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Predefinição:Linhas do Vouga (diagrama): diferenças entre revisões

Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.
Conteúdo apagado Conteúdo adicionado
m Substituição de ícone(s) BS: exWBRÜCKE→exhKRZWae, WBRÜCKE→hKRZWae
m teste
Linha 105: Linha 105:
|} <!-- end of collapsible section -->
|} <!-- end of collapsible section -->
{{BS3-startCollapsible|STR+l|BHFq|ABZr+xr|{{BSkm|{{0}}61,650|{{0x|2}}0,000}}|[[Estação de Sernada do Vouga|Sernada do Vouga]]|}}
{{BS3-startCollapsible|STR+l|BHFq|ABZr+xr|{{0}}61,650|[[Estação de Sernada do Vouga|Sernada do Vouga]]|}}
|} <!-- end of collapsible section -->
|} <!-- end of collapsible section -->
{{BS3-startCollapsible|STR2|STRc3|exKBHFe|140,586|[[Estação Ferroviária de Viseu|Viseu]]|}}
{{BS3-startCollapsible|STR2|STRc3|exKBHFe|140,586|[[Estação Ferroviária de Viseu|Viseu]]|}}

Revisão das 09h41min de 7 de fevereiro de 2020

“Linhas” do Vouga
Ponte do Poço de Santiago
Ponte do Poço de Santiago
Ponte do Poço de Santiago
Bitola:Bitola estreita
Head station
000,694 Espinho-Vouga
000000 troço Espinho-Sernada
Head station
000,694 Espinho-Vouga
Continuation backward
000000 L.ª Norte Porto-Campanhã
Unknown route-map component "eSHI3gl" Unknown route-map component "exvSHI3+r-"
(traç. ant.)
Unknown route-map component "tSTRa" Unknown route-map component "exvBHF-KBHFa"
0,000 Espinho(est. ant.)
Unknown route-map component "tBHF" Unknown route-map component "exvSTR"
Espinho(est. nova)
Unknown route-map component "tSTR" + Unknown route-map component "RP2q"
Unknown route-map component "RP2q" + Unknown route-map component "exvBUE"
PN × Rua 15
Unknown route-map component "tSTRe" + Unknown route-map component "exSTRc2"
Unknown route-map component "exv-STR" + Unknown route-map component "exvSTR3-"
(túnel / traç. ant.)
Unknown route-map component "eABZg+1"
Unknown route-map component "v-KBHFxa" + Unknown route-map component "exSTRc4"
000,694 Espinho-Vouga
Continuation forward Unknown route-map component "SHI1+l"
L.ª NorteLisboa-S.A.
Stop on track
002,560 Silvade-Vouga
Stop on track
003,402 Monte de Paramos
Unknown route-map component "eHST"
004 000 Gulhe(dem.)
Stop on track
005,463 Lapa
Stop on track
006,553 Sampaio-Oleiros
Station on track
009,042 Paços de Brandão
Stop on track
011,004 Rio Meão
Stop on track
014,094 São João de Ver
Stop on track
016,712 Cavaco
Stop on track
018,830 Sanfins
Station on track
019,502 Vila da Feira
Stop on track
021,496 Escapães
Station on track
023,507 Arrifana
Unknown route-map component "STRc2"
Unknown route-map component "d" + Unknown route-map component "STR3"
Unknown route-map component "exLCONTg" Unknown route-map component "d"
000000 L.ª Póvoa S.ra Hora
Unknown route-map component "STR+1"
Unknown route-map component "dCONTgq" + Unknown route-map component "dSTRc4"
Unknown route-map component "exLSTR" + Transverse track
Unknown route-map component "dCONTfq"
× L.ª Douro
(top. desc.)
Straight track Unknown route-map component "d" Unknown route-map component "exLBHF" Unknown route-map component "d"
Straight track Unknown route-map component "d" Unknown route-map component "exLBHF" Unknown route-map component "d"
Straight track Unknown route-map component "d" Unknown route-map component "exLBHF" Unknown route-map component "d"
S. P. Cova
Straight track Unknown route-map component "d" Unknown route-map component "exLBHF" Unknown route-map component "d"
Straight track Unknown route-map component "d" Unknown route-map component "exLBHF" Unknown route-map component "d"
Straight track Unknown route-map component "d" Unknown route-map component "exLBHF" Unknown route-map component "d"
Unknown route-map component "STR2" Unknown route-map component "dSTRc3" Unknown route-map component "exLBHF" Unknown route-map component "d"
Caldas S. Jorge
Unknown route-map component "STRc1"
Unknown route-map component "exLSHI2+l" + Unknown route-map component "STR+4"
Unknown route-map component "exLSHI2c4"
(pj. abd.)
Station on track
023,507 Arrifana
Station on track
024,867 São João da Madeira
Stop on track
027,347 Faria
Stop on track
028,590 Couto de Cucujães
Stop on track
030,750 Santiago de Riba-Ul
Station on track
032,747 Oliveira de Azeméis
Unknown route-map component "HSTeBHF"
035,200 Ul
Unknown route-map component "SKRZ-G2u"
× R. Ferr. Silva
Unknown route-map component "SKRZ-G1BUE"
PN × R. M.el Brandão
Unknown route-map component "SKRZ-G1BUE"
PN ┤ R. F.te Santa ├ R. 5 Jan.
Unknown route-map component "eSKRZ-GDBUE"
PN ext. × R. 5 Jan.
Unknown route-map component "SKRZ-G1BUE"
PN × R. P.e Silva Gomes
Unknown route-map component "RP2eRP2" Unknown route-map component "SKRZ-G2BUE"
PN × R. P. Guimarães ∥ R. Serro B.xo
Enter and exit tunnel
Unknown route-map component "SKRZ-G1BUE"
Unknown route-map component "RP1s" + Unknown route-map component "RP2l"
Unknown route-map component "SKRZ-G2u"
× Antiga EN1
Unknown route-map component "RD1q" + Unknown route-map component "RP1rf"
Unknown route-map component "eSKRZ-GDBUE"
PN ext.
Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae"
× Ul
Unknown route-map component "RD1q" + Unknown route-map component "RP1+l"
Unknown route-map component "SKRZ-G1BUE"
Unknown route-map component "RD1l" + Unknown route-map component "RP1"
Unknown route-map component "eSKRZ-GDBUE" Unknown route-map component "RP2+r"
PN ext.; ├ Tv. Pereiras
Straight track
Unknown route-map component "RP1enRP1" Unknown route-map component "eSKRZ-GDBUE" Unknown route-map component "RP2+r"
PN ext. × R. Pereiras
Straight track
Unknown route-map component "RD1l" Unknown route-map component "SKRZ-GDBUE" Unknown route-map component "RP1w"
Straight track
Unknown route-map component "SKRZ-G2u" Unknown route-map component "RP2+r"
× Av. Sá Carneiro
Unknown route-map component "SKRZ-G1BUE"
PN × R. Carvalhal
Unknown route-map component "SKRZ-G4u"
× EN224
Unknown route-map component "SKRZ-G2BUE"
PN × Tv. Martinho
Unknown route-map component "RP1l" + Unknown route-map component "RP1+l"
Unknown route-map component "SKRZ-GDBUE" Unknown route-map component "RP1w"
PN × R. Suzana
Unknown route-map component "RP1" Straight track
∥ R. Suzana
Unknown route-map component "RP1" Straight track
∥ R. A. J. Alm.
Unknown route-map component "RP1" + Unknown route-map component "RD1e"
Unknown route-map component "SKRZ-GDBUE" Unknown route-map component "RP1w"
PN; ├ R. C. Alves
Unknown route-map component "RP1" Unknown route-map component "CSTRa@g"
∥ R. A. J. Alm.
Unknown route-map component "RP1" Unknown route-map component "CSTRe@f" Unknown route-map component "RP1+l"
∥ R. Teot. Alm.
Unknown route-map component "RP1" + Unknown route-map component "RD1e"
Unknown route-map component "SKRZ-GDBUE"
Unknown route-map component "RP1" + Unknown route-map component "RD1w"
PN × R. Teot. Alm.
Unknown route-map component "RP1n" Straight track Unknown route-map component "RP1"
∥ R. Teot. Alm.
Stop on track
038,156 Travanca-Macinhata
Stop on track
041,363 Figueiredo
Station on track
043,638 Pinheiro da Bemposta
Stop on track
045,949 Branca
Stop on track
048,466 Albergaria-a-Nova
Stop on track
053,200 Urgueiras
Station on track
054,949 Albergaria-a-Velha
Enter and exit short tunnel
Túnel de Minhoto(43 m)
Enter and exit short tunnel
Túnel de Açores(116 m)
Unknown route-map component "STR2" Unknown route-map component "STRc3"
Unknown route-map component "STRc1" Unknown route-map component "STR+4"
Unknown route-map component "STR+l" Station on transverse track Unknown route-map component "ABZr+xr"
061,650 Sernada do Vouga
Unknown route-map component "STR2" Unknown route-map component "STRc3" Unknown route-map component "exKBHFe"
140,586 Viseu
Straight track + Unknown route-map component "MFADEf"
Unknown route-map component "exKRW+l" Unknown route-map component "exKRWr"
000000 Ramal de Aveiro → Aveiro
Unknown route-map component "exLSTR"
000000 troço Sernada-Viseu
Unknown route-map component "exLSTR"
000000 troço Sernada-Viseu (dem.)
Unknown route-map component "exHST"
063,700 Carvoeiro
Unknown route-map component "exHST"
064,800 Carvalhada
Unknown route-map component "exHST"
066,286 Foz do Rio Mau
Unknown route-map component "exTUNNEL2"
Túnel de Ródão(29 m)
Unknown route-map component "exHST"
069,986 Poço de Santiago
Unknown route-map component "exTUNNEL2"
Túnel de Carvoeira(42 m)
Unknown route-map component "exTUNNEL2"
Túnel de Vale Côvo(16 m)
Unknown route-map component "exBHF"
071,936 Paradela-Sever
Unknown route-map component "exBHF"
071,936 Paradela-Sever (dem.)
Unknown route-map component "exTUNNEL2"
Túnel de Bouço Pedra(60 m)
Unknown route-map component "exTUNNEL2"
Túnel de Zebadinho(32 m)
Unknown route-map component "exTUNNEL2"
Túnel de Tapada Velha(47 m)
Unknown route-map component "exHST"
075,733 Cedrim
Unknown route-map component "exTUNNEL2"
Túnel de Modorno I(34 m)
Unknown route-map component "exTUNNEL2"
Túnel de Modorno II(45 m)
Unknown route-map component "exHST"
079,119 Senhora da Lourosa
Unknown route-map component "exBHF"
080,498 Ribeiradio
Unknown route-map component "exHST"
083,861 Arcozelo das Maias
Unknown route-map component "exHST"
085,569 Quintela
Unknown route-map component "exTUNNEL2"
Túnel de Póvoa da Ursa(78 m)
Unknown route-map component "exHST"
088,722 Santa Cruz
Unknown route-map component "exHST"
091,270 Nespereira do Vouga
Unknown route-map component "exBHF"
093,540 Pinheiro de Lafões
Unknown route-map component "exTUNNEL2"
Túnel de Outeirais(25 m)
Unknown route-map component "exTUNNEL2"
Túnel de Portela(25 m)
Unknown route-map component "exBHF"
097,719 Oliveira de Frades
Unknown route-map component "exHST"
099,945 São Vicente de Lafões
Unknown route-map component "exSTR" + Unknown route-map component "lGRZ3m4"
101 000 VZLOFR
Unknown route-map component "lGRZaq" + Unknown route-map component "lKGRZ1"
Unknown route-map component "exSTR" + Unknown route-map component "GRZq"
103 000 OFRVZL
Unknown route-map component "exTUNNEL2"
Túnel de Batôco(41 m)
Unknown route-map component "exHST"
102,243 Fojo
Unknown route-map component "exTUNNEL2"
Túnel de Monte Cavalo I(37 m)
Unknown route-map component "exTUNNEL2"
Túnel de Monte Cavalo II(33 m)
Unknown route-map component "exBHF"
106,200 Vouzela
Unknown route-map component "exTUNNEL2"
Túnel de Lamas(25 m)
Unknown route-map component "exSTR" + Unknown route-map component "GRZq"
109 000 VZLSPS
Unknown route-map component "exHST"
110,005 Termas de São Pedro do Sul
Unknown route-map component "WASSER+l" Unknown route-map component "exhKRZWae"
111 000 × Rio Vouga
Water Unknown route-map component "exHST"
112,600 Drizes
Unknown route-map component "exBHF"
113,464 São Pedro do Sul
Water Unknown route-map component "exBHF"
Water Unknown route-map component "exABZgl" Unknown route-map component "exCONTfq"
L.ª, Lam. (pj. abd.)
Unknown route-map component "WASSERl" Unknown route-map component "exhKRZWae"
11X 000 × Rio Vouga
Unknown route-map component "exSTR" + Unknown route-map component "GRZq"
116,154 SPSVZL
Unknown route-map component "exHST"
116 000 Fataunços
Unknown route-map component "exSTR" + Unknown route-map component "GRZq"
116 000 VZLSPS
Unknown route-map component "exSTR" + Unknown route-map component "GRZq"
118 000 SPSVZL
Unknown route-map component "exHST"
120,847 Real das Donas
Unknown route-map component "exTUNNEL2"
Túnel de Couraceiro(44 m)
Unknown route-map component "exBHF"
123,559 Moçâmedes
Unknown route-map component "exTUNNEL2"
Túnel de São Miguel do Mato(50 m)
Unknown route-map component "exHST"
125,775 São Miguel do Mato
Unknown route-map component "exSTR" + Unknown route-map component "GRZq"
116 000 VZLVIS
Unknown route-map component "exBHF"
129,294 Bodiosa
Unknown route-map component "exHST"
131,981 Travanca - Bodiosa
Unknown route-map component "exHST"
134,181 Mozelos
Unknown route-map component "exBHF"
135,461 Campo
Unknown route-map component "exHST"
138,487 Abraveses
Unknown route-map component "exCONTgq" Unknown route-map component "exABZg+r"
L.ª DãoS. C.-Dão (dem.)
Unknown route-map component "STR2" + Unknown route-map component "MFADEg"
Unknown route-map component "STRc3" + Unknown route-map component "exKBHFe"
140,586 Viseu
Straight track + Unknown route-map component "MFADEg"
Unknown route-map component "exLSTR" + Unknown route-map component "exKBHFe"
140,586 Viseu
Straight track Unknown route-map component "c"
Unknown route-map component "exvLSHI2l-" + Unknown route-map component "exvLSTRl-"
Unknown route-map component "exdCONTfq" Unknown route-map component "c"
L.ª TuaTua (pj. abd.)
Straight track Unknown route-map component "dCONTgq"
Unknown route-map component "exLSTR" + Transverse track
Unknown route-map component "dCONTfq"
× L.ª B. Alta
(top. desc.)
Straight track Unknown route-map component "d" Unknown route-map component "exLBHF" Unknown route-map component "d"
Seia(pj. abd.)
Straight track Unknown route-map component "d" Unknown route-map component "exLBHF"
Unknown route-map component "d" + Unknown route-map component "lGIPr"
Loriga / Serra da Estrela(pj. abd.)
Straight track Unknown route-map component "dCONTgq"
Unknown route-map component "exvLSTR+r-LSHI1+r" + Unknown route-map component "vSTR+r-"
Unknown route-map component "d"
L.ª B. BaixaAbrantes, Entroncamento
Straight track Unknown route-map component "d" Unknown route-map component "vBHF-exBHF" Unknown route-map component "d"
Straight track Unknown route-map component "d" Unknown route-map component "vBHF-exKBHFe" Unknown route-map component "d"
Unknown route-map component "STR2" Unknown route-map component "dSTRc3" Unknown route-map component "vCONTf-" Unknown route-map component "d"
L.ª B. BaixaGuarda
Continuation backward + Unknown route-map component "STRc1"
Unknown route-map component "STR+4"
000000 Ramal de Aveiro
Unknown route-map component "STRc1" Unknown route-map component "STR+4"
000000 Ramal de Aveiro
Station on track
002,700 Macinhata do Vouga
Unknown route-map component "RP2+r" + Level crossing
000000 ┤ R. Principal     
Transverse water Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae" Transverse water
P.te de Jafafe × R. Vouga
Unknown route-map component "RP2l" + Level crossing
├ R. Principal
Scenic interest Station on track
002,700 Macinhata do Vouga(museu)
Stop on track
004,700 Carvalhal da Portela
Stop on track
006,400 Valongo-Vouga
Stop on track
008,900 Aguieira
Stop on track
010,100 Mourisca do Vouga
Unknown route-map component "SKRZ-G2u"
× R. J. G. Pimenta
Station on track
014,400 Águeda
Unknown route-map component "SKRZ-G4u"
× IC2
Stop on track
017,100 Oronhe
Stop on track
018,300 Casal de Álvaro
Unknown route-map component "RP2q" + Level crossing
× EM601
Stop on track
019,700 Cabanões
Stop on track
021,300 Travassô
Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae"
× R. Águeda
Stop on track
Enter and exit short tunnel
Túnel de Eirol (74 m)
Station on track
023,700 Eirol
Unknown route-map component "SKRZ-G4u"
× A1
Stop on track
025,800 São João de Loure
Continuation backward Station on track
027,800 Eixo
Station on track
027,800 Eixo
Unknown route-map component "SKRZ-G4o"
× A17
Stop on track
Stop on track
032,500 Esgueira
Unknown route-map component "RP2q" + Level crossing
× EN230
Unknown route-map component "SKRZ-G2u"
× EN584
Continuation backward Unknown route-map component "SKRZ-G2u"
× EN109
Unknown route-map component "BHF-L" Unknown route-map component "KBHFe-R"
037,700 Aveiro
Unknown route-map component "BS2l"
Unknown route-map component "BS2c3" + Unknown route-map component "STR2"
Unknown route-map component "STRc3"
000000 L.ª Norte Porto-Campanhã
Unknown route-map component "exdCONTgq" Unknown route-map component "eKRZu"
Unknown route-map component "exdSTRq" + Unknown route-map component "dSTRc1"
Unknown route-map component "exSTR+r" + Unknown route-map component "STR+4"
R. Aveiro-Mar
Unknown route-map component "exdCONTgq" Unknown route-map component "eABZg+r" Unknown route-map component "d" Straight track
R. Canal de São Roque
Unknown route-map component "d" Unknown route-map component "BHF-L" Unknown route-map component "ldBHF-M" Unknown route-map component "KBHFe-R"
037,700 Aveiro
Continuation forward
000000 L.ª Norte
Unknown route-map component "d" Continuation forward Unknown route-map component "d"
000000 L.ª Norte Lisboa-SA