Illegal Illegal Practices related to child pornography are illegal in Eswatini under the "Sexual Offences and Domestic Violence Act, 2018".[36] Offenders face up to 25 years imprisonment.[37]
Ethiopia Illegal; not defined Illegal: electronic forms Illegal Child pornography is illegal (but not defined) in Ethiopia per Article 12 of the "Computer Crime Proclamation (2016)" act.[38][39] There is no information given for physical forms such as drawings or paintings.
Gabon Illegal Illegal Illegal All forms of pornography are prohibited.[40]
The Gambia Illegal; not defined Predefinição:Uncertain Legal While child pornography is illegal in the Gambia, the law in place is "extremely under-developed".[41] Mere possession of "child sexual abuse materials" is not criminalized.[41]
Ghana Illegal; not defined Illegal Illegal Child pornography is illegal in Ghana, but no clear definition is given on what “sexually explicit conduct” means leaving the law open for discretion.[42] Virtual child pornography (“realistic” images) and a person “appearing” to be a child are also punishable conducts.[25]
Guinea Illegal, but unenforced Illegal, but unenforced Illegal, but unenforced Child pornography in any representation is illegal in Guinea under the "Criminal Code Act (1974)".[43] The United States Department of State notes that this law is "generally unenforced".[44]
Guinea-Bissau Illegal Predefinição:Uncertain Legal Child pornography is illegal in Guinea-Bissau, but possession and distribution are not criminally prohibited.[45][46]
Ivory Coast Illegal Predefinição:Uncertain Predefinição:Uncertain The law in Ivory Coast prohibits the use, recruitment, or offering of minors for commercial sex or use in pornographic films, pictures, or events.[47]
Kenya Illegal Illegal Illegal All forms of pornography are prohibited.[48]
Lesotho Illegal Predefinição:Uncertain Predefinição:Uncertain Child pornography is illegal in Lesotho, and is punishable by not less than 10 years' imprisonment.[49]
Liberia Illegal Illegal Illegal Child pornography is illegal "in any form or manner" and is punishable by up to five years' imprisonment.[50]
Libya Legal Legal Legal No laws in Libya prohibit child pornography.[51]
Madagascar Illegal Illegal Illegal Article 346 of the Penal Code of Madagascar criminalizes the use of “any means” to disseminate child pornography. Officials have stated that the laws were often not uniformly interpreted or applied.[52]
Malawi Illegal; not defined Illegal Illegal Although laws in Malawi do not clearly define child pornography, it criminalises possession with a sanction of 14 years' imprisonment. This covers any visual depiction, including any photograph, film, video, image, whether made or produced by electronic, mechanical, or other means.[53]
Mali Illegal Illegal Predefinição:Uncertain Child pornography is illegal in Mali per Article 228 of the 2001 adopted penal code.[54] Penalties for conviction range from five to 20 years in prison.[55] This law includes "pornographic pictures, films or drawings showing one or several minors aged less than thirteen".[54]
Mauritania Illegal Predefinição:Uncertain Illegal Possession of child pornography is illegal in Mauritania with penalties of 2 months to 1 year in prison and a fine.[56]
Mauritius Illegal Legally unclear Illegal While child pornography and possession is illegal in Mauritius, its unclear whether pure fiction counts as a representation of a person.[57][58]

(excluding Western Sahara)
Illegal Illegal Illegal All forms of pornography are prohibited.[59][60]
Mozambique Illegal, partly enforced Predefinição:Uncertain Illegal, partly enforced Child pornography is illegal in Mozambique but is only partly enforced.[61]
Namibia Illegal Predefinição:Uncertain Illegal Production and possession of child pornography is illegal in Namibia.[62]
Niger Illegal Predefinição:Uncertain Predefinição:Uncertain Child pornography is illegal in Niger.[63]
Nigeria Illegal Illegal Illegal The Child Rights Act makes child pornography illegal in Nigeria, but not all states have implemented it.[64] It is also criminalized by the Cybercrimes Prohibition Act of 2015.[65] Virtual child pornography (“realistic” images) and a person “appearing” to be a child are also punishable conducts.[25]
Rwanda Illegal Illegal Predefinição:Uncertain Child pornography is illegal in Rwanda, and convictions are punishable by life imprisonment along with a substantial monetary fine.[66] The law also applies to "objects of sexual nature" which includes the production of writings and drawings.[67]
São Tomé and Príncipe Illegal Predefinição:Uncertain Predefinição:Uncertain Child pornography is illegal in São Tomé and Príncipe per article 180 of the penal code.[68]
Senegal Illegal Illegal Illegal All forms of pornography are prohibited.[69][70]
Seychelles Illegal Illegal; not defined Illegal Producing or possessing child pornography is illegal in Seychelles, with imprisonment for conviction of up to 20 years.[71] Fictional 'indecent' images or representations are also illegal, but these remain undefined in the law.[72]
Sierra Leone Illegal Illegal Illegal Child pornography is illegal in Sierra Leone ("includes other visual representation") punishable by a term of imprisonment of not more than 10 years.[73]
Somalia Legal Legal Legal No laws in Somalia criminally prohibit child pornography.[74]
South Africa Illegal Illegal Illegal All forms of child pornography are illegal in South Africa. This includes possessing, creating, or importing any image or description of a person "real or simulated".[75][76]
South Sudan Illegal Illegal Illegal All forms of pornography are prohibited.[77]
Sudan Illegal Illegal Illegal All forms of pornography are prohibited.[78]
Tanzania Illegal Illegal Illegal All forms of pornography are prohibited.[79]
Togo Illegal Illegal Illegal Child pornography is illegal in Togo by any means whatsoever, and is punishable by 5 to 10 years in prison.[80]
Tunisia Illegal Illegal Illegal All forms of pornography are prohibited.[81]
Uganda Illegal Illegal Illegal All forms of child pornography are prohibited.[82]
Zambia Illegal; not defined Illegal Illegal Child pornography is illegal in Zambia but is not defined.[83][84]
Zimbabwe Illegal Predefinição:Uncertain Illegal Child pornography is illegal in Zimbabwe as anyone in possession can be charged with public indecency which is punishable by a 'small fine", imprisonment up to 6 months, or both.[85] All forms of pornography are prohibited.[86]
Country[Note 1] Real Fictional Possession Short summary


Country[Note 1] Real Fictional Possession Short summary
Afghanistan Predefinição:Uncertain Predefinição:Uncertain Predefinição:Uncertain Child pornography was illegal in Afghanistan under the Afghan penal code: “[i]f an adult male has intercourse with a person younger than the legal age, his act shall be considered rape and the victim's consent is invalid.” This law also applied to women offenders who may have been additionally charged with adultery.[87] As the Taliban are now in control, the status of the law remains unknown.
Armenia Illegal Predefinição:Uncertain Predefinição:Uncertain Child pornography is illegal in Armenia and punishable by up to 7 years in prison.[88]
Azerbaijan Illegal Illegal Predefinição:Uncertain All forms of child pornography are illegal in Azerbaijan, but laws regarding simple possession are not stated.[89][90]
Bahrain Illegal Predefinição:Uncertain Legally unclear: In hand Child pornography is forbidden in Bahrain, its legally unclear if this applies to non electronic possession or fictional forms.[91][92]
Bangladesh Illegal Legal Legally unclear: fictional Child pornography is illegal in Bangladesh except for virtual forms which are not addressed.[93]
Bhutan Illegal Legally unclear Predefinição:Uncertain Child pornography is illegal in Bhutan as it falls under "obscene material". Virtual child pornography, and mere possession are not addressed.[94][95]
Brunei Illegal Illegal Illegal All forms of pornography are prohibited.[96]
Cambodia Illegal Illegal Illegal All forms of pornography are prohibited in Cambodia, which includes photographs and drawings.[97]
China (including Hong Kong and Macau) Illegal Illegal Illegal All forms of pornography are prohibited with the exceptions of Hong Kong and Macau, which only make child pornography illegal.[98]
Cyprus Illegal Predefinição:Uncertain Illegal Child pornography is illegal in Cyprus with maximum sentences of up to life in prison.[99]
India Illegal Legal, art only Illegal All forms of pornography except fictional depictions "in the interest of art or literature" are prohibited.[100][101]
Indonesia Illegal; not defined Illegal, not defined Illegal, not defined All forms of pornography in Indonesia are prohibited in theory. The law makes no clear definition of child pornography and its forms.[102]
Iran Illegal Illegal Illegal All forms of pornography are prohibited.[103]
Iraq Illegal Illegal Illegal All forms of pornography are prohibited.[104]
Israel (excluding Palestinian territories) Illegal Illegal Illegal All forms of child pornography are illegal in Israel. This includes possession and fictional depictions.[105]
Japan Illegal Legal Legal; fictional only Simple possession, production, and distribution of child pornography is illegal in Japan.[106][107] Fictional child pornography, such as Lolicon and Shotacon, are excluded from the law. These fall under "cultural and artistic activities" which are protected by freedom of expression.[108]
Jordan Legal; restricted online Legally unclear Legal Child pornography is not explicitly defined nor criminalized in the Jordanian legislation, but there are online laws in place which criminalize dissemination.[109]
Kazakhstan Illegal Predefinição:Uncertain Legal Child pornography is illegal in Kazakhstan except for mere possession.[110] The law also provides administrative penalties to cover the sale of pornographic materials to minors.[111]
North Korea Illegal Illegal Illegal All forms of pornography are prohibited.[112][113]
South Korea Illegal Illegal Illegal All forms of pornography (real or fictional) are prohibited. These actively enforced laws also allow government monitoring and censorship, possession of any form (child or not) is also illegal.[114][115]
Kuwait Illegal Illegal Illegal All forms of pornography are prohibited.[116]
Kyrgyzstan Illegal; not defined Legally unclear Legal; some restrictions While child pornography is illegal in Kyrgyzstan, there is no legislation that defines child pornography by law.[117] Computer related activities such as access to child pornography online, and mere possession are not fully criminalized.[117][118]
Laos Illegal Legally unclear Legal Laws in Laos prohibit the dissemination of pornography, giving it a broad definition that could be interpreted to include simulated representations of children. Simple possession is not criminalized.[119]
Lebanon Illegal Illegal Predefinição:Uncertain The Penal Code and Law 422 protect children from child pornography which include the artificial practice of simulating sexual activities or virtual portrayals.[120][121]
Malaysia Illegal Illegal Illegal All forms of pornography are prohibited.[122][123] Images of naked children or children taking part in a sexual act is haram in Islam.[124]
Maldives Illegal; not defined Legally unclear Illegal While all forms of pornography are prohibited in Maldives under Sharia, there are no specific provisions defining "child pornography".[125][126]
Mongolia Illegal; not defined Legally unclear Predefinição:Uncertain While illegal, there are no specific provisions focused on child pornography. Legal penalties depend on the interpretation of other related laws.[127]
Myanmar Illegal Predefinição:Uncertain Predefinição:Uncertain Child pornography is illegal in Myanmar, it is unknown if the law covers simple possession or fictional forms.[128]
Nepal Illegal Legal Legally unclear; real Nepalese law prohibits taking or allowing to be taken any photograph of children for the purpose of engaging a child in immoral profession. Virtual child pornography is not criminalized under Nepalese law, while mere possession under "real" is not mentioned.[129][130]
Oman Illegal Illegal Illegal All forms of pornography are prohibited.[131]
Pakistan Illegal Illegal Illegal All forms of pornography (adult and child) are prohibited.[132][133]
Philippines Illegal Illegal Illegal[Note 2] The "Anti-Child Pornography Act" makes child pornography illegal in the Philippines in all forms.[135]
Qatar Illegal Illegal Illegal All forms of pornography are prohibited.[136]
Saudi Arabia Illegal Predefinição:Uncertain Illegal Child pornography is illegal in Saudi Arabia. This includes possession but virtual/fictional forms are not addressed.[137]
Singapore Illegal Illegal Illegal All forms of pornography are prohibited.[138][139][140] ICMEC Singapore has a voluntary Asia-Pacific Financial Coalition Against Child Pornography (APAC-FCACP) to fight online child sexual exploitation.[141]
Sri Lanka Illegal; not defined Legally unclear Illegal Child pornography is illegal in Sri Lanka, but is undefined, and not always enforced by authorities.[142][143] "Fictional" child pornography such as drawings and cartoons are also covered but face the same undefined issue.[143]
Syria Illegal, possibly unenforced Predefinição:Uncertain Illegal, possibly unenforced Syrian law considers child pornography a trafficking crime, but the punishment for child pornography is set at the local level with unclear enforcement.[144]
Taiwan Illegal Legally unclear Illegal The "Child and Youth Sexual Exploitation Prevention Act" criminalizes the production, broadcast, distribution, and exhibition of pornography. Simple possession of such materials without justifiable cause is punishable by fines.[145] The law doesn't explicitly include "simulated images".[146]
Tajikistan Illegal Legally unclear Legal Child pornography is illegal in Tajikistan, except for possession which is not mentioned by law.[147][148] Virtual child pornography, and suggestive representations of children are not defined.[147]
Thailand Illegal Legally unclear Illegal Child pornography including possession is illegal in Thailand,[149] as is pornography in general.[150] According to ECPAT though, the law does not reflect the definition of virtual “child pornography” set forth in international legal instruments.[151]
East Timor Illegal Illegal Illegal All forms of child pornography including possession of it is illegal in East Timor. Convictions are punishable with 3 to 10 years imprisonment.[152]
Turkey Illegal Illegal Illegal Child pornography and possession is illegal in Turkey with imprisonment of 2 to 5 years and a fine for violations. Fictional child pornography has been illegal since 2016.[153]
Turkmenistan Illegal; not defined Legally unclear Predefinição:Uncertain While there are no specific child pornography laws in Turkmenistan, legislation states that the production and dissemination of (child) pornographic printed publications, films or any pornographic items shall be prohibited.[154][155]
United Arab Emirates Illegal Illegal Illegal All forms of pornography are prohibited.[156]
Uzbekistan Illegal Predefinição:Uncertain Legal Although the production and distribution of child pornography are criminally prohibited, possession is not criminalized in Uzbekistan.[157]
Vietnam Illegal; not defined Legally unclear Predefinição:Uncertain Child pornography is illegal, but not defined under Vietnamese law.[158] The production, distribution, dissemination, and sale of material deemed to be child pornography is punishable by 3 to 10 years in prison.[159] Virtual "child pornography" is not defined or explicitly criminalized.[158]
Yemen Illegal, but unenforced Predefinição:Uncertain Predefinição:Uncertain The legal framework in Yemen does not adequately prohibit child pornography.[160] This country has been hampered by an ongoing civil war since 2014, and the extent of Sharia law implementation is unclear.[161]
Country[Note 1] Real Fictional Possession Short summary


CountryErro de citação: Etiqueta <ref> inválida; refs sem parâmetro de nome devem ter conteúdo associado Real Fictional Possession Short summary
Antigua and Barbuda Illegal Predefinição:Uncertain Predefinição:Uncertain Child pornography is illegal in Antigua and Barbuda. Offenders are subject to fines of up to $500,000 XCD ($185,000) and 20 years in prison.[162]
The Bahamas Illegal Illegal Illegal All forms of child pornography including mere possession of it are illegal in the Bahamas. Those found guilty are liable to imprisonment for life.[163]
Barbados Legal: film distribution only Legal; not realistic Legal; fictional only The Protection of Children Act prohibits the use of children in pornographic activities, but this does not apply to distribution of films.[164] Non-realistic representations without involvement from a real person are excluded in the law.[165][166]
Belize Illegal Illegal Illegal The law in Belize prohibits the simple possession of child pornography.[167]
Canada Illegal Illegal Illegal Canadian law forbids the production, distribution, and possession of both real and fictional child pornography. Maximum punishments vary from 5 to 20 years in prison depending on the type of offense.[168][169][170]
Costa Rica Illegal Illegal Illegal All forms of child pornography, including its possession, are illegal in Costa Rica. Defendants found guilty of selling, financing, distributing or exhibiting child pornography will serve convictions of four to eight years.[171][172]
Cuba Illegal Predefinição:Uncertain Legal Child pornography is illegal in Cuba, and the law imposes seven- to 15-years' imprisonment. Mere possession of child pornography is not criminalized.[173]
Dominica Legal Legal Legal There are no laws in Dominica that prohibit child pornography.[174]
Dominican Republic Illegal Illegal Illegal: electronic form Laws in the Dominican Republic contain specific provisions that prohibit child pornography.[171][175] Possession is only illegal in electronic form.[176]
El Salvador Illegal, but unenforced Legal Legal; Fictional only El Salvador's penal Code prohibits child pornography involving real children. This remains unenforced due to inadequate training and resources.[171][177]
Grenada Illegal: electronic forms Legal; complex situation[Note 3] Illegal: electronic forms Electronic forms of child pornography are illegal in Grenada under the Electronic Crimes Act. Psychical forms and possession of them are not mentioned.
Guatemala Illegal; production Illegal Legal Production of child pornography is illegal in Guatemala. Non-realistic images of child pornography are also criminalized, but possession remains legal.[171][179]
Haiti Illegal, but unenforced Legal Legal Haitian law prohibits child pornography, but there are no mechanisms established for enforcement.[180] There are also no provisions on the production, possession, and dissemination of child pornography.[181]
Honduras Illegal Legal Legal; Fictional only Pornography involving real children is illegal in Honduras. Penalties range from 4 to 15 years imprisonment from possession to distribution, production, etc.[171][182]
Jamaica Illegal Illegal Illegal The production, possession, importation, exportation, and distribution of child pornography is illegal in Jamaica and is punishable by a maximum penalty of 23 years in prison and a fine of J$500,000.[183]
Mexico Illegal Illegal Illegal All forms of child pornography are illegal in Mexico with prison sentences ranging from six months to 12 years depending on the felon's age.[171][184][185]
Nicaragua Illegal Illegal Predefinição:Uncertain All forms of child pornography are illegal in Nicaragua, including fictional drawings.[171] The government generally enforces the law with prison sentences ranging from 10 to 15 years.[186]
Panama Illegal Illegal Illegal All forms of child pornography including possession are illegal in Panama.[171][187]
Saint Kitts and Nevis Illegal: electronic forms Legally unclear; not realistic Illegal; electronic forms The criminal code makes publishing, producing, or possessing child pornography through an electronic device a crime. There is no information given on psychical forms, unrealistic images, and possession of them.[188]
Saint Lucia Legal Legal Legal There are no laws in Saint Lucia that define or specifically prohibit child pornography.[189]
Trinidad and Tobago Illegal Predefinição:Uncertain Illegal Child pornography and possession of it is illegal in Trinidad and Tobago. Offenders are liable on conviction on indictment, to a fine of thirty thousand dollars and to imprisonment for ten years.[190]
United States (including all territories) Illegal Legal; not "obscene" Legal; fictional only The U.S. laws against child pornography are virtually always enforced and among the harshest in the world.[191] "Fictional child pornography" is legally protected as freedom of expression under the First Amendment, unless it is considered obscene.[195]
CountryErro de citação: Etiqueta <ref> inválida; refs sem parâmetro de nome devem ter conteúdo associado Real Fictional Possession Short summary


CountryErro de citação: Etiqueta <ref> inválida; refs sem parâmetro de nome devem ter conteúdo associado Real Fictional Possession Short summary
Australia (all states and territories) Illegal Illegal Illegal Acts such as possession, production and distribution of child pornography (real or fictional) are illegal in Australia, and can be punished by up to a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison and/or a $275,000 fine.[196][197][198]
Federated States of Micronesia Illegal; in Pohnpei Predefinição:Uncertain Predefinição:Uncertain Only Pohnpei has a statute prohibiting child pornography. Both Chuuk and Pohnpei have provisions against filming explicit movies of underage children, but Yap and Kosrae have no such provisions.[199]
Fiji Illegal Predefinição:Uncertain Illegal Child pornography is illegal in Fiji per Article 91 of the "Employment Relations Promulgation" (2007), and Article 62A of the "Juveniles Act".[200][201][202] This law includes the wording: "persons who look like juveniles whether they are or not".[200]
Kiribati Legally unclear Legally unclear Legally unclear The status of child pornography in Kiribati is unclear. A report by the United States Department of State conducted in 2020 explains that "(Kiribati's) penal code has no specific provision concerning child pornography". This however, contradicts an apparent amendment made in 2016 to their penal code.[203][204]
Marshall Islands Illegal; not defined Predefinição:Uncertain Legal Child pornography is criminalized, but not defined in the Marshall Islands.[205] There is no mention of production, possession or dissemination of child pornography in the law.[206]
Nauru Illegal Predefinição:Uncertain Predefinição:Uncertain All forms of child pornography are illegal in Nauru.[207] It is unclear if this applies to unrealistic images or for possession.
New Zealand (including all territories) Illegal Illegal Illegal Browsing for, distributing, producing, and possessing child pornography are all illegal in New Zealand.[208]
Palau Illegal Illegal Illegal All forms of child pornography are illegal in Palau. This law makes no exceptions for simple possession, photographs, films, videos, pictures, and computer-generated images or pictures.[209]
Papua New Guinea Illegal Illegal Illegal All forms of pornography (including websites) are illegal in Papua New Guinea. Child pornography is punishable by 5 to 15 years' imprisonment and/or a fine up to 2 million kina.[210]
Samoa Illegal Illegal Illegal Samoan law specifies a seven-year prison sentence for any person found guilty of possessing, publishing, distributing, or exhibiting indecent material featuring a child.[211][212]
Solomon Islands Illegal Predefinição:Uncertain Illegal Child pornography is illegal in the Solomon Islands, and carries a maximum penalty of 10 years' imprisonment.[213][214]
Tonga Legal: film production only Predefinição:Uncertain Illegal Child pornography and possession is illegal in Tonga with penalties of a maximum fine of TOP 100,000 ($43,000) or a maximum of 10 years in prison for individuals. Using children younger than 14 in the production of pornography is not criminalized.[215][216]
Tuvalu Legally unclear Predefinição:Uncertain Illegal; adult pornography All forms of pornography are prohibited, and the penal code includes penalties for those who make, distribute, or possess obscene publications. However, Tuvaluan law does not specifically address child pornography.[217]
Vanuatu Illegal Predefinição:Uncertain Illegal The maximum penalty in Vanuatu for publishing child pornography is five years' imprisonment, and for possession, two years' imprisonment.[218]
CountryErro de citação: Etiqueta <ref> inválida; refs sem parâmetro de nome devem ter conteúdo associado Real Fictional Possession Short summary

América do Sul

País [Note 1] Real Fictício Posse Pequeno resumo
Argentina Ilegal Legally unclear Ilegal O artigo 128 do código penal argentino proíbe a posse e distribuição de pornografia infantil com penas de prisão de quatro meses a um ano para posse e de três a seis anos para distribuição. [219] A pornografia infantil fictícia encontra-se numa zona jurídica cinzenta, uma vez que a lei não a menciona especificamente. [219] [220]
Bolívia Ilegal Legal Legal; Fictional only A pornografia infantil é ilegal e é perseguida na Bolívia. As penas são puníveis com pena privativa de liberdade de 2 a 6 anos. [221] A pornografia infantil fictícia e sua posse permanecem legais. [222] [171]
Brasil Ilegal Legal Legal; Fictional only A produção, distribuição e posse de pornografia infantil é ilegal e processada no Brasil de acordo com seu “Código de Menores”. [223] A pornografia infantil fictícia e sua posse permanecem legais. [224] [225]
Chile Ilegal Ilegal Ilegal A posse de pornografia infantil real ou falsificada, ou qualquer representação de sua genitália com o propósito de gratificação sexual é ilegal segundo a lei chilena. As penas são puníveis de 541 dias a 5 anos de prisão, dependendo da situação. [226]
Colômbia Ilegal Legal Legal; Fictional only A verdadeira pornografia infantil é ilegal e é processada na Colômbia. [227] O Supremo Tribunal de Justiça da Colômbia decidiu em 2018 que a “pornografia infantil artificial” não é crime. Isso se aplica a fotografias, desenhos, animações e situações que não envolvam nudez que não envolvam abuso real. [228]
Equador Ilegal Ilegal Ilegal A posse, armazenamento, fabricação ou distribuição de pornografia infantil ou qualquer outro tipo de material pedófilo sexualmente explícito é ilegal segundo a lei equatoriana. [229]
Guiana Legal, restricted by regulations Legal Legal Não existem leis na Guiana que proíbam especificamente a pornografia infantil. A venda, publicação ou exibição de material obsceno, definido como qualquer coisa que possa privar ou corromper aqueles que estão abertos a influências imorais, está sujeita a regulamentos. [230]
Paraguai Ilegal Legal Legal; Fictional only A pornografia infantil envolvendo crianças reais é ilegal no Paraguai. [231] Os formulários virtuais não foram incluídos no “Código Penal Paraguaio” de 1997. [232]
Peru Ilegal Legal Legal; Fictional only A pornografia infantil é ilegal no Peru de acordo com o artigo 183-A do código penal, exceto para material fictício que não retrate uma criança real. [171] [233]
Suriname Ilegal Predefinição:Uncertain Ilegal A pornografia infantil é proibida no Suriname. As condenações acarretam pena máxima de seis anos de prisão e multa máxima de SRD 50.000 (US$ 6.650). [234] [235]
Uruguai Ilegal Ilegal Legal Todas as formas de pornografia infantil são ilegais, mas o Uruguai não proíbe a simples posse. [171] [236]
Venezuela Ilegal Legal Legal A Venezuela não proíbe a simples posse de pornografia infantil. [237] Mas a venda e distribuição de pornografia infantil é ilegal e punível com multas e/ou prisão de 3 meses a 4 anos. [238] Não existem leis que criminalizem formas ficcionais. [171]
País [Note 1] Real Fictício Posse Pequeno resumo


  1. a b c d e f This only includes sovereign states.
  2. Possession with intent to distribute or possession of more than three items is illegal.[134]
  3. Electronic forms of child pornography are legal if "the publication of which is proved to be justified as being for the public good on the ground that such book, pamphlet, paper, writing drawing, painting representation or figure is the interest of science, literature, art or learning or other objects of general concern". The other exemption for this covers "bona fide heritage or religious purposes".[178]


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